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If not Hillary Clinton in 2016, then who? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Apr 13, 2011
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When Hillary Clinton dropped out of the 2008 presidential race, she famously said that she had put “18 million cracks” in the “highest, hardest glass ceiling” and that her candidacy ensured that “the path will be a little easier next time” for a woman to run.
In the wake of her run, however, it seemed that there might not be a next woman anywhere close to following the path Clinton blazed. The bench of female candidates was weak in both parties; the only woman to run for president in 2012 was Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.).

Today, however, if Clinton takes a pass on 2016, there is a strong group of female Democratic candidates who could emerge as serious contenders for the nomination.
Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (N.Y.), who took Clinton’s place in the Senate, has emerged as a leading voice for gay men and lesbians and for women in the military during her relatively brief stint in the chamber. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (Mass.) is already a national liberal hero for her crusade against big banks. Sen. Amy Klobuchar (Minn.)may well be the most talented — and effective — politician most people have never heard of.
In our ratings of the 10 Democratic candidates with the best chance of being the party’s 2016 nominee below, four of the spots — including the first and fourth slots — are held by women.
Here’s our take on the 2016 field.

Read more @: If not Hillary Clinton in 2016, then who? - The Washington Post

Im gonna lay my chips by Warren and Biden; Warren is my unrealistic dream world candidate while Biden would be my realist view candidate.

I'm surprised Mark Warner's not mentioned. Popular governor and senator from an important swing state and had a lot of buzz back in 2008.
If Hillary's not running, why not promote another know-it-all, preachy First Lady and go with Michelle Obama?

She's black, tells everyone what to do, and has a husband who doesn't work - she'd be so relatable to the base, don't you think?
If Hillary's not running, why not promote another know-it-all, preachy First Lady and go with Michelle Obama?

She's black, tells everyone what to do, and has a husband who doesn't work - she'd be so relatable to the base, don't you think?

I guess you covered all the bases with those statements................Hi......................
I'm surprised Mark Warner's not mentioned. Popular governor and senator from an important swing state and had a lot of buzz back in 2008.

I think he will run and end up with the VP nominee slot. He is a little Milk Toast blah in this polarized political atmosphere in which the far left controls the path to the nomination. It will be a little hard to engage in class warfare with a billionaire nominee :doh

If the democrats puts anything other than a white man in the nominee slot, they will lose the swing voters. I think Obama will have tainted the well for liberal women/minorities for awhile.

I think Portman will be the GOP man to beat with maybe a long outside shot for Rubio as the VP nominee.
She's black, tells everyone what to do, and has a husband who doesn't work - she'd be so relatable to the base, don't you think?

You know, using images as a response doesn't amount to much if the image is unidentifiable, and, instead, you have to quote the post in order to see the picture tag to decipher what it's supposed to be.
I think he will run and end up with the VP nominee slot. He is a little Milk Toast blah in this polarized political atmosphere in which the far left controls the path to the nomination. It will be a little hard to engage in class warfare with a billionaire nominee :doh

If the democrats puts anything other than a white man in the nominee slot, they will lose the swing voters. I think Obama will have tainted the well for liberal women/minorities for awhile.

I think Portman will be the GOP man to beat with maybe a long outside shot for Rubio as the VP nominee.

I don't think Rubio will seek either the POTUS or the VP slot. Rubio is young and new in his political career on a federal level. Personally, I think he'll be fine staying an incumbent Senator for as long as he can before running in a Presidential election.
Warren as the nominee would certainly push me in the direction of the GOP in 2016, as would a Cuomo nomination. From the right, I'd like to see Rob Portman or Mitch Daniels emerge from the field in lieu of the current batch of favorites.
I don't think Rubio will seek either the POTUS or the VP slot. Rubio is young and new in his political career on a federal level. Personally, I think he'll be fine staying an incumbent Senator for as long as he can before running in a Presidential election.

He doesn't have to run for the nomination--he just has to be the one the nominee picks. Think Sarah Palin
He doesn't have to run for the nomination--he just has to be the one the nominee picks. Think Sarah Palin

I meant run in the election at all. If he was offered a VP nomination I don't think he'd even accept it. At least not any time soon.
He doesn't have to run for the nomination--he just has to be the one the nominee picks. Think Sarah Palin

I had never seen the word "think" and "Sarah Palin" in the same sentence ... it was weird, gave me chills ... but if the GOP is thinking of running Sarah "Show Me The Money" Palin, where can I make a donation to her campaign?
ithink we may see a wild card in the democratic feild, and it may take the form of either a unknown event or a unknown candidate.
I had never seen the word "think" and "Sarah Palin" in the same sentence ... it was weird, gave me chills ... but if the GOP is thinking of running Sarah "Show Me The Money" Palin, where can I make a donation to her campaign?

Good evening, windowdressing! :2wave:

You wouldn't by any chance be the guy who used the dolly to move boxes and boxes of loose pennies, would you? :lamo:
Good evening, windowdressing! :2wave:

You wouldn't by any chance be the guy who used the dolly to move boxes and boxes of loose pennies, would you? :lamo:

HELLO DOLLY! Yes, that be me ... heck of a June and a bit of July Polgara ... two graduations, one wedding, one move (driving truck for 7 hours, heavy lifting, etc.) ... too old for this kind of stuff, and I didn't even have Paul, Jack, Mangas, and VMBlanco to help ... CanadaJohn offered to help but when I said yes, he ignored me again ...

HELLO DOLLY! Yes, that be me ... heck of a June and a bit of July Polgara ... two graduations, one wedding, one move (driving truck for 7 hours, heavy lifting, etc.) ... too old for this kind of stuff, and I didn't even have Paul, Jack, Mangas, and VMBlanco to help ... CanadaJohn offered to help but when I said yes, he ignored me again ...

Wow, you sure had everything important happen at the same time! Ever wonder why that is? The universe sure seems to have fun with us, doesn't it? :shrug: BTW, CJ probably didn't think you were serious, being the mischievous kidder that you are! :lamo:
Out till the next time :2wave:

It's been fun today!

Be well.
You know, using images as a response doesn't amount to much if the image is unidentifiable, and, instead, you have to quote the post in order to see the picture tag to decipher what it's supposed to be.

I immediately recognized the image

Just sayin
Wow, you sure had everything important happen at the same time! Ever wonder why that is? The universe sure seems to have fun with us, doesn't it? :shrug: BTW, CJ probably didn't think you were serious, being the mischievous kidder that you are! :lamo:

but CJ keeps ignoring me polgara and I have no idea why? I love Canada, I love Canadians (except for him) ... so I don't get it .... oh well ... :shrug:

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