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I LOVE Howard Dean (1 Viewer)


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May 31, 2005
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I LOVE Howard Dean
By: J.J. Jackson
RightConservative.com 06-11-05

While Howard Dean is out there talking about how much "hate" he has for Republicans and about how evil, dishonest and nasty we are I am here to stand up and say something very important. I LOVE you Mr. Dean! I mean that from the bottom of my dark, conservative, white, Christian heart. I really do love you man.

And I love you more and more every day because you are out there showing everyone what you and the base of the Democratic Party believes. I love how you are out there each and every day spewing vitriol and hate to cheering crowds of party supporters. I love how you are out there telling everyone that I and my "Republican" friends have never made an honest living in their lives while I work at my regular job 10 or 11 hours a day and still find the time to run my own business to help provide a higher standard of living for my family. I love how you talk about how bigoted I am simply because I dont look first at the color of ones skin when judging their qualifications but rather the content of their character. I love how you are running around from Kool-Aid party to Kool-Aid party talking about how I am evil and uncaring because I dont think that it is governments right to take money from the paychecks of the American workers to give to other people who did not earn it.

Further, I love how you are truly passionate about attacking myself, my family and my friends. No, I really mean it! I mean it because each and every day you solidify in our minds just how right we really are and just how out of the mainstream you and the base of the Democratic Party is.

As your base cheers your words I love to see true Democrats scratching their head and trying to justify what you say to them. And eventually they give up and realize that they dont have that much in common with the "base" of the party that is driving your words and the party policy.

Read the full article
I have been able to ignore Dean and his silly rants until now.

I work my ass off every day so that my wife and I do not have to make someone else pay for our food, power, etc. I am 25 years old and work about 50 hourse per week online, and then another 25 hours per week on a PAC that I am director of. We do not work? WTF are you talking about? What world are you in Mr. Dean? It sure isnt a world of reality.

This race thing is really starting to eat at me. I have NEVER been racist in ANYTHING that I have said or done. I have friends of all races and nationalities and none of them have EVER felt that I would come anywhere close to being racist. With that being said, In the last few weeks I have seen a rise in hate mail from the contact page on my article site where this very article has posted. 75% of this hate mail is calling my website racist? WTF? Is there ANYTHING in ANY of my 132 page website that could be considered even remotely close to "racist" by definition? NO! NOT ONE THING! Nice try Dean, you've motivated me even more.

Mr. Dean, I would also like to thank you. Thank you for throwing some high octane fuel on my fire. Now Im going to work even harder to expose you and your corrupt, bankrupt, fascist, liberal idealogy.

Conservatives, its time we take a stand. Stop being quiet, we can no longer afford to stay idle and hope it clears. This time it is going to take a fight. We have been dragged into this, now we must stand and go on the offense.
Hard to argue with that. Dean is the Democrats worst enemy. When he gives the ammo freely, he shouldn't be surprised when he gets shot in the foot with it. I kinda like Dean too. We gotta get in line for this one. :fly: :catapult:
What most people don't realize is that these comments are really quite typical from a DNC head, but since he is now the main focal point of the party, more focus is put on him than normally would be there. The RNC guy has said some really...questionable things, but since GW is there to be the main guy for the party, he really didn't have a reprisal. Dean doesn't have that luxury, and I wish he would cut maybe one remark outta every two, that would be great.
since he is now the main focal point of the party, more focus is put on him than normally would be there.
Dean was the media's golden boy way before he became head of the DNC. I think he is trying to get the young people who can be be swayed by his attacks to come out and vote in 2006. For every young person who believes his propaganda, there is one on the other end who is growing up and becoming more conservative. I think he is barking up the wrong tree, but there ya go.
Be careful of Dean - he just might end up getting another Clinton in the big seat.

This is all planned. He will get worse.
vauge said:
Be careful of Dean - he just might end up getting another Clinton in the big seat.

