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Idea - mod panel discussion (1 Viewer)


Benevolent Dictator
DP Veteran
May 19, 2004
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Libertarian - Right
In some cons, there are panel discussions.

What about a panel of all the mods?
Let everyone speak on their thoughts of DP and what it means to them.

Then open up for Q/A.

Very short 30-60mins.
Sounds like a good idea, just do it early, before anyone gets a drink in em. I would suggest making this an early morning activity, coffee, doughnuts, a little Q&A, yes, very good idea indeed.;)
Man I'll start crying, I know I will.
Kelzie said:
Man I'll start crying, I know I will.
No you won't...

TOT probably won't be there....
cnredd said:
No you won't...

TOT probably won't be there....

Ah, I hope he comes. It's nice having someone to pick on.
Kelzie said:
Ah, I hope he comes. It's nice having someone to pick on.
That's why I'm hoping you'll be there......;)
Can I plant someone in the audience to throw me softballs? :lol:
I thought that was what GarzaUK was doing for Kelzie.


Can I plant someone in the audience to throw me meatballs?...
I would be happy to volunteer. :twisted:
vauge said:
I would be happy to volunteer. :twisted:
No razor blades in them this time....please....:doh

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