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I want a damn Label (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 30, 2005
Reaction score
Louisville, KY
Political Leaning
Slightly Conservative
Surely....someone here can place a label on those of us that find themselves outside the typical Liberal/Conservative spectrum. I can only hope I am not the lone member of this as yet, unnamed affiliation. I honestly done know what to call myself....any Ideas.

(PS) I am a member of the Green Party....only because I was sloshed when I filled out the form , and refuse to be Dem, or Republican.
tecoyah said:
Surely....someone here can place a label on those of us that find themselves outside the typical Liberal/Conservative spectrum. I can only hope I am not the lone member of this as yet, unnamed affiliation. I honestly done know what to call myself....any Ideas.

(PS) I am a member of the Green Party....only because I was sloshed when I filled out the form , and refuse to be Dem, or Republican.

Welcome to my world. I think we are considered independents. I just call it political homelessness.
tecoyah said:
Surely....someone here can place a label on those of us that find themselves outside the typical Liberal/Conservative spectrum. I can only hope I am not the lone member of this as yet, unnamed affiliation. I honestly done know what to call myself....any Ideas.

(PS) I am a member of the Green Party....only because I was sloshed when I filled out the form , and refuse to be Dem, or Republican.

freedom fighter aptly fits
tecoyah said:
Surely....someone here can place a label on those of us that find themselves outside the typical Liberal/Conservative spectrum. I can only hope I am not the lone member of this as yet, unnamed affiliation. I honestly done know what to call myself....any Ideas.

(PS) I am a member of the Green Party....only because I was sloshed when I filled out the form , and refuse to be Dem, or Republican.

I don't like labels, but sometimes they are useful. Keep in mind that Democrat and Republican are not the same as liberal and conservative. Anyone can register under any political party, and so both the democrats and the republican have people with all sorts of political philosophies. Here's a question that might help determine where you stand:

Do you believe that government should take an active role in trying to improve our society?

------- OR -------

Do you believe that government should stay out and let the chips fall where they may? In other words - the government that governs best governs least.

I know its abstract but feel free to cite specific examples.
Connecticutter said:
I don't like labels, but sometimes they are useful. Keep in mind that Democrat and Republican are not the same as liberal and conservative. Anyone can register under any political party, and so both the democrats and the republican have people with all sorts of political philosophies. Here's a question that might help determine where you stand:

Do you believe that government should take an active role in trying to improve our society?

------- OR -------

Do you believe that government should stay out and let the chips fall where they may? In other words - the government that governs best governs least.

I know its abstract but feel free to cite specific examples.

I firmly believe Government is required at this point in the evolution of society. I also believe however, that Corruption is out of control in our version, and this has become a major hinderance to the ability to improve the general function of the machine. I accept the role of Government to work for the population as a societal tool, and am willing to subject myself to the guidelines created by the population, if indeed the people of that population are heavily involved in the process.
In some ways I feel the Government is required to "let the chips fall", in order to allow for a society to evolve and grow, but there needs to be an incredible intellegence (cumulative) at the highest levels of this government, directing and placing limitations on the extremes any population of Humans will inevitably experiment with.
Above all, This Government must hold the best and brightest within its ranks...and use compromise as a tool for the betterment of those it Governs.
tecoyah said:
I firmly believe Government is required at this point in the evolution of society. I also believe however, that Corruption is out of control in our version, and this has become a major hinderance to the ability to improve the general function of the machine. I accept the role of Government to work for the population as a societal tool, and am willing to subject myself to the guidelines created by the population, if indeed the people of that population are heavily involved in the process.
In some ways I feel the Government is required to "let the chips fall", in order to allow for a society to evolve and grow, but there needs to be an incredible intellegence (cumulative) at the highest levels of this government, directing and placing limitations on the extremes any population of Humans will inevitably experiment with.
Above all, This Government must hold the best and brightest within its ranks...and use compromise as a tool for the betterment of those it Governs.

Well said

however in America ,the sad fact remains that the pressure and the stress to become a success and to have the American dream
corruption will be a mainstay in American politics for ever
as the only way to achieve the real american dream is to

A ) win the loto hardly worth buying tickets odds astronomical
B ) born into the elite rich class billionaire status assured but they are not noble in their causes .manipulators of the leaders are they
c) sell cocaine through Iran contra cia bush SR ronald reagan schemes
d) become an all out gangster in the mafia
E) be a genuine genius in bussiness

other then these you will only be a poor american trying to get to heaven before they close the doors

your only candidate material is made up of destitute people that want to be rich

except ROSS peron
he was labeled as a nut
America couldn't believe a member of the elite with no obvious reason for gaining huge wealth would want to be president
he would have had to take a cut in salary to be president
and america said "hes a nut"
It could't be that this was america's only chance to have a man on the poeple's side
So now they have the same as always Bush the elite's puppet
I just call myself "person"

Labels certainly make life easier, and for those with limited imagination they sure save a lot when it comes to the wear and tear of some neurons that would otherwise have to fire off here and there, but they really tell more about the person applying the label rather than the one so designated. As far as I'm concerned, any sentence that begins "You liberals" or "You conservatives (though I do seem to see more of the former) indicates one who has rented out the space between their ears to a third party. Yes, by all means lets further the notions we hear on the radio and elsewhere that there are but two great monoliths of political thought, both mutually exclusive and requiring fealty to the point of engaging in warfare, but for those who have a tiny little inkling that the world isn't so black and white, perhaps the reason we are loathe to choose a label for ourselves is that we recognize that things just might be a little bit more complex than that.
Gardener said:
I just call myself "person"

Labels certainly make life easier, and for those with limited imagination they sure save a lot when it comes to the wear and tear of some neurons that would otherwise have to fire off here and there, but they really tell more about the person applying the label rather than the one so designated. As far as I'm concerned, any sentence that begins "You liberals" or "You conservatives (though I do seem to see more of the former) indicates one who has rented out the space between their ears to a third party. Yes, by all means lets further the notions we hear on the radio and elsewhere that there are but two great monoliths of political thought, both mutually exclusive and requiring fealty to the point of engaging in warfare, but for those who have a tiny little inkling that the world isn't so black and white, perhaps the reason we are loathe to choose a label for ourselves is that we recognize that things just might be a little bit more complex than that.

Damn.....there goes my little experiment....heh.
tecoyah said:
Surely....someone here can place a label on those of us that find themselves outside the typical Liberal/Conservative spectrum. I can only hope I am not the lone member of this as yet, unnamed affiliation. I honestly done know what to call myself....any Ideas.

(PS) I am a member of the Green Party....only because I was sloshed when I filled out the form , and refuse to be Dem, or Republican.

"American" should be good enough.

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