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I'm so old.. (1 Viewer)

I'm so old, I remember when companies weren't people.
Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission sucks big time. We're not even pretending corporations don't run the country anymore. After this SCOTUS decision it's easy to see that corporations are running the country right out in front of God and everybody.
A friend just said to me:

"I'm so old I remember when Republicans praising Russian agression was unacceptable and anyone who did it would dare show their face in public."

I said:

So you're like 8, then?
Remember when Bernie Sanders had his honeymoon in the actual Soviet Union, because he loved it so much, and he always had a hard on for Castro's Cuba? I'm so old I remember all the people on the left who supported Antifa rioters, who routinely flew the Soviet hammer and sickle.
A friend just said to me:

"I'm so old I remember when Republicans praising Russian agression was unacceptable and anyone who did it would dare show their face in public."

I said:

So you're like 8, then?

Pretty surreal how insane the Republican Traitor Party has become, isn't it?

It seems like ancient history, but Mitt Romney was the Republican presidential candidate less than 10 years ago. Now, he is considered a traitor by virtually the entire party. Scary times.
A friend just said to me:

"I'm so old I remember when Republicans praising Russian agression was unacceptable and anyone who did it would dare show their face in public."

I said:

So you're like 8, then?
Pretty surreal how insane the Republican Traitor Party has become, isn't it?

It seems like ancient history, but Mitt Romney was the Republican presidential candidate less than 10 years ago. Now, he is considered a traitor by virtually the entire party. Scary times.
In 2012, Romney warned of Russia and Obama excoriated him. In 2014, Putin took back Crimea, knowing the GOP would support him.
I remember back in the day when US presidents honored their oath of office, were looked up to even by the youngest children and represented and served in the best interest of the American people. That all changed when the ex-president served his full failed term at the pleasure of a murderous dictator, Mr. Putin. He is still sucking up to his master and disrespecting the USA and the American people. Mr. Putin is still smiling, while Americans cry.

… I remember all the people on the left who supported Antifa rioters, who routinely flew the Soviet hammer and sickle.
Real assholes for sure, but nothing compared to the crazy, violent Trumpsters waving American flags as they attack the government of the country it represents.
Real assholes for sure, but nothing compared to the crazy, violent Trumpsters waving American flags as they attack the government of the country it represents.
You're correct. Antifa was much more violent, had way many more violent events, had violence that lasted longer, and had systemic support from the left. They were much worse.
I'm so old I remember when making up a fake conversation with a friend to post on DP was considered a bait thread.
You're correct. Antifa was much more violent, had way many more violent events, had violence that lasted longer, and had systemic support from the left. They were much worse.
Antifa riots were not more violent than the violent attack on Congress by a huge mob of crazy ass Trumpsters.

And Antifa riots sure as **** weren’t a direct, physical assault on the seat of our federal government while in the process of carrying out it’s constitutional duty.

Comparing the two in an attempt to mitigate the profound, historic significance of the attack, and continued disinformation campaign is frankly, worse than pathetic.
Remember when Bernie Sanders had his honeymoon in the actual Soviet Union, because he loved it so much, and he always had a hard on for Castro's Cuba? I'm so old I remember all the people on the left who supported Antifa rioters, who routinely flew the Soviet hammer and sickle.
Remember when Trump was admiring Putin's attack on Ukraine, stating it was "genius"?

That happened.....today.
A friend just said to me:

"I'm so old I remember when Republicans praising Russian agression was unacceptable and anyone who did it would dare show their face in public."

I said:

So you're like 8, then?
Does it matter how old he was at the time. Putin wants Russia to be the great nation it was when it headed the USSR and he will stop at nothing to bing that about.
I remember back in the day when it was easy to ignore an 80s real estate shyster's new game show.
I watched it once. After it was over, I was about to puke. Who wants to watch people you don't know kiss Donald Trump's ass? That was the whole show: kissing Donald Trump's ass.
I watched it once. After it was over, I was about to puke. Who wants to watch people you don't know kiss Donald Trump's ass? That was the whole show: kissing Donald Trump's ass.
I figured.
is Putin smarter than Biden? I think even you commies know the answer. I don't like Putin. But he is smarter than Joe. Why did you elect that idiot? dumb move, komrades.

Also. Trump isn't president anymore. Sorry.
is Putin smarter than Biden? I think even you commies know the answer. I don't like Putin. But he is smarter than Joe. Why did you elect that idiot? dumb move, komrades.

Also. Trump isn't president anymore. Sorry.
i have yet to see any of your posts reflect a capacity to evaluate the intellect of another
A friend just said to me:

"I'm so old I remember when Republicans praising Russian agression was unacceptable and anyone who did it would dare show their face in public."

I said:

So you're like 8, then?
I remember when anyone who praised Russian aggression was considered a communist...
I remember when anyone who praised Russian aggression was considered a communist...
Now they're just authoritarians.
A friend just said to me:

"I'm so old I remember when Republicans praising Russian agression was unacceptable etc etc
Shame because Russia has so much that the US could learn from .
And that is forgetting a culture and decent food and drink .

The profit opportunities are immense but the Neocons would sooner give fifth rate countries like Ukraine billions in arms and equipment for violence .

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