This is all planned. He will get worse.
Well, that is your opinion, but I honestly think he just has a knack for making these comments.
Howard Dean wants to run for office again, we all know that. This is just a stepping stone in the democrat party for many past DNC chairmen.
I think the idea that most conservatives think that Dean is the DNC's worst enemy is just wishful thinking. Dean is only speaking what most non political liberals already feel. He will stimulate the voters and they will come out in recored numbers provide the the Dems have good candidates. Even Hilary is getting on the Republican put down band wagon. Don't underestimate Dean.
vauge said:
Be careful of Dean - he just might end up getting another Clinton in the big seat.

This is all planned. He will get worse.

I agree. He is obviously acting the fool on purpose for the advancment of his party.
He can take his foot out of his mouth at any time but chooses not to.
It is not unreasonable to sacrifice a pawn to acquire a Queen.
You right wingers just kill me. In one breath you basically refer to Dean and liberals as hate mongers, and then in the next you say something like “corrupt, bankrupt, fascist, liberal ideology”. Now, don’t get me wrong, when Dean claimed Republicans had never worked an honest day in their lives, while obviously referring to the Republican leadership, was an over the top statement as it pretty much applies to most politicians in general rather than just Republican ones. Moreover, you guys are one to call someone a hate monger, back in the nineties you Republicans actually called Clinton a murderer. Dean’s statements would have to be pretty over the top to top that.

However, I don’t see what the big deal was about him calling Republicans basically a white Christian party. I mean are Republicans not basically a white Christian party. I guess it would have been more intellectually honest to refer to Republicans as 92% white. I mean for crying out loud, the Republicans are the party in power, yet they haven’t even put the money and resources behind one black congressional candidate to get them elected on the GOP ticket to the House or Senate. Face it you guys are a white party. I mean honestly, do you really think that African Americans vote practically 90% Democrat because they are just stupid and fooled by the Dems? I mean maybe, just maybe, they vote Democrat because they believe that Democrats might actually represent their interests better than a political party who doesn’t even have a black congressman. I am from the South, do you guys honestly believe that Joe Southerner votes Republican now because he believes in the principles of Supply Side Economics? No, it’s because Republicans say if he votes Democrat, his guns get taken away, gays get to get married, and black people will take his job. The Republicans go down south, court the racist beliefs some Southerners hold for their votes, and then you wonder why minorities don’t vote for them. You can’t have to masters, you can’t court Southern Racists and then expect minorities to vote for you or call yourselves anything but a white party.
Every word Dean says is TRUE. With a cunning politician like G. W. Bush (and probably Jeb in '09) running from the opposite party, we need someone full of passion and who has the guts to speak the TRUTH on our side. Frankly i was very dissapointed when Kerry said, "Even though i don't agree with the decision, i will accept it", in his concession speech, Even though everyone knew about Ohio (just like it was Florida in 2000). We need someone who can fight these right-winged republican freaks who call themselves our leaders.
Citizen said:
I think the idea that most conservatives think that Dean is the DNC's worst enemy is just wishful thinking. Dean is only speaking what most non political liberals already feel. He will stimulate the voters and they will come out in recored numbers provide the the Dems have good candidates. Even Hilary is getting on the Republican put down band wagon. Don't underestimate Dean.

I don't think wishful thinking has anything to do with it. Dean has a track record of partisan politics. He is not concerned for the well being of our nation. I think he is more concerned about promoting his own party than he is concerned about making a difference. In my opinion the man has one motive; to underscore the value of democracy by repetitive dissidence. He want's to bring us all down to his miserable level of decisive politics. You can see it in his face.... he is not trying to sway anyonne.... he is only attempting to dictate your views.
vauge said:
Be careful of Dean - he just might end up getting another Clinton in the big seat.

This is all planned. He will get worse.

You are soooo right.

