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If I wanted America to fail: (1 Viewer)


All Lives Matter or No Lives Matter
DP Veteran
Mar 18, 2018
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San Diego
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Says it all

Since the video does not work, can we just assume it says vote GOP across the board?
Just guessing, but the title of the thread makes me think this is another re-run of something Paul Harvey used to run on his radio show.

Okay, then.
I was a little off.
Paul Harvey was concerned about America's diminishing worship of god leading to catastrophe.
This guy is concerned about America's diminishing worship of fossil fuels leading to catastrophe.
Both want you to vote GOP across the board.
Okay, then.
I was a little off.
Paul Harvey was concerned about America's diminishing worship of god leading to catastrophe.
This guy is concerned about America's diminishing worship of fossil fuels leading to catastrophe.
If that's the only point you extracted from the video perhaps you fast forwarded too much of it.
If that's the only point you extracted from the video perhaps you fast forwarded too much of it.
Well, I admit to fast forwarding.
I'll watch the video in its entirety in a few minutes and report back to you.
My "vote GOP across the board" comment stands until my in-depth analysis is completed.
Donald Trump is the current leader of the GOP.. He's about as godless and un-Christian as someone can be... He breaks Commandments daily.. He's flat out said he's NEVER asked God for forgiveness...

So as a Christian and believer in God... Why would I vote GOP? Why would I vote for a party being lead by a person who has lived his life completely opposite of everything Jesus Christ preached and taught?

Donald Trump is the current leader of the GOP.. He's about as godless and un-Christian as someone can be... He breaks Commandments daily.. He's flat out said he's NEVER asked God for forgiveness...

So as a Christian and believer in God... Why would I vote GOP? Why would I vote for a party being lead by a person who has lived his life completely opposite of everything Jesus Christ preached and taught?

Some seem incapable to understand that Brandon is the placeholder in the White House today.
The feckless Biden administration that can not do anything to help the nation!
Donald Trump is the current leader of the GOP.. He's about as godless and un-Christian as someone can be... He breaks Commandments daily.. He's flat out said he's NEVER asked God for forgiveness...

So as a Christian and believer in God... Why would I vote GOP? Why would I vote for a party being lead by a person who has lived his life completely opposite of everything Jesus Christ preached and taught?

It's a variation of QANON's "Trump leading the war against democrats thirst for children's blood..."

The biblical story the Christian right uses to defend Trump - Vox

https://www.vox.com › identities › trump-cyrus-christia...
Mar 5, 2018 — This allowed Jews to return to the area now known as Israel and build a temple in Jerusalem. Cyrus is referenced most prominently in the Old ...

Lance Wallnau sells $45 'Trump Coin' on 'Jim Bakker ...

https://www.christianpost.com › news › lance-wallnau-s...
May 17, 2019 — A $45 gold-plated coin engraved with President Donald Trump and King Cyrus' likeness was being sold on the “Jim Bakker Show” as a "point of ...

Is Trump Our Cyrus? The Old Testament Case for Yes and No

https://www.christianitytoday.com › october-web-only
Oct 29, 2018 — They argue that just as Cyrus, scarcely a devotee of YHWH the God of Israel, served as God's agent by authorizing Jewish exiles in Babylon to ...

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If I wanted America to fail:​

The first of a 3 part series by FRONTLINE on your local PBS station. If anyone is actually looking for something that "says it all", I'd start with this, and be sure to catch the next two segments of the series.

Extraordinary in-depth reporting. It illustrate exactly how our entire political system, including public opinion, is manipulated by special interests. It . .
. . . says it all . . . .
Just guessing, but the title of the thread makes me think this is another re-run of something Paul Harvey used to run on his radio show.

Alright, Paul Harvey's not everyone's cup of tea.

But come-on, who doesn't like,

"So Good Made a Farmer"

The failure of Democratic Party policies are on full display in every major city in America.

The results of these policies are:

Continuing generational poverty
Gang activity
Violent crime
Property Crime
Drug addiction
Trash, filth, and grafitti
Urine and feces in front of businesses
No parks for families
War on police

If you want America to fail, keep voting for Democrats.
Says it all

Yes, it says it all -- a massive strawman amounting to the idea that America will fail if we have any regulations to protect the environment.

It is kind of silly, looks like a parody of a political message against climate change.But I guess it works on Americans, since you published it here....

(or is it a parody?)
IF I wanted America to fail, I would have voted for the extreme left's progressive nightmare.
If I want America to fail I would invite as much of the world's poverty and problems into the country through our Southern border.
Some seem incapable to understand that Brandon is the placeholder in the White House today.
The feckless Biden administration that can not do anything to help the nation!
We’re not interested in helping folks be more intolerant nor sycophantic towards the rich. (Which is what y’all mean by helping the “nation”)
If I want America to fail I would invite as much of the world's poverty and problems into the country through our Southern border.
So you should be pressuring your politicians to go after those who employ those illegals.

Making your neighbor stop putting out milk does indeed cut down on the cats it attracts, so should work on humans too.

But apparently cheap labor that you can also use as scapegoats is what your party’s donors want instead. So no attention is paid to those employers. ( they get somebody sometimes, but it always seems like it’s more at the behest of their competitors than anything else )

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