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If George W Bush ran for a third term, would you support him? (1 Viewer)

Would you support Bush for a Third Term!

  • Yes

    Votes: 8 25.0%
  • No

    Votes: 23 71.9%
  • I'm a sheep and have no opinion.

    Votes: 1 3.1%

  • Total voters
I find the question too vague, at least as to having no clue whom you would have pitted against Bush. If it were a Lieberman-type centrist Democrat, I would have to think very long and hard and may actually vote for the Dem. I say this knowing that the Republicans would be in control of the Congress, so there would be a stalemate. One-party rule in Washington has gotten us exploding government size, wasteful spending beyond anything previously implemented by Democrats, and out of control deficit spending.

But anyone on the other side even remotely left of center would not get my vote. So I hold my vote until I get a clarification as to whether you have an opposing candidate in mind or just any Democrat in general. Thanks for the great idea for a thread.;)
If the election were today, then I would vote for him again for the same reasons I voted for him this last time.
If the election were at the regularly scheduled time, then I don't know. It'd depend on the state of the nation.
How about a "maybe" option to the poll?

I would vote for Bush if he ran against another liberal.
If there was a democrat who had a really strong record of fighting abortion,fighting illegal immigration,fighting to protect marriage,decrease spending,cut prok projects,told the traitors like TUrban Durban to shut their piehole and supported our troops I would vote for him.

If it was the primararies I would vote for who I felt had stonger conservative values.
I would have to say yes, but only because he is the only one who seems to be as concerned as I am about rouge nations with WMD's. I am not happy with the man, but I would have to go with who is the best to protect America, and our allies.
I was actually more or less curious to know if you would support him if he illegally ran for a third term in office. Not sure if I made that clear.

I was initially shocked to hear some people would actually support Bush for a third term if he chose to try and run again. Not sure if thats even possible but I still wanted to see what other people thought.

If you need for him to have someone running against him, just think of something who is Bush's political opposite, if there is such a thing.
FinnMacCool said:
If you need for him to have someone running against him, just think of something who is Bush's political opposite, if there is such a thing.
Okay, thanks. That sealed it, at least if we are talking general election. Of course, as a caveat, you can tell whom I would really rather have had through the last 5 years.;)
"It grows clearer by the day that the President's advisors were willing to do anything to quiet opposition to the war -- even if it meant breaking laws designed to protect our national security. And it leaves us questioning: what other deceptions and mistruths did they tell to lead us into war? If we want the truth, we need to demand answers."

To support Bush, Cheney, or the Neo Conservatives, is to hate the American people and the Folk , the People are begining to open their eyes to Anti American rhetoric of the Neo Conservatives and to the mass of lies we get from the government each day.
I was actually more or less curious to know if you would support him if he illegally ran for a third term in office. Not sure if I made that clear.

I beleave that when people answered the question it was on the presumption "if it was" legal for someone to run for a third presidential term.
To support Bush, Cheney, or the Neo Conservatives, is to hate the American people and the Folk , the People are begining to open their eyes to Anti American rhetoric of the Neo Conservatives and to the mass of lies we get from the government each day.

Keep telling yourself those lies and eventually you will actually beleave them.Oh wait, it is too late.
You want to talk about lies?How about the biggest lie that liberals spew out?Liberals spew out the lie that they support our troops when they call our troop's mission illegal,sit there and scream LOOK AT WHAT YOU DID!" in a Don King type manner trying to provoke our enemies.
jamesrage said:
Keep telling yourself those lies and eventually you will actually beleave them.Oh wait, it is too late.
You want to talk about lies?How about the biggest lie that liberals spew out?Liberals spew out the lie that they support our troops when they call our troop's mission illegal,sit there and scream LOOK AT WHAT YOU DID!" in a Don King type manner trying to provoke our enemies.

It would depend on who he was runing against. If it was hillary, I would have to support him. If it was Dean or kerry I wouldhave to support him. If it was Mccain I wouldhave to support McCain. If it was Powell I would have to support Powell. If it was me I would have to support me:lol: .
No. Aside from the fact that Bush is my political opposite (I'm a libertarian and he's a populist/socialist), there's the fact that he's simply incompetent in the day-to-day problems of governance. Whenever he proposes a new Big Idea, the debate can no longer simply focus on whether or not its good policy, but also must take into account how badly he'll **** up the implementation. We haven't really had this particular problem with previous presidents. Ideology aside, I don't think we've had a president who's as incompetent as Bush since Ulysses Grant.
Legal or illegal, I would not support Bush if he was the only candidate running. He hasn't had my support, ever. And as for the partisan hacks, both parties lie. Honesty lies in the third parties and independents. You can vote according to odds, and keep electing liars.
I live in California. In 2008 all 50+ electoral votes will go to Hillary. Why bother voting for Bush when I can throw my miniscule weight towards a more meaningful third party? Needless to say, I didn't waste votes on Bush in 2000 or 2004, either.

I wouldn't vote for him anyway, because he's a Democrat in all be official party affiliation. It's the actions that count, dudes.

And that's another reason why I didn't waste time voting for him.

I think the Republicans are going to have an exciting time in 2006, wondering if they'll keep their slim majorities. They've really hosed things these last few years and they've alienated large portions of their base because they're appealing to Democrats.
Don't get me wrong I like Bush and I voted for him twice, however, I am a strong supporter of term limits especially for the office of the president. I have to answer no it opens a pandoras box and proposes some very disturbing questions and opens up the door for some very dangerous possiblities, such as; were will it all end, how many times can he run? No, I think the current two term limit system is the best policy for the moment.
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I'm absolutely astounded that anyone would vote for Bush again?

What are you masochists? Or do you just hate America?
Hoot said:
I'm absolutely astounded that anyone would vote for Bush again?

What are you masochists? Or do you just hate America?

the president matters not nearly as much as the party. If the dems win, we get a bunch of ruth bader ginsburgs on the court. If Bush wins, we get more John Roberts

I will never vote for a dem for president as long as the dem party advocates gun bans and the death tax
TurtleDude said:
the president matters not nearly as much as the party. If the dems win, we get a bunch of ruth bader ginsburgs on the court. If Bush wins, we get more John Roberts

I will never vote for a dem for president as long as the dem party advocates gun bans and the death tax

I am opposed to the estate tax. But I am doing fine without an assault rifle. Except for the lunatic fringe of the party, most dems don't want to ban all guns. Tell me, don't you agree that there should be a line at what you can own. I don't want the psycho down the street to own an RPG launcher.
I am in a bit of a pickle over this. In 2000 I did not support or vote for Bush. However, in 2004 I did. This support was based primarily on one issue. Terrorism. Other issues like abortion & taxes, etc. were also of concern & Bush seemed to stand where I stood on them. However, when it comes to illegal immigration there is no viable democrat or republican candidate who will take this issue seriously. I believe it to be the most important issue facing America today. Fixing that problem will fix or at least ease many of the other problems or issues we have. At this point I believe I'd have to go back to a third party candidate again. I have only voted for one of the two major party candidates once & it's been a bit disappointing. I suppose my support would go to a Constitution Party candidate (whom I seriously considered for the last election) or a Libertarian Party candidate (whom I supported & voted for in 2000). Plus, will anybody ever cut spending?
even if Bush was allowed to fun for another term i doubt the Republican party would let him. socially, Bush is a liberal and fiscally he's just a maniac. he doesnt have the support of his own party so even to think of this hypothetically is difficult. but if he did run, the only way id vote against him is if someone more conservative was running, which is beyond unlikely.
How can you say Bush is a social liberal? He is against gay marriage against abortion rights he is for the patriot act etc. etc.

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