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I think I know why now. (1 Viewer)


Oct 22, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Very Liberal
I think I know why so many polititians promise so many things and never do them.

For the sake of this thread, "party members" mean not those who merely vote for that party when the election comes, but the people who actually attend the party's meetings and work to choose candidates.

It's the party-members who choose the candidates, not the people. When reelection rolls around, sure they have to worry about the people's vote and getting reelected, but they first have to worry about being chosen to rerun for reelection. They can't get reelected if they're not chosen to rerun. Therefore, they have to tend to party members' interests and concerns before even thinking about the concerns of constituents.

What I'm trying to say is that party members' opinions often conflict with that of the people. Politicians respond more quickly to the party members' needs and wants than they do the people's.

And that's why I think politicians are usually two-faced bastards.
well, you know what they say, poly- many tics- blood sucking insects
ha ha ha ha

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