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I'm No Crook? (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Feb 19, 2005
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in the middle of America
Political Leaning
And so now we know who "Deep Throat" is. Turns out he was in law enforcement; the number two man under J. Edgar Hoover at the FBI. This was the man that was groomed by the not so straight director of that institution to take his place.

W. Mark Felt, the former felon (he was convicted in 1980 of authorizing government agents to break into homes secretly to the strong consternation of the left, and without warrants but was then pardoned by President Reagan, to the strong consternation of the left), has been held up by the left wing of the country as a hero for years.

As it turns out W. Mark Felt was not only a hero to some but also a criminal who took an oath he made to all of us and threw it out for what may have been revenge. J. Edgar died one month before Watergate and President Nixon did not choose W. Mark Felt as his successor. W. Mark Felt was not a happy camper.

So far the New York Times and the Washington Post have given bare mention to the criminality of what W. Mark Felt did and the only ones they cite as having anything to say about his criminality are "old Nixon hands" Patrick Buchanan and G. Gordon Liddy, former speech writer and Republican operative. They quote W. Mark Felt's grandson as saying "people used to think he (Deep Throat) was a criminal and now they think he's a hero".

Number Two at the FBI breaks the law and there are no consequences. He's a hero. In my opinion, a true hero would have gone to the Attorney General, no matter who's Attorney General as the law dictates and told his story. If the Attorney General failed to act, then this "hero" could go public and be the "hero" his grandson thinks he is.

Even that bastion of conservatism; oops sorry; that bastion of the left leaning media MSNBC is asking if W. Mark Felt is a Hero or Traitor. Of course the vast wingy majority has to choose one or the other. I think they should be asking if he is a Hero or a Criminal. Then you can maybe choose both and be right (not meaning you can't be left).

I am glad the information that "Deep Throat" or W. Mark Felt had helped bring the Watergate Scandal to an end. I, however, don't consider him a hero at all because he broke the law just as those he would bring down did. I know it's simple to think "two wrongs don't make a right" but, they don't make the left either.

I provide no links because you can go to the New York Times or Washington Post and there is no link to a television program if I watch it on TV. Just want to be proper and supportive of the board.
:duel :cool:
gordontravels said:

W. Mark Felt,..............................has been held up by the left wing of the country as a hero for years.

:duel :cool:

Shouldn't Linda Tripp be considered a hero too then?
Are you kidding Stinger? The woman was destroyed. The only hero's the press recognize are the left wing rats. :catapult:
Stinger said:
Shouldn't Linda Tripp be considered a hero too then?
The idiocy of the right never ceases to amaze me. Comparing a BLOW JOB to a President who committed multiple felonies due to his paranoia is pathetic.

Nixon was a criminal, forced to resign in disgrace. In case you all need to be reminded when Nixon resigned he did so to avoid being impeached and then convicted. Unlike the coup d'etat attempt of the Clinton Administration Nixon lost support from everyone, Democrats AND Republicans. He was also an alcoholic at the end, delusional, and totally guilty.

Lest we forget that his wonderful Veep, Spiro Agnew was forced to resign too due to felonies he committed as governor of Maryland.

What a pair! How dark a time was it in American history when within 2 years the President and Vice President resigned in disgrace?

Clinton's impeachment was a witch hunt, bogus, totally partisan. Don't throw the BS around about Liberals trying to get Nixon! He "got" himself. How paranoid is it that you have to break into the Democratic Headquarters in a year that you will go on to win 49 States?

Nixon was the worst President in modern American history, by light years. Bush is his caddy.....
26 X World Champs said:
The idiocy of the right never ceases to amaze me. Comparing a BLOW JOB to a President who committed multiple felonies due to his paranoia is pathetic.

Nixon was a criminal, forced to resign in disgrace. In case you all need to be reminded when Nixon resigned he did so to avoid being impeached and then convicted. Unlike the coup d'etat attempt of the Clinton Administration Nixon lost support from everyone, Democrats AND Republicans. He was also an alcoholic at the end, delusional, and totally guilty.

Lest we forget that his wonderful Veep, Spiro Agnew was forced to resign too due to felonies he committed as governor of Maryland.

What a pair! How dark a time was it in American history when within 2 years the President and Vice President resigned in disgrace?

Clinton's impeachment was a witch hunt, bogus, totally partisan. Don't throw the BS around about Liberals trying to get Nixon! He "got" himself. How paranoid is it that you have to break into the Democratic Headquarters in a year that you will go on to win 49 States?

