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I thought Biden was gonna pick Michelle or Hillary and turn the country over to them?? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 4, 2017
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Is that over now?

I know it was all over Facebook and FW:FW:FW:FW:FW:
Hillary was a campaign killer, and Michelle had no real appeal as a political figure.

so he's not turning the country over to one of them? if not then i need to inform a **** load of people on Facebook, Twitter and FW:FW:FW:FW:FW:
Hillary was a campaign killer, and Michelle had no real appeal as a political figure.

Michelle Obama also has absolutely no interest in being Vice President.
Is that over now?
I know it was all over Facebook and FW:FW:FW:FW:FW:

"I thought Biden was gonna pick Michelle or Hillary and turn the country over to them??"

I don't know what National Enquirer stuff you are reading on the internet, but the AP "told" us in early May that Kamala is gonna be the dem's VP pick.


We now say not to use the archaic and sexist term "mistress" for a woman in a long-term sexual relationship with, and financially supported by, a man who is married to someone else.
Instead, use an alternative like companion or lover on first reference. Provide details later.

9:40 AM · May 8, 2020·SocialFlow
"I thought Biden was gonna pick Michelle or Hillary and turn the country over to them??"

I don't know what National Enquirer stuff you are reading on the internet, but the AP "told" us in early May that Kamala is gonna be the dem's VP pick.


We now say not to use the archaic and sexist term "mistress" for a woman in a long-term sexual relationship with, and financially supported by, a man who is married to someone else.
Instead, use an alternative like companion or lover on first reference. Provide details later.

9:40 AM · May 8, 2020·SocialFlow

dude. the Michelle/Hillary stuff was all over Facebook/Twitter and FW:FW:FW:FW:FW:.

do you not keep up with that stuff or something?
Even the people of CA rejected Harris. Soon the rest of the country will see her complete lack of charisma and transparent fakery. Biden thought she was Rachel Robinson but he got a cross between Michelle Obama and AOC.
Biden thought she was Rachel Robinson but he got a cross between Michelle Obama and AOC.

That would be a bad thing??? A cross between Michelle Obama and AOC sounds pretty damn good to me!

Kamala Harris is great. Trump/Squinting Bible Boy Pence are toast.
Even the people of CA rejected Harris. Soon the rest of the country will see her complete lack of charisma and transparent fakery. Biden thought she was Rachel Robinson but he got a cross between Michelle Obama and AOC.

holy crap. if she's a cross between Michelle and AOC then Trump better start hiring lawyers for his post Presidency trials.
No doubt. Good luck.

That would be a bad thing??? A cross between Michelle Obama and AOC sounds pretty damn good to me!

Kamala Harris is great. Trump/Squinting Bible Boy Pence are toast.
Even the people of CA rejected Harris. Soon the rest of the country will see her complete lack of charisma and transparent fakery. Biden thought she was Rachel Robinson but he got a cross between Michelle Obama and AOC.

Got you talking points already from Trump I see. That is exactly what they are saying, surprise, surprise!! Can't you even come up with something original?
Facts are facts. And they hurt liberals. I get it.

Got you talking points already from Trump I see. That is exactly what they are saying, surprise, surprise!! Can't you even come up with something original?
so he's not turning the country over to one of them? if not then i need to inform a **** load of people on Facebook, Twitter and FW:FW:FW:FW:FW:

Every Republican prediction about Biden has been wrong thus far. These idiots will never learn.

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