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Illegals (1 Viewer)


New member
Jun 24, 2005
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Ok is anyone else with me on the fact that America is becoming overpoulated with illegals. I work as a probation officer and I now see how "messed" up our judicial system and government is and this is not just one person's fault. I am a republican but I will not blame this on a democrat just as no one should blame it on th republicans because the reason that illegals are allowed to stay here make their money and go home is all of the citizens of America's fault. I have a probationer who is mexican who goes by four different(totally different) names and birth dates and obviously he has no SSN. He came into the office to state that he got a job with someone else's SSN because ; and he admitted it he is illegal' However since I work with misedeamenors I can do nothing. That is BS
The U.S. should put more effot in having stricter firearm laws, that's why over 15,000 Americans die in the United States due to murders or suicides because of firearms.
td0403 said:
Ok is anyone else with me on the fact that America is becoming overpoulated with illegals. I work as a probation officer and I now see how "messed" up our judicial system and government is and this is not just one person's fault. I am a republican but I will not blame this on a democrat just as no one should blame it on th republicans because the reason that illegals are allowed to stay here make their money and go home is all of the citizens of America's fault. I have a probationer who is mexican who goes by four different(totally different) names and birth dates and obviously he has no SSN. He came into the office to state that he got a job with someone else's SSN because ; and he admitted it he is illegal' However since I work with misedeamenors I can do nothing. That is BS

Because you work misedemanors means you can't contact people that can deport this slob, who is here illegally and appartently is a criminal. thats whats wrong with this country stand up do somthing.. be part of the solution not part of the problem. DeMaxx
Soviet_Guy said:
The U.S. should put more effot in having stricter firearm laws, that's why over 15,000 Americans die in the United States due to murders or suicides because of firearms.

OR we citizens can take our firearms and gaurd our own borders since jack is being done to fix this problem. You don't even live here why do you care about OUR countries gun control laws?

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