Nixon was the worst President in modern American history, by light years. Bush is his caddy.....

Nixon was crazy, but he was a crazy man who won 49 states and if not for Watergate, would have been one of the better loved presidents of our time.

Under no circumstances is what Clinton and Nixon did comparable, but it doesn't mean Clinton's actions should be brushed aside. Just like the right cant claim liberals got Nixon, the left can't claim conservatives got Clinton. They didn't plant Monica, they didn't encourage her to do what she did, they didn't trick him. It's not like he thought it was Hillary.

He knew what he was doing, and proceeded to put on a masterful show of innocence for a loooooong time.
Nixon was a criminal, forced to resign in disgrace. In case you all need to be reminded when Nixon resigned he did so to avoid being impeached and then convicted. Unlike the coup d'etat attempt of the Clinton Administration Nixon lost support from everyone, Democrats AND Republicans. He was also an alcoholic at the end, delusional, and totally guilty.
Come on Champ, get your links out here. Nixon wasn't forced to do anything. He did what was good for the country, unlike Clinton. :spin: all you want, I was old enough to remember and know you are full of :bs I didn't vote for Nixon back then, but his only crime was lying to defend his staff. Imagine that, a politician lies. Guess what -- he wasn't under oath in a court of law like Clinton was. Who was a felon?
OMG....did you really just say Nixon did this to defend his staff, I mean I have a cold and have been taking a lot of cold medince so I could be halucinating...but did you really.
Have you read any of the documentation revolving around all this Nixon stuff, this man was like J. Edgar Hoover squared and then multiply THAT number by about 20. I mean the amount of unauthorized federal wire tapps alone would be enough for him to be researching which prisons have the best conjiculal visit rooms.

He did this so wouldnt be spending 10-15 at Danburry State not to save his staff from being slapped on the wrist.

By Bringing fmr. pres. Clinton into some sort of comparison with that of Nixon only highlights the party politics of Republicans during this time and now.

I for one are with you RightatNYU what fmr. pres. Clinton did, should not be brushed aside, and I really feel that it hasnt. Monica, Linda, blue dresses and cigars were not products of the way right wingers, but the actions subsquent to this were total party politics...It was obvious that this was something that Ken Starr was trying to base his whole career on, but where is he now?

But your right RightatNYU, this is comparing apples and oranges.
RightatNYU said:
Nixon was crazy, but he was a crazy man who won 49 states and if not for Watergate, would have been one of the better loved presidents of our time.

Under no circumstances is what Clinton and Nixon did comparable, but it doesn't mean Clinton's actions should be brushed aside. Just like the right cant claim liberals got Nixon, the left can't claim conservatives got Clinton. They didn't plant Monica, they didn't encourage her to do what she did, they didn't trick him. It's not like he thought it was Hillary.

He knew what he was doing, and proceeded to put on a masterful show of innocence for a loooooong time.

Yes, Tricky **** won a bunch of states. But it turns out he may have done so using illegal activities. The whole reason for Watergate was the break in at the democratic headquarters prior to the election.

I don't know about whether the left brought down Nixon. But the right certainly went after and brought down Clinton. Sure he helped them out by lying but they spent millions trying to find something to hang him with. Everything from old land deals to travel costs. They finally found something in his personal sex life. And you're right they probably didn't plant Monica, but having an affair isn't an illegal act. Hiring guys to break into the opposing parties headquarters is.

Of all the things to come about over the past couple of days since "Deep Throat" revealed himself, by far my favorite was watching G. Gordon Liddy. He Said "this guys no hero he acted immorally." Yeah Liddy you spent time in prison for burglary because this guy spilled the beans. Don't think you got a lot of room to be claiming someone else's actions were immoral.
Pacridge said:
Yes, Tricky **** won a bunch of states. But it turns out he may have done so using illegal activities. The whole reason for Watergate was the break in at the democratic headquarters prior to the election.

I don't know about whether the left brought down Nixon. But the right certainly went after and brought down Clinton. Sure he helped them out by lying but they spent millions trying to find something to hang him with. Everything from old land deals to travel costs. They finally found something in his personal sex life. And you're right they probably didn't plant Monica, but having an affair isn't an illegal act. Hiring guys to break into the opposing parties headquarters is.

