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I wonder how many parents died and left their families broken because they chose Ivermectin over a vaccine... (1 Viewer)

Unfortunately, most were people who think they know more than the experts. Sometimes a fatal mistake.
Reminds me of the Global Warming controversy. Those same types of people come up little-knowledge facts that cause
scientists to shake their heads in despair. I've told many that spout that stuff: "They've been doing this type of research for many years"
"Don't you think they've already thought of that?"
I mean, Christ...if you see a lineman about to climb a pole to fix a 20,000 volt transformer...on the pole, it's rather damn stupid to say:
"Did you know you should turn off the power to the transformer before you touch the leads" (No shit!) :)
And I wonder if we'll ever know the real number.

As technology progresses in leaps and bounds....individuals grow more ignorant. This is not true in every case of course, it may not even be a majority, but its a HUGE amount. 30% of the population? 40%? 25%? Who knows? We are all ignorant in the big scheme of things of course, but this tendency to willful stupidity is something thats got me stumped.
The area where I live is a very willfully stupid area. This was true even back when I was in elementary and jr high school. Even as a kid I would think "Gosh, a lot of these folks seem to be going against their own best interests", and that was 45 years ago. Its gotten way way worse.
Some of it can no doubt be attributed to misinformation on the Internet. I think the 24 hour "news" cycle and yellow "journalism" obviously play a large part. But it doesnt really explain it.
The US is, from my experience anyway, a very willfully stupid country at this point. People here love being ignorant. (Yes there are brilliant geniuses, plenty, but those are WAY WAY WAY outnumbered)There is no way to "fix" that. Its willful. Just look at the antivaxx thing. Look at the gun issue and people insistence that there really isnt a problem. People are stupid because they are making a conscious decision to be stupid.
I have lost 3 friends to covid and not 1 of them was vaccinated. So I have some grief about it. These were basically intelligent people and were not big trump pantysniffers or any of that. At least one was somewhat "conspiracy" minded but not overtly so, and that 1 in particular was a guy of above average intelligence. I think that might come into play, some are of above average intelligence and question things...maybe a bit too much for their own good? I think at least 2 of my friends that died didnt get vaccinated simply because they just didnt see it as necessary, they just assumed they would be OK. It was just a "lack of interest" and lack of urgency. I have a higher than average IQ but I'm not about to read a website about vaccines and then think I know more than an infectious disease expert. Thats just stupid. That would be "outsmarting myself". IMO
I am not sure what to make of any of it. Its puzzling and troubling.
Best tweet...

"Turns out Ivermectin is just for horse worms after all."
I'd love to know where that math came from.

I started with a reasonable assumption that by referring to "parents [who] died and left their families broken," you were referring to parents with minor dependents, and weren't just being overly dramatic and including elderly people who died of covid and left their adult children behind and mourning for them.

I then looked up age-specific death stats published by the CDC to estimate how many people in the age range likely to have minor children have died of Covid since vaccines became widely available to them (roughly 50k).

And then I made a very generous assumption about the percentage of those who might have been unvaccinated because they "chose ivermectin over a vaccine" (I used 20%), and applied a wide set of error bars to it because no one could possibly know that.
I started with a reasonable assumption that by referring to "parents [who] died and left their families broken," you were referring to parents with minor dependents, and weren't just being overly dramatic and including elderly people who died of covid and left their adult children behind and mourning for them.

I then looked up age-specific death stats published by the CDC to estimate how many people in the age range likely to have minor children have died of Covid since vaccines became widely available to them (roughly 50k).

And then I made a very generous assumption about the percentage of those who might have been unvaccinated because they "chose ivermectin over a vaccine" (I used 20%), and applied a wide set of error bars to it because no one could possibly know that.
i never said anything about minor dependents.

some 25yos (preparing to marry) would love for their dad to walk them down the isle. some 30yo kids need financial advice from their parents. some 40yo small business owners still go to their parents for business advice.
i never said anything about minor dependents.

some 25yos (preparing to marry) would love for their dad to walk them down the isle. some 30yo kids need financial advice from their parents. some 40yo small business owners still go to their parents for business advice.

Cool. Then next time be more specific. I don't think most rational people would think of a family being "broken" because a 30 year old can't get financial advice from mom or dad.
Cool. Then next time be more specific. I don't think most rational people would think of a family being "broken" because a 30 year old can't get financial advice from mom or dad.
so a wife needlessly losing a husband isn't a broken family??

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