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I have been pwned (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
Reaction score
Houston, TX
Political Leaning
Like my new avatar? I just lost a bet, and must wear it for 30 days. LOL.

Congrats, Chicago, on a well deserved victory.
danarhea said:
Like my new avatar? I just lost a bet, and must wear it for 30 days. LOL.

Congrats, Chicago, on a well deserved victory.

Ehh.. baseball aint no athletic sport... Football is athletic! :D
danarhea said:
Like my new avatar? I just lost a bet, and must wear it for 30 days. LOL.

Congrats, Chicago, on a well deserved victory.

Houston just blamed FEMA....

Phil Garner, Astros Manager - "It's all Bush's fault!....Chicago for oil!"
cnredd said:
Houston just blamed FEMA....

Phil Garner, Astros Manager - "It's all Bush's fault!....Chicago for oil!"

Actually, a more plausible explanation would be the Astros claiming that their meltdown in the World Series was part of a vast left wing conspiracy by Chicago outsiders. Dreighton McClain, the Astros owner, is a member of the Bush Pioneers, and is a majority stockholder of Wal-Mart. Bush Sr. and Barbara Bush were given the best seats in the house, right behind home plate for all games here in Houston, and FOX Sports made sure that everyone could see the Bushes just about every time the ball was pitched. Barbara sure looked like a battleaxe last night. LOL.
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