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Illegal iimmigration (1 Viewer)

  • Thread starter I_bleed_redwhiteandblue
  • Start date


This is a subject dear to my heart.

Illegal Immigration is crippling our country, in terms of economically and in terms of defense. If we dont close off the borders soon, 9/11 will start happenning on a daily basis.

There are over 11 million illegal immigrants in the US. These people are taking our jobs, taking our social security, sleeping with our women, getting drivers licenses, going to our schools and being educated while our classrooms get overcrowded and so our kids suffer. this whole thing is getting out of control.

We need to close the borders, not only down south, but up north too, Remember, its not racist to make immigration sensible and its not racist to love this great country of ours that our brave men and women in Iraq are fighting for and these illegal immigrants should realize that.
Welcome to Debate Politics!

Close the borders - Amnesty is not the answer.
um somehow you're misinformed.

These illegal immigrants (mainly the Mexicans) actually help our infrasturcture, they do jobs that we need down but most Americans are too lazy or pre-occupied to do.

Vague is correct, dealing with the rest. Think about it, how good would it look for the country of the free to not be free to anyone else execpt Americans.
Arch Enemy said:
These illegal immigrants (mainly the Mexicans) actually help our infrasturcture, they do jobs that we need down but most Americans are too lazy or pre-occupied to do.
Just think of the boost to our economy if hard labor was no longer dirt cheap.

Your going on the premise that stuff will NOT get done if illegals didn't do it. I propose that is wrong. Where there is a will - there is a way. It will be more expensive, but it would definatly get done. Tomatoes can be picked and houses can be built without them.
We need to close the borders, not only down south, but up north too, Remember, its not racist to make immigration sensible and its not racist to love this great country of ours that our brave men and women in Iraq are fighting for and these illegal immigrants should realize that.
I agree. Take the people on welfare and make them do the jobs the illegals did. Kill two birds with one stone.
This is happening in every state in the country. I don’t see how this is sustainable.
DANBURY, Conn. — This middle-class New England suburb is nowhere near an international border but it still has the illegal immigration problems familiar to cities like San Diego and Tucson, Ariz.
Thursday, April 28, 2005
Mayor Mark Boughton (search) blames the government for his town's inability to cope with 15,000 illegal immigrants, approximately 19 percent of the overall population.
"This is one community that has been incredibly stressed by failed federal policy and we need help," said Boughton.
Because the illegal residents aren't counted in the U.S. census, Danbury (search) doesn't receive any federal aid for them.
"In terms of our social services, this presents a tremendous strain, particularly on quality of life of our neighborhoods, our schools our health care system," Boughton said.
Residents complain the influx is killing property values. Homeowner Peter Gadiel said neighbors are fed up. "They're blue collar workers and their whole life savings is tied up in their house and they're seeing their neighborhood being destroyed."
The mayor says he wants state police officers to be deputized as federal immigration officers — giving them access to a federal database and helping them track illegal immigrants. But Connecticut's attorney general said Boughton needs the approval of the governor and others before that can happen.
Illegal aliens (specifically Mexican immigrants) typically do the work that us Americans seem to think we're "too good" to do. )I.E. Ditch digging, fruit harvesting, and other general hard labor). If you remove this cheap labor and replace it with expensive American labor, it will have an absolutely crippling effect on the economy, especially in California, which derives a significant amount of it's labor force from illegals
Arch Enemy said:
um somehow you're misinformed.

These illegal immigrants (mainly the Mexicans) actually help our infrasturcture, they do jobs that we need down but most Americans are too lazy or pre-occupied to do.

Vague is correct, dealing with the rest. Think about it, how good would it look for the country of the free to not be free to anyone else execpt Americans.

Let legal immigrants come in and do those jobs. Illegal immigrants are a drain on our resources and economy. The only government assistance they should receive is the quickest possible transport right back to the country they came from.
Kevin Johnson said:
Let legal immigrants come in and do those jobs. Illegal immigrants are a drain on our resources and economy. The only government assistance they should receive is the quickest possible transport right back to the country they came from.
The problem with that being is that Legal immigrants get paid (at least) minimum wage. Illegal immigrants are paid under the table and paid less with their employers also not paying taxes on them.

I've got a problem with a lot of the loopholes that allow illegal immigrants to stay in this country and suck off of its teat. One way to start closing them is to require that all welfare, schooling, etc be only available by producing a social security number, and also make sure that only US Citizens have social security numbers.

