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I'LL BE BACK!: Cindy Sheehan leaving Crawford. Mother ill. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 17, 2005
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"I'll be back" Cindy said and let's hope her mother recovers and is well, also let us hope Cindy Sheehan does indeed return to carry the fight to President Bush's own back yard in Crawford.


CRAWFORD, Texas - The grieving woman who started an anti-war demonstration near President Bush's ranch nearly two weeks ago said Thursday she was leaving because her mother had a stroke.

Cindy Sheehan told reporters she had just received the phone call and was leaving immediately to be with her 74-year-old mother at a Los Angeles hospital.

"I'll be back as soon as possible if it's possible," she said. After hugging some of her supporters, Sheehan and her sister, Deedee Miller, got in a van and left for the Waco airport about 20 miles away...
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I do hope her mother recovers but I wonder if this is a message from God teeling her to butt out..........
Navy Pride said:
I do hope her mother recovers but I wonder if this is a message from God teeling her to butt out..........

For some reason I think that God is anti war....:smile:
She'll be back, she's not done with her 15 minutes (which seems to have turned into 12 days) of fame.

I respect the lady for making such a stand and I hope she continues, she has every right to!
vandree said:
For some reason I think that God is anti war....:smile:

No, dear friend. God is Pro-War, he doesn't love, he destroys.
Navy Pride said:
He is also for justice........
Honestly, do you care. Major religions came out against this war. Hell, even the holy father said the war wasn't justified under what was happening and that it could be accomplished other ways.

But of course, you are always right and you cannot be wrong oh wise one.
Arch Enemy said:
I don't consider the sacrificing of innocent lives as justice.

I know, you don't think anything is worth fighting for......Your a typical liberal...If someone broke into you house and raped and murdered your wife and daughter you would just offer them breakfast.......

Navy Pride said:
I know, you don't think anything is worth fighting for......Your a typical liberal...If someone broke into you house and raped and murdered your wife and daughter you would just offer them breakfast.......


I'm a liberal, just out of curiosity, why would you want to break into my house? :roll:
KidRocks said:
I'm a liberal, just out of curiosity, why would you want to break into my house? :roll:

Now I want you to concentrate like a laser beam if that is possible and look and see who I was responding too with my post...........Thanks.........
KidRocks said:
"I'll be back" Cindy said and let's hope her mother recovers and is well, also let us hope Cindy Sheehan does indeed return to carry the fight to President Bush's own back yard in Crawford.


CRAWFORD, Texas - The grieving woman who started an anti-war demonstration near President Bush's ranch nearly two weeks ago said Thursday she was leaving because her mother had a stroke.

Cindy Sheehan told reporters she had just received the phone call and was leaving immediately to be with her 74-year-old mother at a Los Angeles hospital.

"I'll be back as soon as possible if it's possible," she said. After hugging some of her supporters, Sheehan and her sister, Deedee Miller, got in a van and left for the Waco airport about 20 miles away...
She can't stay away from her soap box for too long, even if it is her own son's coffin. :roll:
Navy Pride said:
I know, you don't think anything is worth fighting for......Your a typical liberal...If someone broke into you house and raped and murdered your wife and daughter you would just offer them breakfast.......

Hmmm...no. We would want them locked up. I can't speak for others, but that is what I would want. I would want him to serve his time and then hopefully be a productive member of society after rehabilitation.
Navy Pride said:
I know, you don't think anything is worth fighting for......Your a typical liberal...If someone broke into you house and raped and murdered your wife and daughter you would just offer them breakfast.......


There's a difference between killing innocent people and locking up a criminal because they murdered my wife and daughter. Here since the conservative mentality blinds you, let me tell you the difference between a INNOCENT civilian and a GUILTY MURDERER. The people who are dying in Iraq because a "stray" bullet just so happens to hit them in the face, or those who get blown to bits and pieces becasue they just so happen to be in the blast radius.. those are INNOCENT civlians. The sick, sick man you just dreamed up.. who supposedly, kills my wife and daughter is a GUILTY MURDERER.

You're absoltuely right, I wouldn't want him locked up.. if it was my family I'd track his ass down and kill him myself, but that's because I have a short-fuse. Murderers in general should be locked-up and stay locked-up. But INNOCENT civilians shouldn't be deprived of life just because War-Boy George wants to make a name for himself. George W. Bush doesn't care about the Iraqi people, he doesn't care about the American Troops.. I don't know what he cares about but whatever it is... it drives him to the point of declaring war.
Arch Enemy said:
I don't know what he cares about but whatever it is... it drives him to the point of declaring war.

M-O-N-E-Y!! For me and my friends
ShamMol said:
Hmmm...no. We would want them locked up. I can't speak for others, but that is what I would want. I would want him to serve his time and then hopefully be a productive member of society after rehabilitation.

What if there was no one to protect you and lock them up? You would let them do what they wanted.......You won't even use force to defend your own family........
I hope her mom recovers and I hope she returns to her peaceful protest. America stands behind you Cindy.
Navy Pride said:
Now I want you to concentrate like a laser beam if that is possible and look and see who I was responding too with my post...........Thanks.........

Well I assumed you were the one who would break into my house and rape and murder my wife and daughter since you dispise unarmed, meek liberals so much.

And no, I would not offer you breakfast afterwards but the police might. :cool:
scottyz said:
I hope her mom recovers and I hope she returns to her peaceful protest. America stands behind you Cindy.
No, the radical leftist fringe, David Duke, and the people who killed her son stand behind her and support her views. She is, quite frankly, a disingenuous disgrace to America.
battleax86 said:
No, the radical leftist fringe, David Duke, and the people who killed her son stand behind her and support her views. She is, quite frankly, a disingenuous disgrace to America.

