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I Work in a Retail Store on a Commission Basis. Today My Co-Worker Who is Shy Was Kind Enough to Share Credit on a Sale. Guess What He Forgot To Do? (1 Viewer)

What did the kid forget to do?

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Zoom Warrior
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Oct 30, 2016
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Seattle Area
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So the deal is - this kid I work with is 21. He's a 5'10" Latino gentleman - he has long hair, dark eyes and a shy smile. Right now he's working in our warehouse but he's trying his hand at sales. He would be fricking brilliant at sales! It doesn't matter that he's shy. Women would wait in line in our store just to see him and avoid all the other guys.

So I come back tonight to see how everyone's doing. The kid had left, he'd left a note and order on my desk with a note for me "Hey, I'm giving you these customers (because he doesn't want to work with them any longer - which is fine with me) call them first thing and negotiate price with them.

Now - here's the poll question - what do you think the kid forgot to do"
So the deal is - this kid I work with is 21. He's a 5'10" Latino gentleman - he has long hair, dark eyes and a shy smile. Right now he's working in our warehouse but he's trying his hand at sales. He would be fricking brilliant at sales! It doesn't matter that he's shy. Women would wait in line in our store just to see him and avoid all the other guys.

So I come back tonight to see how everyone's doing. The kid had left, he'd left a note and order on my desk with a note for me "Hey, I'm giving you these customers (because he doesn't want to work with them any longer - which is fine with me) call them first thing and negotiate price with them.

Now - here's the poll question - what do you think the kid forgot to do"
How do you have an “order” before a price is negotiated?
So the deal is - this kid I work with is 21. He's a 5'10" Latino gentleman - he has long hair, dark eyes and a shy smile. Right now he's working in our warehouse but he's trying his hand at sales. He would be fricking brilliant at sales! It doesn't matter that he's shy. Women would wait in line in our store just to see him and avoid all the other guys.

So I come back tonight to see how everyone's doing. The kid had left, he'd left a note and order on my desk with a note for me "Hey, I'm giving you these customers (because he doesn't want to work with them any longer - which is fine with me) call them first thing and negotiate price with them".

Now - here's the poll question - what do you think the kid forgot to do?
Clock out?
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So the deal is - this kid I work with is 21. He's a 5'10" Latino gentleman - he has long hair, dark eyes and a shy smile. Right now he's working in our warehouse but he's trying his hand at sales. He would be fricking brilliant at sales! It doesn't matter that he's shy. Women would wait in line in our store just to see him and avoid all the other guys.

So I come back tonight to see how everyone's doing. The kid had left, he'd left a note and order on my desk with a note for me "Hey, I'm giving you these customers (because he doesn't want to work with them any longer - which is fine with me) call them first thing and negotiate price with them.

Now - here's the poll question - what do you think the kid forgot to do"

Beats me. I've never worked sales...commission or otherwise.

But I'm always interested in learning something new...whether I use it or not.

What's the correct answer?
So the deal is - this kid I work with is 21. He's a 5'10" Latino gentleman - he has long hair, dark eyes and a shy smile. Right now he's working in our warehouse but he's trying his hand at sales. He would be fricking brilliant at sales! It doesn't matter that he's shy. Women would wait in line in our store just to see him and avoid all the other guys.

So I come back tonight to see how everyone's doing. The kid had left, he'd left a note and order on my desk with a note for me "Hey, I'm giving you these customers (because he doesn't want to work with them any longer - which is fine with me) call them first thing and negotiate price with them.

Now - here's the poll question - what do you think the kid forgot to do"
Ensure the pickle jars were sealed.
So the deal is - this kid I work with is 21. He's a 5'10" Latino gentleman - he has long hair, dark eyes and a shy smile. Right now he's working in our warehouse but he's trying his hand at sales. He would be fricking brilliant at sales! It doesn't matter that he's shy. Women would wait in line in our store just to see him and avoid all the other guys.

So I come back tonight to see how everyone's doing. The kid had left, he'd left a note and order on my desk with a note for me "Hey, I'm giving you these customers (because he doesn't want to work with them any longer - which is fine with me) call them first thing and negotiate price with them.

Now - here's the poll question - what do you think the kid forgot to do"
From your description of the young man my response is:

Give me his number 😁
So the deal is - this kid I work with is 21. He's a 5'10" Latino gentleman - he has long hair, dark eyes and a shy smile. Right now he's working in our warehouse but he's trying his hand at sales. He would be fricking brilliant at sales! It doesn't matter that he's shy. Women would wait in line in our store just to see him and avoid all the other guys.

So I come back tonight to see how everyone's doing. The kid had left, he'd left a note and order on my desk with a note for me "Hey, I'm giving you these customers (because he doesn't want to work with them any longer - which is fine with me) call them first thing and negotiate price with them".

Now - here's the poll question - what do you think the kid forgot to do?
" So the deal is - this kid I work with is 21. He's a 5'10" Latino gentleman - he has long hair, dark eyes and a shy smile."

Are you attracted to the kid?
" So the deal is - this kid I work with is 21. He's a 5'10" Latino gentleman - he has long hair, dark eyes and a shy smile."

Are you attracted to the kid?
Ooooohhhhhh... sounds like you're experiencing some unresolved homo-erotic fantasies if that's where you went from my OP.

We do have a whole section dedicated to - what we can only assume are your daily fever-dreams.

Please continue here if you'd like. We're listening.. no judgement we promise!
Ooooohhhhhh... sounds like you're experiencing some unresolved homo-erotic fantasies if that's where you went from my OP.

We do have a whole section dedicated to - what we can only assume are your daily fever-dreams.

Please continue here if you'd like. We're listening.. no judgement we promise!

That would be me 😂😂

Most of my fantasies have been resolved, time to start new ones.
I'm sorry.
I love it. Sales is not for everyone, it takes confidence and the ability to read people on the fly.

Like I said - for those of us who excel at it, and who love a challenge and continued success, sales is the way to go.
So the deal is - this kid I work with is 21. He's a 5'10" Latino gentleman - he has long hair, dark eyes and a shy smile. Right now he's working in our warehouse but he's trying his hand at sales. He would be fricking brilliant at sales! It doesn't matter that he's shy. Women would wait in line in our store just to see him and avoid all the other guys.

So I come back tonight to see how everyone's doing. The kid had left, he'd left a note and order on my desk with a note for me "Hey, I'm giving you these customers (because he doesn't want to work with them any longer - which is fine with me) call them first thing and negotiate price with them".

Now - here's the poll question - what do you think the kid forgot to do?
The 3rd time is not a charm
You are sorry that he works, you are sorry that he works in sales, you are sorry that he works on commission, or you are just sorry?


He forgot to tell his customers that he was passing them to you
No, he gave me their name, but no phone number, no email address. I'm just going to google them in a few hours and get their contact info. It'll be fine. I just thought it was funny he remembered to edit the ticket so he'd get the commission, but gave me no way to reach out to the customers :)
No, he gave me their name, but no phone number, no email address. I'm just going to google them in a few hours and get their contact info. It'll be fine. I just thought it was funny he remembered to edit the ticket so he'd get the commission, but gave me no way to reach out to the customers :)

Hopefully the customer has some pain you can discover. Handing out quotes is not selling

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