In my humble opinion, the biggest problem with illegal immigration isn't even being addressed by the politicians. In Mexico, an outbreak of tuberculosis is happening and spreading into the border states (California, Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico). TB is a serious disease and while curable, is costly, preventable, and there's 50% chance the person can contract the disease again.
Mexican immgrants may live in a sh*t country, but sneaking their way into mine is not the right way to go about it. Border patrol needs to instil some fear into these people, as is, they really have no reason not to repeatedly try to cross the border.
What gives us the right to tell people that they cant step over a line and live there? If I remeber correctly we did the same, but much worse. We came in, killed the natives, and set up our own system. Telling people that they cant come into this country to live is hypocracy. We need to stop thinking in terms of nationalism and start thinking of the world as a whole.
Blackflagx said:
What gives us the right to tell people that they cant step over a line and live there? If I remeber correctly we did the same, but much worse. We came in, killed the natives, and set up our own system. Telling people that they cant come into this country to live is hypocracy. We need to stop thinking in terms of nationalism and start thinking of the world as a whole.

So, by the train of thought, any of us can just come over to your house, crash on the sofa, eat your food, and watch your TV, and live off of you ad finitum without your permission.
Kevin Johnson said:
Let legal immigrants come in and do those jobs. Illegal immigrants are a drain on our resources and economy. The only government assistance they should receive is the quickest possible transport right back to the country they came from.

Fine...so make it easier to immigrate. The immigration process is unreasonably difficult, time consuming, and expensive.
immigration policy

mmatejka said:
Fine...so make it easier to immigrate. The immigration process is unreasonably difficult, time consuming, and expensive.

Absolutely. I'm currently sponsoring my Mother, she's Canadian, I'm a dual citizen, but have been living in the States for the last decade. It will take a MINIMUM of 6 months before she'll be able to move here and work. She could move here right now, but she believes in supporting herself so she has to wait. The sick part is I'm a 25 year old military vet who makes enough money to support both myself and my mother. That means I have super-duper top priority, no lines, no lists and no limits to her entry.

Her fiancee was sponsored by his parents, who have more than enough money to guarantee he would not become a burden on society. He was just recently allowed to move here and work. He originally applied in 1999. If he had been living in Mexico instead of Canada, I wouldn't have blamed him for coming over illegally rather than facing a 6 year wait.

Just think about that. Waiting 6 years so your son can legally live close to you and work. Hard enough when he's in Canada, imagine if he was in Ecuador, which has the lowest standard of living I've personally witnessed.
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Basically this is a terrible idea to close the borders. First off we are all immigrants whether you like it or not, or the people before us where. We where given this oppurtunity so why try to take it away from people now. Second of all closeing borders to say Mexico is pointless.. They come and do work that no one in America wants to do. They get enough money and more then likely go back to Mexico to raise a family on american money because thier conditions and work life is very harsh. I mean closeing borders and saying no more imgrants is stupid, even tho population would be getting to large, but then again with a president like Bush who is war happy population will be ok.....
I am fully supportive of a guest worker program in areas where there is an identified need. Taiwan has such a program and has workers coming in from the Philippines, Indonesia, Viet Nam, Thailand and other countries to work in labor intensive industries, farm workers, and domestics. It works here. If Taiwan can make it work, surely the United States can.
heir, heir shuamort!

I believe that it is time that America regulates who recieves the fruits of my labor. America has always been known as the "land of the free," and all mankind deserves this type of freedom but not at the expence of others. Most immagrents that I know see America as the "Big Hand Out!" They know before entering into our country that we will give them jobs, homes, cars, food, money, education, and many times their own business, all for what? nothing in return. Most are sending our money to their native country to support their families. This is wrong, especially when many Americans can't find jobs, pay bills, feed their families, and really do I need to go on? Wake up America, the jokes on you!
-Over 20% of all federal prisoners are illegal aliens

-The Center for Immigration Studies surveyed 48 foreign-born, Muslim terrorists who had been convicted of, or admitted to participating in terrorist acts ranging over eight years. They found that 16 of them were on temporary visas when they committed their crime. 17 were Lawful Permanent Residents of or naturalized U.S. citizens. 12 were illegal aliens. And 3 were in the process of being given asylum.

-Clearly, our Immigration policies need changed. But more importantly, they need someone in power who gives a rat’s ass about their enforcement. Unfortunately, this is one issue Bush won’t be a Republican about. (Obviously, no liberal would support sensible border controls or immigration policies).

-Individuals who are “young, unmarried, unemployed, or lack strong attachment to a residence overseas” are to be denied temporary visas according to laws that have been on the books for decades. If just this one EXISTING law were being enforced on 9/11, 9/11 would not have happened.

-Another EXISTING law that would work wonders on illegal immigration is the if the IRS and Social Security Administration would actually refuse to process W-4 forms of immigrants THEY KNOW are illegal.

-After 9/11, the INS located 2,256 of the hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants who had been ordered to leave this country over the years. To date, they have actually deported 696.