Frankly my dear, it is you r-wing extremists who are disingenuous and a disgrace to America simply because you despise the women opposes President Bush and his dirty little war that kills Americans needlessly (not to mention her son).

You extremists are cowards through and through! This is HER son you fools and she can protest against President Bush all she wants.

You r-wing extremists on the other hand are shamlessly exploiting her cause just to quench your politically-correct, r-wing agenda! You guys suck!
KidRocks said:
Frankly my dear, it is you r-wing extremists who are disingenuous and a disgrace to America simply because you despise the women opposes President Bush and his dirty little war that kills Americans needlessly (not to mention her son).
1. The war is not needless, but that's a different issue.

2. I don't despise her because she opposes the war. I despise her because she is demanding another meeting with President Bush for no other reason than to go off on the guy. I also despise her because she supports the forced removal of the Jews from Israel. Coupled with her current antics, she is the darling of David Duke, Hamas, and the very insurgents who killed her son. The fact is that she has already met with President Bush in June 2004, after her son died, and had positive things to say about the President.

"'I now know he's sincere about wanting freedom for the Iraqis,' Cindy said after their meeting. 'I know he's sorry and feels some pain for our loss. And I know he's a man of faith.'

"The meeting didn't last long, but in their time with Bush, Cindy spoke about Casey and asked the president to make her son's sacrifice count for something. They also spoke of their faith.

"The trip had one benefit that none of the Sheehans expected.

"For a moment, life returned to the way it was before Casey died. They laughed, joked and bickered playfully as they briefly toured Seattle.

For the first time in 11 weeks, they felt whole again.

"'That was the gift the president gave us, the gift of happiness, of being together,' Cindy said."

-- The Vacaville (Ca.) Reporter, June 24, 2004

Now she has changed her story on the meeting and is merely using her son's death as a publicity stunt. She is disingenuous in the extreme.

KidRocks said:
You extremists are cowards through and through!
More rantings from Dem hack. :roll:

KidRocks said:
This is HER son you fools and she can protest against President Bush all she wants.
Yes, and we can call her out for being a disingenuous, anti-Israeli media-whore.

KidRocks said:
You r-wing extremists on the other hand are shamlessly exploiting her cause just to quench your politically-correct, r-wing agenda! You guys suck!

Conservatives are attempting to exploit her cause? That's the best one I've heard all day. :rofl

It was the Left who made this thing into a media circus. Trust me, conservatives have nothing to gain from "exploiting her cause." We generally don't like to embarrass America by showcasing morons like her.
battleax86 said:
1. The war is not needless, but that's a different issue.

2. I don't despise her because she opposes the war. I despise her because she is demanding another meeting with President Bush for no other reason than to go off on the guy. I also despise her because she supports the forced removal of the Jews from Israel. Coupled with her current antics, she is the darling of David Duke, Hamas, and the very insurgents who killed her son. The fact is that she has already met with President Bush in June 2004, after her son died, and had positive things to say about the President.

"'I now know he's sincere about wanting freedom for the Iraqis,' Cindy said after their meeting. 'I know he's sorry and feels some pain for our loss. And I know he's a man of faith.'

"The meeting didn't last long, but in their time with Bush, Cindy spoke about Casey and asked the president to make her son's sacrifice count for something. They also spoke of their faith.

"The trip had one benefit that none of the Sheehans expected.

"For a moment, life returned to the way it was before Casey died. They laughed, joked and bickered playfully as they briefly toured Seattle.

For the first time in 11 weeks, they felt whole again.

"'That was the gift the president gave us, the gift of happiness, of being together,' Cindy said."

-- The Vacaville (Ca.) Reporter, June 24, 2004

Now she has changed her story on the meeting and is merely using her son's death as a publicity stunt. She is disingenuous in the extreme.

More rantings from Dem hack. :roll:

Yes, and we can call her out for being a disingenuous, anti-Israeli media-whore.


Conservatives are attempting to exploit her cause? That's the best one I've heard all day. :rofl

It was the Left who made this thing into a media circus. Trust me, conservatives have nothing to gain from "exploiting her cause." We generally don't like to embarrass America by showcasing morons like her.

Foul mouth conservatives are indeed exploiting her cause, it's all over hate-radio, all over FoxNews, all over the internet, blogs, etc- the r-wing extremists are all over this like stink on shi#!
Frankly I feel sorry for Cindy and her family… doesn’t she know that by protesting the war she is going against everything her son fought and died for? Bush did not let her son die in vain; she did by exploiting his death in this media charade.
Timequake said:
Frankly I feel sorry for Cindy and her family… doesn’t she know that by protesting the war she is going against everything her son fought and died for? Bush did not let her son die in vain; she did by exploiting his death in this media charade.

I wonder if anyone asked her this question...

"Don't you think your son's re-enlistment proves that his views are the exact opposite of yours?"
KidRocks said:
Foul mouth conservatives are indeed exploiting her cause, it's all over hate-radio, all over FoxNews, all over the internet, blogs, etc- the r-wing extremists are all over this like stink on shi#!
If by "right-wing extremists," you mean David Duke, you're right. He is all over this and fully supports her.

Now, I'm not going to lower myself to your level by coming up with little rhetorical rebuttals to your partisan rhetoric (I'm not going to call Air America "Air Jazeera" or any crap like that), but my point is that it was the liberal media that decided to make this crap into the circus that it is. It is the talk radio and the blogs that are rebutting the loaded tripe she's spewing, not exploiting her "cause" like the Michael Moore and MoveOn.org crowd.

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