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If gun control worked Mexico would be crime free [W:1235:1274]***************** (1 Viewer)

Re: If gun control worked Mexico would be crime free

Moderator's Warning:
Good gracious! The topic is NOT slavery. You all were warned to get back on-topic at post #1235:

Moderator's Warning:
I suggest posts focus on the topic, and the arguments, of THIS thread going forward. The baiting and flaming needs to end, as well as the posts that are not dealing with discussing the topic but rather each other

The topic of the thread is: If gun control worked Mexico would be crime free

Get back to discussing that. This is a ZERO tolerance warning. Any further discussion of slavery will be met with points and thread ban.

Sorry about that, didn't see your warning until after my last posting. Will get back on course.
Re: If gun control worked Mexico would be crime free

Sorry about that, didn't see your warning until after my last posting. Will get back on course.

Same for me. Consider me warned.
Re: If gun control worked Mexico would be crime free

I explained how rights come into being. I have also discussed that no human should own another human as property as human beings are not things like tables and chairs.

You are the one inventing the idea that the slaves were wronged because there rights were violated. It would do well if you did not assume that your argument is my argument.

Ack.......did the same thing..
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