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If you had to guess right now.... (1 Viewer)

If you had to guess right now - will Joe Biden run for reelection?

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If you had to guess right now ................. will Joe Biden run for reelection in 2024?

Yes, I know it's too soon to know for sure. Yes, I know it's just guessing. If you don't want to guess, don't vote. :)
He's running--that is what Psaki's replacement will be for.
He will likely win easily.
If you had to guess right now ................. will Joe Biden run for reelection in 2024?

Yes, I know it's too soon to know for sure. Yes, I know it's just guessing. If you don't want to guess, don't vote. :)
No. He's fulfilled his purpose. The Dem Elites will pick another puppet.
I expect him not to run again - there's enough time for promising candidates to emerge from the fog, he's old, and if Trump runs again then let's face it, the Democrats could run a turnip against him and win. Biden will have done his service and should retire and become the oldest retiree to drive a drop-top muscle car and look good doing it.

In any case, all the pro-Elon Musk conservatives will get behind Andrew Yang in short order.
I think I'm 60% no on this one right now.
If you had to guess right now ................. will Joe Biden run for reelection in 2024?

Yes, I know it's too soon to know for sure. Yes, I know it's just guessing. If you don't want to guess, don't vote. :)
I think it's less than 50-50 that he runs for reelection.
I expect him not to run again - there's enough time for promising candidates to emerge from the fog, he's old, and if Trump runs again then let's face it, the Democrats could run a turnip against him and win. Biden will have done his service and should retire and become the oldest retiree to drive a drop-top muscle car and look good doing it.

In any case, all the pro-Elon Musk conservatives will get behind Andrew Yang in short order.
One of the things that really disappointed me about his cabinet selections was that he didn't really look to building Democratic Party bench strength through them. I would have liked to have seen more up and comers in the prestige positions (State, Defense, AG, Treasury).
Not sure what that means....
Psaki is being replaced to get someone who is a better spokesman for Biden 2024 and not just merely the White House communications office.
"Run?" LOL - no, meander maybe.

All depends (no pun intended) on what his handlers tell him to do.
Psaki is being replaced to get someone who is a better spokesman for Biden 2024 and not just merely the White House communications office.

Hmmmm. Maybe.
If you had to guess right now ................. will Joe Biden run for reelection in 2024?

Yes, I know it's too soon to know for sure. Yes, I know it's just guessing. If you don't want to guess, don't vote. :)
I know he wants to run again and fully intends to. But he is a losing candidate in my view for 2024. It will take an extraordinary effort for the party to push aside a sitting President and presumptive nominee. The last time this scenario seemed to be brimming, LBJ shocked the world and actually took 'the hint' in 1969. I sure hope Biden ( who I have great great respect for, and who has actually done remarkably well in his role) does the same and steps aside, but I don't know how the party can force him out and its almost impossible to imagine a challenger to take sufficient numbers of primaries and caucuses to rip the nomination away.

I think we have a serious problem.
Hmmmm. Maybe.

I don't follow politics as closely as I used to and maybe I got conditioned during the Trump years but it sure seems as though there is almost no fanfare for anything Biden does.

Stimulus--$1,400 for every American...pretty big deal.
Booster roll out near complete success. This is not an easy "fire and forget" thing to do...there are logistical challenges that go way beyond the pale when you have frozen/near frozen supply chains
Infrastructure bill...
Highlighting the ending of America's involvement in Afghanistan
KBJ nomination, confirmation

All of this seems to have been just "okay....and?" type of things. If Trump was able to tie his shoes without having to be resuscitated, it was celebrated like running a 3 minute mile.
You didn't let me guess!!

I am gonna say it anyway... my guess is: Rainbow
"Run?" LOL - no, meander maybe.

All depends (no pun intended) on what his handlers tell him to do.
But it leads us to... is there nobody better than either Trump or Biden that is not two steps away from dementia or a heart attack...

So, where are the Kennedy's and Obamas? Where are the future leaders because I must say, our choices now are ****ing pathetic.
If you had to guess right now ................. will Joe Biden run for reelection in 2024?

Yes, I know it's too soon to know for sure. Yes, I know it's just guessing. If you don't want to guess, don't vote. :)
I don't see why he wouldn't. Isn't that something every president serving his first term does? Unless he resigns, dies some old age related ailment or is assassinated he will run another term.

Oh, he will want to. But he will lack the cognitive and physical strength to do so.

Furthermore, everyone (including Dr. Biden and President Obama) will ask him to refrain for the sake of the Democratic Party.

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