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If you want to help your Country, send your President Light! (1 Viewer)

Dec 3, 2005
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St.gallen, Switzerland
Political Leaning
"To amuse the public, the night clubs, theatres, television and radio in so many countries present their leaders in ridiculous and grotesque ways! ‘Many of them deserve it,’ you say. This may be so, but even if they deserve it, this is not the way to urge them to improve themselves. On the contrary, constantly exposing them to criticism and a lack of respect by their citizens creates conditions in which they make bad decisions and other mistakes. If you truly want to help your country, instead of continually denouncing the person in charge, send him light so that he may always be inspired. You cannot help your country as a whole, because it is immense, but it is enough to help just one person. It is easier, and this one person can do good for everyone, because he is in charge of many things. If he succeeds in having good laws passed for public heath, housing, education and employment, everyone will benefit from the fact that this one person has been so inspired."

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov
Solve et Coagula said:
"To amuse the public, the night clubs, theatres, television and radio in so many countries present their leaders in ridiculous and grotesque ways! ‘Many of them deserve it,’ you say. This may be so, but even if they deserve it, this is not the way to urge them to improve themselves. On the contrary, constantly exposing them to criticism and a lack of respect by their citizens creates conditions in which they make bad decisions and other mistakes. If you truly want to help your country, instead of continually denouncing the person in charge, send him light so that he may always be inspired. You cannot help your country as a whole, because it is immense, but it is enough to help just one person. It is easier, and this one person can do good for everyone, because he is in charge of many things. If he succeeds in having good laws passed for public heath, housing, education and employment, everyone will benefit from the fact that this one person has been so inspired."

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

Good point Solve, However, Bush's actions are hard not to dislike. The facts are the facts. If one does not agree with his actions, why pretend to support it? By the Way, "public heath, housing, education and employment, everyone will benefit from the fact that this one person has been so inspired." He is a republican, republicans do not support this.
Solve et Coagula said:
"To amuse the public, the night clubs, theatres, television and radio in so many countries present their leaders in ridiculous and grotesque ways! ‘Many of them deserve it,’ you say. This may be so, but even if they deserve it, this is not the way to urge them to improve themselves. On the contrary, constantly exposing them to criticism and a lack of respect by their citizens creates conditions in which they make bad decisions and other mistakes. If you truly want to help your country, instead of continually denouncing the person in charge, send him light so that he may always be inspired. You cannot help your country as a whole, because it is immense, but it is enough to help just one person. It is easier, and this one person can do good for everyone, because he is in charge of many things. If he succeeds in having good laws passed for public heath, housing, education and employment, everyone will benefit from the fact that this one person has been so inspired."

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

I'm not trying to be rude, but do you truly understand our politics? Public Health Reform, welfare benefits and even Social Security Reform comes with a Democrat in power. Republicans don't support this but are against it. They are for the rich.
This statement isn't an espousing of any particular political view; it is neither for welfare and public housing, nor against them. what it asks for is unity and harmony. It puts it in the terms of material objects that Democrats would want only because Democrats, as a whole, are more willing to be open-minded spiritually, and people that are already open-minded spiritually, of whatever political stripe, tend to be willing to help others through these or similar government programs. What are the chances of a Republican sending Bush light in order to reduce taxes and create school vouchers?
Bush will do whatever the people want him to do, and/or whatever will keep him in power, and we all know it. Bush only maintains the war because it keeps him on power. If the people threatened to remove him from office unless he doubled welfare and affordable housing, he would do that. He would do whatever it took to appease us, for we are many. All it takes is harmony and cooperation. Call it light, or call it a grass-roots protest movement; what's the difference? If the people are united in a common cause, no government could stand against us. All we need to do is find a common cause, and I refuse to believe that's truly as hard as it seems.
A common cause? In my view men will not rouse together for anything but bread and games.

It puts it in the terms of material objects that Democrats would want only because Democrats, as a whole, are more willing to be open-minded spiritually, and people that are already open-minded spiritually, of whatever political stripe, tend to be willing to help others through these or similar government programs.

Spiritually openminded? I was at a convention for entrepreneurs in the southern half of the Netherlands, at a workshop, where I believed I was going to get information on "the flipside on success". What I got was a female economist who said she had just finished an education of spiritual advisor. She began the workshop by playing classical music to 'calm us' (some people started debating on the composer of the music). In total, about 50 entrepreneurs were sitting there, amongst others, people like the CEO of DSM, and about 5000 euros were wasted there in just them sitting them thinking of their wants in life. I left, but the point is that spirituality in practice leads to people asking dumb questions to people who should know better, and should be working.

I'm libertarian. I'm willing to help others, yes, I give judo-classes to young children each monday, I have helped demented people, volunteered. The difference between me and a democrat is that I believe in people helping each other out. I don't think a government should be made to force others to help, by giving taxes, for example.
Where democrats force you to pay taxes, I say, decide what you want to do with it, but also be willing to be called to responsibility when the local newspaper calls you out for what you are.

Bush doesn't need spirituality, Bush needs to represent himself better, show the rumours that are going around to be false.

Mr U
alphieb said:
I'm not trying to be rude, but do you truly understand our politics? Public Health Reform, welfare benefits and even Social Security Reform comes with a Democrat in power. Republicans don't support this but are against it. They are for the rich.

