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I like this forum very much! (1 Viewer)


michael van

OK,this is the first time i login this website.But i gotta say it's amazing!
It's a very fair political site, anyone ever heard of politicalcrossfire.com? It has a huge number of members, however, I said one thing against capitalism and I got banned, this site is very fair, I like it very much as well.
I gotta admit - I am a little bias about this forum as well. :)

michael van, welcome to Debate Politics!
Hi michael van! :2wave:


....................and baby bear said, "this is just right!" We have a great mix of folks. It keeps the debates from getting boring. :mrgreen:​
A friend (The Fonz) from another forum referred me here. I'm really enjoying it. On the first forum we participated in too many people were behaving like bratty pre-schoolers ("did not" "did too" "he started it" :argue)

This place is actually sane after that ;)

I think it is going to take me a while to figure out who everyone is - on my other forum there are only about 15-20 "regular" participants so we pretty much know each other. But I'm starting to recognize personalities. I've noticed, and appreciate, the fact that even though some (including myself) identify themselves with a political party/ideation - they don't all follow the party line. I've seen some "conservative" posts from Dems and some "liberal" posts from Republicans.

Anyhow - I'm looking forward to some good discussion and debate.

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