-When the INS deports someone, they almost always trust them to show back up to be deported on their own instead of detaining them. They almost never show up. The INS doesn’t pursue them.

-84% of the illegal aliens who flee deportation hearings and are not pursued are from terror-sponsoring nations.

-There are currently over ten million illegal aliens registered (not to mention how many are unregistered) with government offices in the U.S.

-In his usual baffling ability to be uniquely wrong in multiple ways per statement, Ted Kennedy said in defense of the 1965 Immigration Reform Act that “our cities will not be flooded with a million immigrants annually.” He went on, “no immigrant visa will be granted to a person who is likely to become a public charge.” And then, he said, “mass immigration will not cause American workers to lose their jobs.”

Illegal immigrants flood job markets and drive down the cost of labor so much that American workers cannot work for as little as the particular industry being flooded is then paying. They don’t just shovel horse crap and mow lawns. They, for example, do roofing jobs for 1/10 the price of your average American contractor, and in my hometown they are currently turning meat packing into a job liberals will say “only immigrant will do.” It’s a lie. They rape the American worker in immeasurable ways. Where is the left’s phony populist, “standing up for the little guy” routine on this issue? Or on NAFTA for that matter? Or a hundred other issues that ACTUALLY indicate whether or not you represent the little guy at all?

Anyway, even if American workers had to take minimum wage for the jobs illegal immigrants are currently doing, wouldn’t that be better than having all those Americans on unemployment/welfare? Every illegal immigrant who gets a job in America creates another welfare recipient.
Interesting Thoughts from a Southern Californian
Author not known

Try driving around as a Gringo in Mexico with no liability insurance..... and have an accident...

Enter MEXICO illegally. Never mind immigration quotas, visas, international law, or any of that nonsense.

Once there, demand that the local government provide free medical care for you and your entire family.

Demand bilingual nurses and doctors.

Demand free bilingual local government forms, bulletins, etc.

Procreate abundantly. Deflect any criticism of this allegedly irresponsible reproductive behavior with, "It is a cultural United States thing. You would not understand, pal."

Keep your American identity strong. Fly Old Glory from your rooftop, or proudly display it in your front window or on your car bumper.

Speak only English at home and in public and insist that your children do likewise.

Demand classes on American culture in the Mexican school system.

Demand a local Mexican driver license. This will afford other legal rights and will go far to legitimize your unauthorized, illegal, presence in Mexico.

Insist that local Mexican law enforcement teach English to all its officers. Good luck! Because it will never happen. It will not happen in Mexico or any other country in the world... except right here in the United States... Land of the naive!
Arthur Fonzarelli said:
Interesting Thoughts from a Southern Californian
Author not known

Try driving around as a Gringo in Mexico with no liability insurance..... and have an accident...

Enter MEXICO illegally. Never mind immigration quotas, visas, international law, or any of that nonsense.

Once there, demand that the local government provide free medical care for you and your entire family.

Demand bilingual nurses and doctors.

Demand free bilingual local government forms, bulletins, etc.

Procreate abundantly. Deflect any criticism of this allegedly irresponsible reproductive behavior with, "It is a cultural United States thing. You would not understand, pal."

Keep your American identity strong. Fly Old Glory from your rooftop, or proudly display it in your front window or on your car bumper.

Speak only English at home and in public and insist that your children do likewise.

Demand classes on American culture in the Mexican school system.

Demand a local Mexican driver license. This will afford other legal rights and will go far to legitimize your unauthorized, illegal, presence in Mexico.

Insist that local Mexican law enforcement teach English to all its officers. Good luck! Because it will never happen. It will not happen in Mexico or any other country in the world... except right here in the United States... Land of the naive!

Well known. Ask is it worth the comparatively small cost of Mexicans in America vs. the votes gained from the Hispanic community possibly pushing Reps into office to deal with the big picture as they see fit. Little ventured much gained.
ludahai said:
I am fully supportive of a guest worker program in areas where there is an identified need. Taiwan has such a program and has workers coming in from the Philippines, Indonesia, Viet Nam, Thailand and other countries to work in labor intensive industries, farm workers, and domestics. It works here. If Taiwan can make it work, surely the United States can.

Yang guizi shou hao.
teacher said:
Yang guizi shou hao.
Although the US doesn't have an official language, DebatePolitics.com does. Please keep your posts in English.

Many thanks,
Moderator Shuamort.
shuamort said:
Although the US doesn't have an official language, DebatePolitics.com does. Please keep your posts in English.

Many thanks,
Moderator Shuamort.

Even worse, that post used Hanyu Pinyin, not real Chinese, so I have no idea what he said anyway.

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