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If America Were Invaded....? (1 Viewer)


Sep 16, 2005
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Political Leaning
What would you do if a foreign government sent in troops to invade America and impose a foreign authority on us.

If China invaded America and tried to assert control over our population what would you do?

Would you kill?

It may be too dangerous for me to pose this question in a public forum I dont want anyone going to jail for terrorist threats for things they would do to protect America if we were invaded...please temper your answers wisely.
Lucidthots said:
What would you do if a foreign government sent in troops to invade America and impose a foreign authority on us.

If China invaded America and tried to assert control over our population what would you do?

Would you kill?

It may be too dangerous for me to pose this question in a public forum I dont want anyone going to jail for terrorist threats for things they would do to protect America if we were invaded...please temper your answers wisely.

I'd be one of those damned terrorists.
Let the smartest group win, ultimately. It would be a bit different than the situation in Iraq, due to the diversity and range of beliefs that constitute the American "whole". That's just the 'defender' or 'victim'.

The agressor, theoretically being China (not a bad guess), would probably handle the situation through more systematic means and brute honesty. This would all depend on why they were deciding to invade.

All variables contributing to this potential situation are dependant upon circumstances which have not been fleshed out, and are therefore, projected/predicted. Not too many guarantees about the future last time I checked.

http://www.debatepolitics.com/images/smilies/spin.gifGlobalism complicates this topic. I just don't know what the policies for the Chinese invasion of America would be. Islamic fundamentalism is a huge part of the current conflict, not the whole of it, but it certainly doesn't pacify the situation. I feel that the current diversity of opinion and belief in America present-day would yield a different set of results.http://www.debatepolitics.com/images/smilies/icon_redface.gif

Do you have specific predictions/sets of cicrumstances in mind for the scenario? Perhaps that would "illuminate" the topic for me..

Personally, I would leave the Country if violence were to ensue, guess I'm just not nationalist material....
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TheSushiKing said:
Let the smartest group win, ultimately. It would be a bit different than the situation in Iraq, due to the diversity and range of beliefs that constitute the American "whole". That's just the 'defender' or 'victim'.

The agressor, theoretically being China (not a bad guess), would probably handle the situation through more systematic means and brute honesty. This would all depend on why they were deciding to invade.

All variables contributing to this potential situation are dependant upon circumstances which have not been fleshed out, and are therefore, projected/predicted. Not too many guarantees about the future last time I checked.

Do you have specific predictions/sets of cicrumstances in mind for the scenario? Perhaps that would "illuminate" the topic.

Personally, I would leave the Country if violence were to ensue, guess I'm just not nationalist material....

No special circumstances just invasion for control.
Lucidthots said:
No special circumstances just invasion for control.

well, in the case of refuting agression, I'm with you.

In the case of your discourse, I beg that you consider many possibilities. That's how people go about making effective decisions. Complaining doesn't do jack ****.

No, I wouldn't like to be invaded. But the situation already exists. I couldn't wish it away, so yeah pragmatic solutions become necessary. That's where identification of the situation becomes important.

I mean, really, who's trying to kill a chinaman?
TheSushiKing said:
I mean, really, who's trying to kill a chinaman?

That is an excellent point...I never really thought about it..

No one is trying to kill China.


I guess being over 5000 years old has some benefits.
Lucidthots said:
That is an excellent point...I never really thought about it..

No one is trying to kill China.


I guess being over 5000 years old has some benefits.

Being able to change with the times has some benefits as well.
Iriemon Iriemon no m8 u would be a freedom fighter like the FRENCH Resistance and y not.What do u say about what is happening in Iraq.

It is totally unrealistic for any large nation to try to invade another large nation. Not one of the big 3 have the means to occupy any of the others.
Sending hundreds of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons first would be required, so then they would be trying to invade a contaminated country.

China doesn't have the means to deliver a devastating enough first strike to make it easy for them to then invade, and even if they did, the retaliatory strike from our subs would stop them before they even left their own ports. The Russians are smart, they already know that they can't beat us in a land war on our own territory, as again, they would have to get their troops here somehow, and we won't just sit back and let them get there. We have fast attack subs as well. Damn few enemy ships would get across the oceans unmolested.

If somehow they did get here, they would be facing severe resistance outside of major cities, where everyone and his neighbor has their own personal weapons.
UtahBill said:
If somehow they did get here, they would be facing severe resistance outside of major cities, where everyone and his neighbor has their own personal weapons.

And think about the weapon's we'd have if such an invasion scenario looked likely. Gun regulations would probably be relaxed, and the number of guns would triple. Most Americans would buy a gun and learn how to use it, even if you only plan to use it in self-defense.

Anyway, with our army as it is, we'd stop 'em before they got here.

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