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I miss Navy Pride and KCConservative (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 25, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
I just needed to get that off my chest.

If you two are checking the site, I hope you know I am thinking of you. :2wave:
*hands aps a thermometer....
You're burning up with fever and it's making you delirious!!!:mrgreen:
I think I saw a post from Navy from yesterday. But this thread is from aps, and is probably a joke. As seeing I don't think aps likes either of the two.
Comrade Brian said:
I think I saw a post from Navy from yesterday. But this thread is from aps, and is probably a joke. As seeing I don't think aps likes either of the two.

Ahh, Comrade Brian, you are wrong. While we may be on opposite sides of the political spectrum, I genuinely like both of them. There is such a thing has having private messages, you know. ;)
I don't miss sissy boy.....Is he banned for good.
aps said:
I just needed to get that off my chest.

If you two are checking the site, I hope you know I am thinking of you. :2wave:

It's like not having Nixon to kick around any more :mrgreen:
Personally, this banning is getting a little ridiculous. We're all adults, or supposed to be...why get upset over someone who uses a bit of derogatory language? As long as it's not outright cursing, or a sling of 4-letter words, who cares?

When someone starts using derogatory language, it only proves they're losing the debate and have no intelligent rebuttal.

I propose that anyone who makes 3 complaints against another poster in say, a 3 month period, should also be banned for a week for being a whining little crybaby...and certainly, should lose moderator status.

I was asked to write a private message the next time I had concerns about banning posters, yet why should I hide my comments when the banning seems to be taking place under the table without the knowledge of the other members of this group?

I'm not fond of the political stances of Navy or KC, but banning for a week? I'm begining to think we need a FISA court to oversee the mods? LOL
ngdawg said:
*hands aps a thermometer....
You're burning up with fever and it's making you delirious!!!:mrgreen:

The way this board is getting, you better make sure that's an oral thermometer, Aps, and not the other kind!
Hoot said:
Personally, this banning is getting a little ridiculous. We're all adults, or supposed to be...why get upset over someone who uses a bit of derogatory language? As long as it's not outright cursing, or a sling of 4-letter words, who cares?
Could not agree more, but cursing is not the issue. It is rediculus to ridicule the users to the point that they no longer wish to be a part of our community. We have seen evidence to prove this. I do agree that some folks have a stronger backbone and others take every word seriously and cry themselves to sleep after getting slammed on a forum post. To cirumvent this, we have a basement for crazy flaming and the rest of the forum for quality discussion.

The only reason why it appears that we are on a rampage is because two of the most outspoken have ignored the policies and warnings here at DP for way too long. Other than the afore mentioned folks, our ban rate is very very low as compaired to our competitors.

When someone starts using derogatory language, it only proves they're losing the debate and have no intelligent rebuttal.
To you and many folks here that are veterans of forums - yes. We are able to ignore the ignorant and continue to the quality posters. It is rare for our mod team to moderate a thread without a "reported" event. There is just too much going on.

I propose that anyone who makes 3 complaints against another poster in say, a 3 month period, should also be banned for a week for being a whining little crybaby...and certainly, should lose moderator status.
LOL, that would be nice but only cator to a few users. Every, and I mean *every* complaint is taken seriously.

I was asked to write a private message the next time I had concerns about banning posters, yet why should I hide my comments when the banning seems to be taking place under the table without the knowledge of the other members of this group?
My guess is that galenrox asked for a PM so that he might share with you details that might not need to be in public. He was direct, but he takes the action very seriously. Keep in mind that we do not have to share to the public about any action taken against a member.

Opinions are the game here at DP. If you have an opinion, you are free to express it publically or privately. We will not delete your post simply because we disagree with your thoughts.

I'm not fond of the political stances of Navy or KC, but banning for a week? I'm begining to think we need a FISA court to oversee the mods? LOL
LOL, I assure you that these actions were not without merit or "on the fly". Hopefully they will be back and once again prove to be adversaries worthy of a good strong discussion.
Hoot said:
Personally, this banning is getting a little ridiculous. We're all adults, or supposed to be...why get upset over someone who uses a bit of derogatory language? As long as it's not outright cursing, or a sling of 4-letter words, who cares?

When someone starts using derogatory language, it only proves they're losing the debate and have no intelligent rebuttal.

I propose that anyone who makes 3 complaints against another poster in say, a 3 month period, should also be banned for a week for being a whining little crybaby...and certainly, should lose moderator status.

I was asked to write a private message the next time I had concerns about banning posters, yet why should I hide my comments when the banning seems to be taking place under the table without the knowledge of the other members of this group?

I'm not fond of the political stances of Navy or KC, but banning for a week? I'm begining to think we need a FISA court to oversee the mods? LOL

I agree, If someone is constantly name calling and being completely out of line that is a different story. However, if a poster occasionally uses a little sarcasm, who cares; shake it off or find humor in it.
hipsterdufus said:
It's like not having Nixon to kick around any more :mrgreen:

This is funny, hipster, but it is also part of the problem. I joined this forum soon after the elections last year and participated very happily for a few months before taking an approx. 6 month hiatus due to an upheaval in my personal life. When I finally came back here, it was like a totally different forum with the "discussion" at a level of inflammatory provocation that no longer lended itself to real debate. I was dismayed but I kept at it because there were good arguments to join in on if you looked for them.

I like to goof off and have fun just as much as anyone else here, actually more than some most likely, but there is a difference between good-natured drollery and mean-spirited derision.

I like to verbalize and support my political & social point of view, but there is a difference between the tactics of supporting your own position and simply debasing that of your opponent's - regardless of who "started" it.

Now, I am not directing this at you, hipster - not at all, only bouncing off of your comment. There are folks who engage in negative debate tactics on BOTH sides of the fence here. But I, for one, am heartened to see my comrades on the mod team (for I am new to the team and can't take any credit for it) take the steps necessary to try and reign in the moral outrage and hyperbole - for they feed off of each other - that has increasingly become a substitute for legitimate debate on this site.

Let's hope that our friends who have been temporarily banned will come back to the forum ready to treat the issues we all care about so much with the respect they deserve. That's how I feel about it.
Bump in case NP is looking. ;)

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