Hillary will appear moderate by comparison. She'll be the steadfast, calming,
motherly voice of reason by comparison.
Archon said:
I don't think wishful thinking has anything to do with it. Dean has a track record of partisan politics. He is not concerned for the well being of our nation. I think he is more concerned about promoting his own party than he is concerned about making a difference. In my opinion the man has one motive; to underscore the value of democracy by repetitive dissidence. He want's to bring us all down to his miserable level of decisive politics. You can see it in his face.... he is not trying to sway anyonne.... he is only attempting to dictate your views.
That is laughable when you think about the kind of politicking that have gone on in the republican camp in the last decade. Focusing on "moral values" instead of real issues like the reasons for war, alternative energy and health care. The value of democracy has already been underscored. the republicans pretend to give the citizens a tax reduction. All the while fattening the pockets of the oil companies who make record profits. So our tax breaks are going into our gas tanks. We are already down to the most "miserable level" we can go. Dean speaks for America. Bush deceives America and caters to the big corporations. WAKE UP!
Citizen said:
That is laughable when you think about the kind of politicking that have gone on in the republican camp in the last decade. Focusing on "moral values" instead of real issues like the reasons for war, alternative energy and health care. The value of democracy has already been underscored. the republicans pretend to give the citizens a tax reduction. All the while fattening the pockets of the oil companies who make record profits. So our tax breaks are going into our gas tanks. We are already down to the most "miserable level" we can go. Dean speaks for America. Bush deceives America and caters to the big corporations. WAKE UP!

Dean speaks for the democratic party and I think he misrepresents several of them. Believe it or not I do have objectionable concerns about Bush and his administration. For some time I didn't want to believe it. The whole plame incident perhaps has opened my eyes, not to mention the attempted appointment of Miers. I am not Bush's biggest fan and I will not support him solely because I am a Republican.

That withing itself is the problem I see with Dean. Like Bush, Dean is very polarizing and either you like him or you don't when it's all said and done. Dean's approach is not one of domestic unity... it is one to wage a political and cognitive war.

Telling me to WAKE UP is very Dean like. Are you trying to sway me? Do you think telling me to wake up is going to offend me or change my mind? It does neither. I could care less about your comparisons. To blindly support any person because they are of your own political affiliation is merely a neo-con strategem... One that exists on both sides and has only managed to divide the nation.

It's gotten so bad that we are experiencing outrageous rhetoric from both sides.... It's like even after the day is over we can't even set our differences aside and be friends. It has become way to hostile i.e. decisive and that is not the way our country or democracy is supposed to work.

I'm Awake.
Archon said:
Dean speaks for the democratic party and I think he misrepresents several of them. Believe it or not I do have objectionable concerns about Bush and his administration. For some time I didn't want to believe it. The whole plame incident perhaps has opened my eyes, not to mention the attempted appointment of Miers. I am not Bush's biggest fan and I will not support him solely because I am a Republican.

That withing itself is the problem I see with Dean. Like Bush, Dean is very polarizing and either you like him or you don't when it's all said and done. Dean's approach is not one of domestic unity... it is one to wage a political and cognitive war.

Telling me to WAKE UP is very Dean like. Are you trying to sway me? Do you think telling me to wake up is going to offend me or change my mind? It does neither. I could care less about your comparisons. To blindly support any person because they are of your own political affiliation is merely a neo-con strategem... One that exists on both sides and has only managed to divide the nation.

It's gotten so bad that we are experiencing outrageous rhetoric from both sides.... It's like even after the day is over we can't even set our differences aside and be friends. It has become way to hostile i.e. decisive and that is not the way our country or democracy is supposed to work.

I'm Awake.
No, I am not telling you to "blindly" follow anyone. But listen to what he has to say. I listened to all of the candidates in the last presidential election. Dean made more sense that most. He is for the people, not for the party as Bush claims to be. Bush hid behind "gay marriage" and "Abortion" while our men and women die in Iraq. I really don't think that Bush cares about America. I do believe that Dean does. Although he just represents the party, the candidate (whoever that will be) is who we need the hear in the next presidental election. Not "swift boat", not "pro-life" . We need to hear the candidates.

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