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I have a real solution (1 Viewer)


New member
May 20, 2005
Reaction score
Brandon, Florida
to the military recruiting problem and the war in Iraq and Afganistan. Here it is.

Require ALL illegal Mexican aliens who have been allowed to work in this country to enlist in the Army and go to Iraq for one tour, however long that now is. In return for this service, the government would grant them a permanent visa to eventually include citizenship after meeting the requirements.

To do this the Army would have to have Spanish speaking soldiers to train them and teach them basic English in order to serve in Iraq, Afganistan, or whereever needed for combat.

We have millions of illegals in the country. They should serve and fill the voids in the Army's enlistments.

What's wrong with this legally and morally?
That thought is quiet entertaining:) Seriously I don't know if we would trust illegal aliens to not mistreat enemy suspects. Cool idea it could work. lol
:funny It would be entertaining to see who got the best treatment.
I can just see some of the illegals proving themselves in combat and being decorated...

"Badges...we don't need no stinkin' badges!"

( sorry, but when you've been working in the heat all day, this is the best I can do)
galenrox said:
I do like that idea, except I don't like the idea of making anyone fight. I do like the idea of offering the incentive, though.
So I guess you would move to Canada if the draft were brought back? These illegals have no constitutional rights anyway because they are here ILLEGALLY, as opposed to LEGALLY. They do have basic human rights.

By the way, I just saw a piece on USA website that told of a government program of this type to enable legal visa holders a chance to speed up the process of becoming a citizen. But only 2 or 3 percent of the military is made up of non US citizens.

I don't think we should ask our own American born young people to die so that US businesses can exploit illegal Mexican and South American labor and our large corporations can move their factories and jobs to China. This is not fighting for your Country.
Why don't we empty our over-crowded prisons, and if they prove themselves in battle, we grant them a pardon?

Just a thought.
milkrun said:
to the military recruiting problem and the war in Iraq and Afganistan. Here it is.

Require ALL illegal Mexican aliens who have been allowed to work in this country to enlist in the Army and go to Iraq for one tour, however long that now is. In return for this service, the government would grant them a permanent visa to eventually include citizenship after meeting the requirements.

To do this the Army would have to have Spanish speaking soldiers to train them and teach them basic English in order to serve in Iraq, Afganistan, or whereever needed for combat.

We have millions of illegals in the country. They should serve and fill the voids in the Army's enlistments.

What's wrong with this legally and morally?
Geneous! We get soldiers, and they get a good paycheck, nobody looses. :mrgreen:
galenrox said:
I do like that idea, except I don't like the idea of making anyone fight. I do like the idea of offering the incentive, though.
You forgot about the Free "Army", "Navy", "Air-Force" T-shirts they already give away, not to mention "30 min-Phone cards", water bottles, decals, brosures, VHS/DVD's, PX military discounts (Exclusive store for soldiers and their families), Free housing, and we cant forget the $14,000 stipen just for joining, so what more of an "incentive" would you possibly ask for? :confused:

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