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If you watch anything today, it should be Brian Schatz absolutely dismantling Josh Hawley. (1 Viewer)

It is folks like you who really should be listening to what he is saying because he is telling the simple truth about Hawley, you might learn something about your beloved leadership.

Well, "It is folks like you" that makes normal folks puke when they think of politicians. You literally get off on and cheer one politician crying and whining about another politician. No one but a left wing loon could give a rats ass about this twit's personal opinion of Hawley.
Well, "It is folks like you" that makes normal folks puke when they think of politicians. You literally get off on and cheer one politician crying and whining about another politician. No one but a left wing loon cold give a rats ass about this twit's personal opinion of Hawley.
This has nothing to do with personal opinion. The man is stating facts you're too cowardly to deal with. Conservatives were once brave patriots looking out for the good of the country. Today's neo-conservatives are undereducted cultists living in a fantasy world and thriving in an alternate reality where they refuse to accept inconvenient facts. It's not their fault - they're the product of a broken system of education.
Well, "It is folks like you" that makes normal folks puke when they think of politicians. You literally get off on and cheer one politician crying and whining about another politician. No one but a left wing loon could give a rats ass about this twit's personal opinion of Hawley.
Hawley is a piece of the cancer that has attached itself to the gop, nothing good will come from him for the gop in the long run. His mouth overrules his sense.
This has nothing to do with personal opinion. The man is stating facts you're too cowardly to deal with. Conservatives were once brave patriots looking out for the good of the country. Today's neo-conservatives are undereducted cultists living in a fantasy world and thriving in an alternate reality where they refuse to accept inconvenient facts. It's not their fault - they're the product of a broken system of education.
And the one department the right has been trying to kill for years, yup, the ooops candidate was gonna' abolish it if he could have only remembered the department of education. Talk about dumbing down the citizens of america. I'm so happy I went to catholic school starting in 1959.
Hawley is a piece of the cancer that has attached itself to the gop, nothing good will come from him for the gop in the long run. His mouth overrules his sense.
And Pelosi is a disgusting piece of excrement that is ruining this country with her loon policies and I will dance on on her grave when she passes. But I wouldn't waste my time listening to fellow congresscrritter whining and moaning about her.
It does have to do with your refusal to even listen to facts about Hawley but hey, if you wish to keep yourself ignorant, that's on you.
"folks like you" can't distinguish fact from opinion. Sad.
And Pelosi is a disgusting piece of excrement that is ruining this country with her loon policies and I will dance on on her grave when she passes. But I wouldn't waste my time listening to fellow congresscrritter whining and moaning about her.
Why stop with nancy when you could have just said it's the dems with their loon policies destroying 'your' america.

Just remember, when you are pointing your finger at someone, there are three other fingers pointing back at you...boebert, greene and hawley.
"folks like you" can't distinguish fact from opinion. Sad.
How would you know? You didn't listen to the man. You have no idea if was stating facts or opinion or one fish two fish, red fish blue fish.

Why are you posting on this thread when you don't know what you're posting about because you didn't listen to it? Typical neo-conservative. Real conservatives are an endangered species.
Why stop with nancy when you could have just said it's the dems with their loon policies destroying 'your' america.

Just remember, when you are pointing your finger at someone, there are three other fingers pointing back at you...boebert, greene and hawley.
OK. Give it me, what is the most damning "fact" this twit spewed about Hawley.
"folks like you" can't distinguish fact from opinion. Sad.


Hawley is sabotaging national security by refusing to approve positions in the DOD, until the secretary of defense resigns. For no reason.

He has expressed solidarity with an insurrection attempt on the US government.

He is a public manace.
You are making an arse of yourself with your bluster.
Back atcha bongs. All you guys can muster are the most pitiful personal insults against me rather than supporting this twit's words
OK. Give it me, what is the most damning "fact" this twit spewed about Hawley.
Two minutes and twenty seconds will give you all the info your are asking for directly from the horse's mouth, not mine.
Back atcha bongs. All you guys can muster are the most pitiful personal insults against me rather than supporting this twit's words
Honestly? I am curious as to what you consider a 'personal' insult. I think you are the only one using the word twit.

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