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I think we got played.... (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 19, 2005
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Quite honestly, I think we did a switch-a-rooh with the term liberal.

Ok, as concrete defintion stands, liberal means, progression, change, evolution of society, and all that fun stuff.


Why do we throw such a concrete term around so loosely? As it also applies to both partys.

Democrats could be seen as liberal-socialists (which, I think, is a correct way to describe them)

I myself, am a liberal, a liberal-capitalist. I believe in the evolution of society where we have a more open and free market with less government interference.

Republicans? I don't know what they are anymore..


I conclude

We misuse this term.

At least, I think we do.
There's a whole lot of playing going on.

"Did the government decieve you?"
"No, I knew they were lying all along."
128shot said:
Quite honestly, I think we did a switch-a-rooh with the term liberal.

Ok, as concrete defintion stands, liberal means, progression, change, evolution of society, and all that fun stuff.


Why do we throw such a concrete term around so loosely? As it also applies to both partys.

Democrats could be seen as liberal-socialists (which, I think, is a correct way to describe them)

I myself, am a liberal, a liberal-capitalist. I believe in the evolution of society where we have a more open and free market with less government interference.

Republicans? I don't know what they are anymore..


I conclude

We misuse this term.

At least, I think we do.

You have an interesting point. I think today we refer to radicals as "liberals".

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