Of all the things to come about over the past couple of days since "Deep Throat" revealed himself, by far my favorite was watching G. Gordon Liddy. He Said "this guys no hero he acted immorally." Yeah Liddy you spent time in prison for burglary because this guy spilled the beans. Don't think you got a lot of room to be claiming someone else's actions were immoral.

Having the affair wasn't illegal, lying about it under oath was.
RightatNYU said:
Having the affair wasn't illegal, lying about it under oath was.

Yes but why did he end up under oath? Because the right investigated his having an affair. Again which wasn't illegal in the first place.
Pacridge said:
Yes but why did he end up under oath? Because the right investigated his having an affair. Again which wasn't illegal in the first place.

It's true. Although I would have to argue that his history of allegations of sexual harassment is something that was in fact worthy of investigation.
RightatNYU said:
It's true. Although I would have to argue that his history of allegations of sexual harassment is something that was in fact worthy of investigation.

But that's not what they were investigating. They were investigating whether he had sexual relations in the oval office with Ms. Lewinsky. Nobody made the claim that she was harassed. She certainly didn't.
But that's not what they were investigating. They were investigating whether he had sexual relations in the oval office with Ms. Lewinsky.
The investigation was in relation to the Paula Jones harassment case.
26 X World Champs said:
The idiocy of the right never ceases to amaze me. Comparing a BLOW JOB to a President who committed multiple felonies due to his paranoia is pathetic.

The denial of the left never ceases to amaze me. It was about the perjury and obstruction of justice. That's what Linda Tripp brought to the media and justice department. Lewinsky was asking her to join in a conspricy to obstruct justice, a conspricy headed up by a sitting President. Gee just like Watergate.

Nixon was a criminal,

Hmmmm, it is the left that is always saying that until someone is convicted of a crime we must declare them innocent. So what crime was Nixon convicted of? What crime was he charged with at the time?

Clinton actually committed crimes right on camera, admitted to them and was held in contempt of court. Linda Tripp exposed his conspricy to commit those crimes so why is she not a hero too?

In case you all need to be reminded when Nixon resigned he did so to avoid being impeached

And Clinton WAS impeached and held in contempt of court and plea bargained a felony, so what is your point?

Unlike the coup d'etat attempt of the Clinton Administration

How on earth could it have beena coup if the result would have been Al Gore becoming president and appointed his own Vice-President and more than likely being reelected to two more terms? Esplain that one Lucy.

Nixon lost support from everyone, Democrats AND Republicans.

So what?

He was also an alcoholic at the end, delusional, and totally guilty.

Debateable and totally discounted by those around him but I find it curious that you think attacking him personally makes your case. How silly.

Lest we forget that his wonderful Veep, Spiro Agnew

Which has nothing to do with this discussion, I take it you find your case weak and must try to make up for it with this nonsense.

Clinton's impeachment was a witch hunt, bogus

Nope it was pretty cut and dried. He committed crimes before a federal court.

, totally partisan.

The trial in the Senate and the decission to not remove him was, but the charges were completely valid.

Don't throw the BS around about Liberals trying to get Nixon! He "got" himself.

I agree but so what?

How paranoid is it that you have to break into the Democratic Headquarters in a year that you will go on to win 49 States?

I guess more so than who ever broke into the Republican Headquarters 4 times that very same year.

[/QUOTE]Nixon was the worst President in modern American history, by light years. Bush is his caddy.....[/QUOTE]

Oh you won't find many presidential historians who agree with you on that one, but they will rank Clinton as one of the most failed.
Squawker said:
The investigation was in relation to the Paula Jones harassment case.

Fair enough then how come they were checking DNA on a dress she never wore? Monica never claimed she was abused. She asked to be left alone over and over.
Pacridge said:
They finally found something in his personal sex life. And you're right they probably didn't plant Monica, but having an affair isn't an illegal act.

But lying about it in a federal courtroom is. And trying to get other people to also lie under oath is. Although I DO believe his sexual behavior in the White House was grounds to have him removed from office that was not what the Lewinsky matter was about. It was about Clinton being sued in court by another former employee who he tried to get sexual favors from, while on duty. It was about his breaking the law by lying about his other sexual activities with subordinate employees, information the plaintiff had a right to under the law. Then it was about his going in front of a federal grand jury and further lying and obstructing justice.

And the Democrats thought all that was OK.

Hiring guys to break into the opposing parties headquarters is.

Which is why a lot of people went to jail. The difference is the Republicans and conservatives do not protect Nixon while the the Democrats and the left still try to protect Clinton. If Clinton were a Republican or a conservative he would have been repudiated and sent out to pasture a long time ago, as it is he still sulley's the left.

