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I'm going to hell. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 25, 2005
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Political Leaning
On Tuesday's Hardball, they showed a clip of Barbara Walters interviewing some guy (I am assuming he is an evangelical Christian) in relation to her special entitled, “Heaven: Where is it and How do we Get There?”

Here is the transcript from that clip, in part:

BARBARA WALTERS, ABC NEWS: Is President Bush an evangelical?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes. He‘s born-again. A United Methodist born-again, bible-believing man.

WALTERS: Is Laura Bush an evangelical? She has been born again?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes. As far as I know.

WALTERS: What if you‘re not born again?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If you‘re not born again, then you don‘t have the assurance of going to heaven in the after life.

: If a person does not accept Jesus Christ as his savior, does he go to hell?


Alright, who besides Kal-el is going to join me? I hear it's fun in hell. :party
aps said:
On Tuesday's Hardball, they showed a clip of Barbara Walters interviewing some guy (I am assuming he is an evangelical Christian) in relation to her special entitled, “Heaven: Where is it and How do we Get There?”

Here is the transcript from that clip, in part:

BARBARA WALTERS, ABC NEWS: Is President Bush an evangelical?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes. He‘s born-again. A United Methodist born-again, bible-believing man.

WALTERS: Is Laura Bush an evangelical? She has been born again?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes. As far as I know.

WALTERS: What if you‘re not born again?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If you‘re not born again, then you don‘t have the assurance of going to heaven in the after life.

: If a person does not accept Jesus Christ as his savior, does he go to hell?


Alright, who besides Kal-el is going to join me? I hear it's fun in hell. :party

What in the world is this "born again" business? What does it mean to be "born again"? Perhaps, this individual who was "born again" will go to hell for screwing up the first time he was born.

If hell is one big party, I'm game.
OK, wait, you mean this isn't Hell, it could get worse? I always thought anywhere other than Heaven was Hell.

Now I have to ask if this is neither place begining with an H, then where the ? are we exactly?

I need a map, and a compass please.

If Hell exists, I will be delighted for going there. My hope is sitting close enough to Nietszsche to hear him ridicule the entire Christian populace (excluding some of the catholic scholars, and most of the apostles) sitting in Hell for actually believing they could reach Heaven by NOT sinning, but not doing something.

Born again is anything you want it to mean. However, in most recent years, a born-again christian is one who can not stop yappin' about it. I don't understand how anyone can consider it a positive trait :D

Mr U
Wow. I am looking forward to going to hell. I will be surrounded by great people. :2party:
aps said:
Wow. I am looking forward to going to hell. I will be surrounded by great people. :2party:

**ding-dong** Guess who's here? ;)
mixedmedia said:
**ding-dong** Guess who's here? ;)

Come join my pah-tay, mixedmedia. :lol:

P.S. Jesus loves you anyway. ;)
Hey dont start without me. Can I bring a truck load of midgets and a keg?
jallman said:
Hey dont start without me. Can I bring a truck load of midgets and a keg?
Yes, but in order for it to be hell, the keg has to have a hole in the bottom, and the midgets don't.

Heard that in a joke, something about a guy thinking he had gone to heaven because he was in a room full of beautiful babes, and kegs of beer. Then he found out the truth, no holes in the babes, lots of holes in the kegs.

My concept of heaven, and hell, is that they are states of mind, more so than a location. But who am I to contest people important enough to be interviewed by the great BW?
aps said:
Wow. I am looking forward to going to hell. I will be surrounded by great people. :2party:

Yup. If hell does indeed exist, I bet there's all kinds of hip people down there to hang out with. And according to who is satan bad? In the book of Job, he was one of god's boys, he didn't reside in a "hell". Actually, throughout the bible, the skydaddy is shown as a jealous, trivial, serial killer diety, so ask yourselves who is the real villan?

Anyway, one must acknowledge that religion, whatever one we are talking about, needs such a burning abyss. It acts as something to scare the **** out of people, and make them obedient, mindless, sheep. IMO without satan, the church has one foot in the grave, it's going under. Ask yourself what's the point in being with god, if there's no punishment for not being with him?
aps said:
Come join my pah-tay, mixedmedia. :lol:

P.S. Jesus loves you anyway. ;)

:3oops: do you really think he likes me?
mixedmedia said:
:3oops: do you really think he likes me?

Nah, he's just using you for sex.
Party on!!!! Hell would be a much cooler place to be. And if it wasn't, I would take over and make it so. I know you people would be with me!

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