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If this were an actual news story... (1 Viewer)

M14 Shooter

DP Veteran
Sep 30, 2005
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Toledo-ish OH
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
… what would be the reaction from the left?

Atlanta, Georgia - Five Christian militant groups, including the 700 club, denounced the 2012 elections as a "satanic project" that violates God's law and vowed to continue their war to establish an Christian government in the country. But the Internet posting made no threats to disrupt Tuesday’s congressional and Presidential elections, unlike previous statements before balloting in 2008 and 2010, when militants warned they would attack polling stations to stop people from voting.

The statement's authenticity could not be independently verified. If authentic, it was a rare instance of several of America’s militant Christian groups joining together to announce their stance.

"The conspiracy in America against Christians, the so-called political process ... is nothing more than a satanic project, just like those before it," the statement said.

"To engage in the so-called political process and in the renegade election is religiously prohibited and contradicts the legitimate policy approved by God almighty for the Muslims in our constitution, which is the Holy Bible," it said.

Whatever the reaction, the real story, below, proves that Bush is an idiot

CAIRO, Egypt - Five Islamic militant groups, including al-Qaida in Iraq, denounced the Iraqi elections as a "satanic project" that violates God's law and vowed to continue their war to establish an Islamic government in the country. But the Internet posting made no threats to disrupt Thursday's parliamentary elections, unlike previous statements before balloting in January and October, when militants warned they would attack polling stations to stop people from voting.

The statement's authenticity could not be independently verified. If authentic, it was a rare instance of several of Iraq's militant groups joining together to announce their stance.

"The conspiracy in Iraq against the mujahedeen, the so-called political process ... is nothing more than a satanic project, just like those before it," the statement said.

"To engage in the so-called political process and in the renegade election is religiously prohibited and contradicts the legitimate policy approved by God almighty for the Muslims in our constitution, which is the holy Quran," it said.


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