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I Think My Dog's a Democrat (1 Viewer)

Good lord, we can't even have a funny song without righttards turning into a partisan thing.
Says the person insulting Right-wingers unironically. You just had to make yourself a hypocrite in the same sentence, didn't you~?
Says the person insulting Right-wingers unironically. You just had to make yourself a hypocrite in the same sentence, didn't you~?

I simply refuse to be PC toward you. I thought you guys hated PC speech.
I simply refuse to be PC toward you. I thought you guys hated PC speech.
There's a difference between calling names and 'not being PC'. Not being PC doesn't mean you throw away your dignity and hurl insults or call names, like a four year old on the playground. Besides, my point was that you whined about someone 'being partisan', then did the exact same thing. That makes you a hypocrite.

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