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Idaho girl found! (1 Viewer)

Duncan had been charged with second-degree criminal sexual conduct and attempted criminal sexual conduct in Minnesota for allegedly molesting a 6-year-old boy at a school playground last July.

He had been released by Becker County, Minn., authorities in April on $15,000 bond and ordered to stay in touch with a probation agent. In May, authorities said they were seeking Duncan on a warrant after he failed to do so.

Duncan was convicted of raping a 14-year-old boy in Washington state in 1980, when he was 16.

I find it absolutely amazing that someone who had been convicted of rape and then was charged with another offense would be let out on bail. Of $15,000.00. What the heck were they thinking? That he's just going to come on back in for trial?

I'm glad they found her...it's amazing she was in the same town. And I'm sure her story will be long and pretty horrid. I hope she knows where her brother is and that he too is alive.
beautymrgn said:
I find it absolutely amazing that someone who had been convicted of rape and then was charged with another offense would be let out on bail. Of $15,000.00. What the heck were they thinking? That he's just going to come on back in for trial?

I'm glad they found her...it's amazing she was in the same town. And I'm sure her story will be long and pretty horrid. I hope she knows where her brother is and that he too is alive.

They're probably thinking the jails full and we have to decide if we should let him out or a murder. Primarily because the fed min. sentencing on drug crimes has caused that to be the only options at times.

My best guess is the boy's dead, sadly. And yes, her tale is going to be awful. And there's a good chance her life is going to be rough from here on out.
Yes, sadly they just announced they do not believe the boy is alive but can not confirm that until they find the body. He wouldn't say if it was Shasta or the dirtbag they've arrested who told them. How terribly sad.
I read that her mother and boyfriend were involved with drugs. I can only hope that if the father was, he's seen the error of his ways and will live only to provide this young girl with a stable and safe home. A bitter sweet ending to say the least.
I think this is an entire situation that could have been avoided had the bail been higher, but alas, at least she was found and is safe.

I hope the father (I think he is alive) gets clean and is able to provide a good home for the girl.

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