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I would vote for this GOP Presidential Candidate (1 Viewer)

Asa is a good person
Sometimes that's more important than almost anything else. You never know what will get thrown at a President, but if it's a good person, you can trust they'll have the people's interests at heart.
A big Clinton impeacher, but by today's stands, its true, you could do a lot worse.
Oh boy just what we need another ancient old white guy. Did he ever serve with Bill Clinton in the Arkansas state legislature?
Sometimes that's more important than almost anything else. You never know what will get thrown at a President, but if it's a good person, you can trust they'll have the people's interests at heart.

Trump has taught me one thing: Character matters. In fact, I put it as my highest priority in a Presidential candidate.
Asa is a good person

As good as any individual may be, I cannot see me voting for a Republican for a very long time - if ever.

I simply do not respect anyone that's a member of the Party of Trump. The only Republicans I trust are those that left the Party, or those that are publicly anti-Trump and vote that way.
Vote for a Republican president?! It's bad enough when I have to occasionally vote for a Democratic president!
Trump has taught me one thing: Character matters. In fact, I put it as my highest priority in a Presidential candidate.
My opinion is that these days, character among politicians is a carefully polished facade.

Well, almost all of them at least. You generally have to have a good dose of snake in you to get way up high in political circles.
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Trump has taught me one thing: Character matters. In fact, I put it as my highest priority in a Presidential candidate.
Really? You learned that from trump? It's important, but policies come first, though character and policies largely overlap.

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