Of all the things to come about over the past couple of days since "Deep Throat" revealed himself, by far my favorite was watching G. Gordon Liddy. He Said "this guys no hero he acted immorally."

Yeah Liddy you spent time in prison for burglary because this guy spilled the beans. Don't think you got a lot of room to be claiming someone else's actions were immoral.

And Felt was convicted of doing the same, so doesn't that make him just as "immoral"?
Pacridge said:
Yes but why did he end up under oath? Because the right investigated his having an affair. Again which wasn't illegal in the first place.

No because he was accused of sexuall assualting and sexually harassing a state employee. I you are claiming he had an "affair" with Jones I'd like to see your evidence. And yes what he did to Jones was illegal. Jone's problem was the statute of limitations had run out and she had to sue in civil court.
Pacridge said:
But that's not what they were investigating. They were investigating whether he had sexual relations in the oval office with Ms. Lewinsky.

They were investigating whether he lied about it in a federal court where he was REQUIRE BY LAW to give truthful answers. A law, the Molinari Act, which HE SIGNED to much acclimation by the feminist groups as increasing protection for women in the workplace.

Nobody made the claim that she was harassed. She certainly didn't.

But having sexual relations with subordinate workers and rewarding those workers with special favors is creating a sexually hostile workplace and other workers can sue you for sexual harassment and having sexual relations with other subordinate workers is subject to inquiry under the federal rules of evidence if you are sued in court for such actions.

Now don't you support the proposition that if a woman is sexually harassed by her boss, and she takes him to court and she knows he has asked other subordinate workers to perform sexual acts on him and they have received rewards for doing so and those that don't get nowhere and she has not because she refused that she should be able to bring those facts into court to help prove her case?
Pacridge said:
Fair enough then how come they were checking DNA on a dress she never wore? Monica never claimed she was abused. She asked to be left alone over and over.

Was she a subordinate employee whom Clinton asked to perform sexual favors during the course of her employement? Did she recieve gifts and special treatement from him after she had perfromed sexual acts on him? Were she and Clinton trying to get Tripp to commit perjury and obstruction of justice?

yes to all of the above.
Anyone of us having an affair/sexual relations/sexual harassment with a subordinate would be fired from our jobs. I have heard the argument..."not if you or I were the 'boss' or 'owner' of the business. What's wrong with that is Clinton was not the boss..."we the people" are. AND, he doesn't own the country.
The other large problem with the Clinton ordeal is that he did it in his place of work. If I were a professor at a University and were having sex in one of my classrooms or in my office, if it were proven that I was doing this, I would be releaved of my position. That is true with nearly any business. BUT, all of that put aside, is our friend "deep throat" a hero or not? I agree with Clinton on this (just saw him in an interview) in that in normal circumstances this sort of leak is a bad thing for many reasons. But, in this case, as it were, it was a noble act that needed to be done.
Pacridge said:
But that's not what they were investigating. They were investigating whether he had sexual relations in the oval office with Ms. Lewinsky. Nobody made the claim that she was harassed. She certainly didn't.

Sexual congress with a subordinate in the workplace IS sexual harassment. And obviously someone made the allegation, or they wouldn't have known where to start looking.
RightatNYU said:
Sexual congress with a subordinate in the workplace IS sexual harassment. And obviously someone made the allegation, or they wouldn't have known where to start looking.

"Sexual congress" --- LOL --- That would put a heck of a twist on the founding of this country, now wouldn't it?
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RightatNYU said:
Sexual congress with a subordinate in the workplace IS sexual harassment. And obviously someone made the allegation, or they wouldn't have known where to start looking.

So every time someone has an affair with their assistant or sec. it's sexual harassment? People like Newt Gingrich might well disagree with you.
sebastiansdreams said:
The other large problem with the Clinton ordeal is that he did it in his place of work. If I were a professor at a University and were having sex in one of my classrooms or in my office, if it were proven that I was doing this, I would be releaved of my position. That is true with nearly any business. BUT, all of that put aside, is our friend "deep throat" a hero or not? I agree with Clinton on this (just saw him in an interview) in that in normal circumstances this sort of leak is a bad thing for many reasons. But, in this case, as it were, it was a noble act that needed to be done.

Maybe but if your place of business was your residence, IE the White House, that might not transfer the logic of your argument.

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