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Im finally out (1 Viewer)

Came out to my parents today. It was the single hardest thing I have ever had to do in my life. But now I can finally move on with my life.
I imagine it's difficult maintaining a pretense. Good for you. Now go and enjoy who you really are :)
Anybody gives you ****e about being gay ' just give back some quick plastic surgery. Go for a KO. 2 lefts and a haymaker right to the shnoz. Maybe you'll kill the piece of crap. Could be your day. Either that or just shoot 'em. Congratulations, but who cares if your gay? Assholes? What do you care what assholes think? Leave 'em a souvenier - scar or missing teeth. Peace and love, Jeff
Well actually transgendered and bi but thanks for the advice/congrats.

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