Well, the American people vote them in and Republicans now control the Presidency, the House, the Senate and the majority of governorships and state legislatures.
CoffeeSaint said:
Bush will do whatever the people want him to do, and/or whatever will keep him in power, and we all know it.

Sounds more like Clinton and his constant stream of polls. Actually, Bush has his mind set and does what he thinks is right regardless of what the majority of Americans think. The only time I can think of Bush ever changing his mind on anything during his 5 years in office is the McCain torture bill. Other than that, the guy hardly budges.

CoffeeSaint said:
Bush only maintains the war because it keeps him on power.

He maintains the war because to do otherwise would be a disaster.
The Real McCoy said:
Well, the American people vote them in and Republicans now control the Presidency, the House, the Senate and the majority of governorships and state legislatures.

That is correct, but WHY? I guess they don't know any better.
alphieb said:
That is correct, but WHY? I guess they don't know any better.

Tax cuts are always a nice incentive. People keep more of their money and businesses have less of a burden, the economy grows, unemployment drops...

That's probably the biggest reason, people tend to vote with their wallets.
HU-210 said:
A common cause? In my view men will not rouse together for anything but bread and games.
A lovely statement. And totally misleading, considering how wide the range of possible issues concerned with "bread" and "games" could be.

HU-210 said:
Spiritually openminded? I was at a convention for entrepreneurs in the southern half of the Netherlands, at a workshop, where I believed I was going to get information on "the flipside on success". What I got was a female economist who said she had just finished an education of spiritual advisor. She began the workshop by playing classical music to 'calm us' (some people started debating on the composer of the music). In total, about 50 entrepreneurs were sitting there, amongst others, people like the CEO of DSM, and about 5000 euros were wasted there in just them sitting them thinking of their wants in life. I left, but the point is that spirituality in practice leads to people asking dumb questions to people who should know better, and should be working.
Right. You were not open-minded to a more spiritual approach, and so this was a waste of time and money. Does that mean it was the same for all others there? Are you suggesting that spirituality inspires nothing and no one, or just that it doesn't inspire you?

HU-210 said:
I'm libertarian. I'm willing to help others, yes, I give judo-classes to young children each monday, I have helped demented people, volunteered. The difference between me and a democrat is that I believe in people helping each other out. I don't think a government should be made to force others to help, by giving taxes, for example.
Where democrats force you to pay taxes, I say, decide what you want to do with it, but also be willing to be called to responsibility when the local newspaper calls you out for what you are.
I was saying that the OP doesn't espouse any particular political strategy; I don't believe I did, either. And the simple fact is that I don't trust my fellow citizens to make all of the right choices. I think there is a possible society where I could trust them, and the first step to achieving it is education, followed by making individuals responsible for their own lives as you are suggesting, but we can't skip the education. We'd end up with very rich churches, very rich animal shelters, very rich pro-life establishments, and very little else. Until then? I'll take a government that guides myself and my fellow blind idiots, as long as the government is responsive to our will, as well as showing us the right things to do.

HU-210 said:
Bush doesn't need spirituality, Bush needs to represent himself better, show the rumours that are going around to be false.

Mr U
Agreed, though sadly, they aren't false. Hence his unfortunate situation, in which he tries to prove the truth to be false, and his lies to be true.
The Real McCoy said:
Sounds more like Clinton and his constant stream of polls. Actually, Bush has his mind set and does what he thinks is right regardless of what the majority of Americans think. The only time I can think of Bush ever changing his mind on anything during his 5 years in office is the McCain torture bill. Other than that, the guy hardly budges.
Really? Go back and look at his first State off the Union, or his Inaugural speech. Tax cuts, No Child Left Behind, tax cuts, election reform, tax cuts, and smaller government. Now? Terrorists, terrorists, and more terrorists. Not that that was necessarily the wrong thing to do, but he has dropped everything he stood for, in favor of the war. You're right, however, in that he hasn't been particularly responsive to the people's will; I should have made the point that he uses the war to keep us in line with his own obsessions. But I still think that he would pay attention to enough people speaking out against his policies, if they were the right people. He's a politician. It's instinct.

The Real McCoy said:
He maintains the war because to do otherwise would be a disaster.

The war is the disaster, and it already happened. Actually, the disasters happened years ago: on 12/13/00, and on 9/11/01. We have simply piled more disasters on top of those.
CoffeeSaint said:
Really? Go back and look at his first State off the Union, or his Inaugural speech. Tax cuts, No Child Left Behind, tax cuts, election reform, tax cuts, and smaller government. Now? Terrorists, terrorists, and more terrorists. Not that that was necessarily the wrong thing to do, but he has dropped everything he stood for, in favor of the war. You're right, however, in that he hasn't been particularly responsive to the people's will; I should have made the point that he uses the war to keep us in line with his own obsessions. But I still think that he would pay attention to enough people speaking out against his policies, if they were the right people. He's a politician. It's instinct.

Well, the worst attack on American soil in the history of our country has that effect of changing priorites.

CoffeeSaint said:
The war is the disaster, and it already happened. Actually, the disasters happened years ago: on 12/13/00, and on 9/11/01. We have simply piled more disasters on top of those.

Precisely why we can't give up. I don't know about you but I'm in favor of cleaning a mess up rather than abandoning it after it's made.

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