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i support a national food program so that no one goes hungry (1 Viewer)


Supporting Member
DP Veteran
Sep 9, 2019
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Political Leaning
I support a national food program much bigger than food stamps we dont spend enough on it
Increase the funding of food and housing services.

Number one i would increase the amount of food people could buy
Number two i would allow you to buy hot and cold foods at the same time.

Instead of the way it is now where you can only buy cold foods which makes
its harder for homeless people becanse they cant just cook a frozen chicken
on a stove but the already cooked chicken is hot so food stamps wont let
you buy it.

This is what i would do if i made a law and i think that its very important
I support a national food program much bigger than food stamps we dont spend enough on it
Increase the funding of food and housing services.

Number one i would increase the amount of food people could buy
Number two i would allow you to buy hot and cold foods at the same time.

Instead of the way it is now where you can only buy cold foods which makes
its harder for homeless people becanse they cant just cook a frozen chicken
on a stove but the already cooked chicken is hot so food stamps wont let
you buy it.

This is what i would do if i made a law and i think that its very important

You must be unaware of “SNAP deli chickens” - they are fully cooked rotisserie chickens available in Walmart’s (and other retailer’s) deli section, but are sold cold so that they are SNAP eligible.

There is no reason to add housing assistance to SNAP.
There is no reason to add housing assistance to SNAP.
yea i know haha i dont know why i did but yea its all important
and yea the frozen chicken thing in wal mart i didnt know about that
but hot drinks like at starbucks they wont let you buy and hot chicken
at safeway you cant buy either i know you can buy a cold drink and
they accept it for coffee but just not hot i didnt know wal mart
let you buy hot chicken usually they put a hot food bar code on it
making it not buyable.

actually i think that ive tried to buy hot foods and chicken from wal mart too
but they wouldnt let me i dont know if they just let you do it for your state
or how exactly that is.

but yea alot of people assume that food stamps helps people which it does but
the homeless population cant cook their own food if they buy canned food they
can open it but cant microwave it etc alot of food in the store is stuff you gotta
cook on a stove people are like "they get food stamps its cool they are fine"
but alot of people gotta eat chocolate and sweets because
you dont gotta cook that the whole hot foods cold foods rule makes no sense
this is assuming that everyone is living in a house and can prepare their own meals.
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yea i know haha i dont know why i did but yea its all important
and yea the frozen chicken thing in wal mart i didnt know about that
but hot drinks like at starbucks they wont let you buy and hot chicken
at safeway you cant buy either i know you can buy a cold drink and
they accept it for coffee but just not hot i didnt know wal mart
let you buy hot chicken usually they put a hot food bar code on it
making it not buyable.

actually i think that ive tried to buy hot foods and chicken from wal mart too
but they wouldnt let me i dont know if they just let you do it for your state
or how exactly that is.

The “SNAP deli chickens“ are not sold frozen, they are fully cooked rotisserie chickens (just like the hot ones), but are sold refrigerated (usually) in the deli department of a grocery store. They have different (SNAP eligible) bar codes as well.

yea i know haha i dont know why i did but yea its all important
and yea the frozen chicken thing in wal mart i didnt know about that
but hot drinks like at starbucks they wont let you buy and hot chicken
at safeway you cant buy either i know you can buy a cold drink and
they accept it for coffee but just not hot i didnt know wal mart
let you buy hot chicken usually they put a hot food bar code on it
making it not buyable.

actually i think that ive tried to buy hot foods and chicken from wal mart too
but they wouldnt let me i dont know if they just let you do it for your state
or how exactly that is.

but yea alot of people assume that food stamps helps people which it does but
the homeless population cant cook their own food if they buy canned food they
can open it but cant microwave it etc alot of food in the store is stuff you gotta
cook on a stove people are like "they get food stamps its cool they are fine"
but alot of people gotta eat chocolate and sweets because
you dont gotta cook that the whole hot foods cold foods rule makes no sense
this is assuming that everyone is living in a house and can prepare their own meals.

Please, use an occasional comma or period. That looks like you didn't take a breath the entire time and makes me fear for your lungs.
cool i will have to look for that and see it it will let me buy it
because i wanna know that me and everyone else can do it.

i know that they let you buy hot foods for almost every food item during covid
but it was reversed after.

i think that sometimes stores lie about what you can buy they told me i couldnt buy a certain item
but i tried anyway and went to the self check out and it went through just fine.

theres been times at star bucks when i was buying a drink and they told me that they dont accept ebt
but ive been in before and they did i think that they discriminate against people making them think that
they cant buy it.

i was buying a hot sandwich and a girl came over saying dont let him buy it put a hot foods bar code on it
i think that its a strict rule and doesnt even matter its still food.

im glad if you can buy chicken but it would make more sense if they let people buy any type of food that was hot.

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