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I get so tired of us being the 'rich' old bad boys of the world (1 Viewer)

Jack Dawson

Dec 23, 2004
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You liberals say that we can't be the police officer of the world, we should not impose democracy, but then turn around and and want us to give give away all of our money. You act like having money makes you filthy or something. I notice the hollywood crowd has not stepped up to the plate with the exception of Sandra Bullock and DeCaprio.

A strong defense prevents attacks and that must never be a lowered standard in this country. We must continue to pay the price for the best Defense in the world. Reagan was right when he said deal from strength, not from weakness.
You are a total moron. How is giving money to the NEEDY relating to fighting wars in foriegn countries to spread OUR ideals on those countries? You know, I got this great doctor who does MRIs...
Jack Dawson said:
A strong defense prevents attacks and that must never be a lowered standard in this country. We must continue to pay the price for the best Defense in the world.

We spend more on defense than the next ten countries combined, and yet that didn't prevent 9/11. And we're still not protected against another one. While Bush mires us in a bullshit war on Iraq, the "homeland" is still a sitting duck.
How easily we forget history.

Reagan created a very stong military and put handfulls of money into our defense.
Newsflash: Coldwar is over.

Same thing applies on a much different scale.
Guys you are forgetting that the "Defense" department is an euphimism (Sp?) for War.

Hell they used to call it the Department of War. That fund doesn't go strictly to protect the U.S. Don't get mixed up by the term.
We are only the "rich bad boys of the world" because of Bush's foreign policy. He totally went against the U.N.'s direction and instead invaded a country with no nuclear weapons. He is far to rash and is wasting money on this war. We have to get out of here soon and foucus more on our defense.
well first of all i'd like to say there is nothing wrong with giving money after disaters like the tsunami actually we may make friends in the muslim world because we are

but the liberals are also wrong about iraq although it probably wasnt nessacary bush had the intellegence of 4 countries (russia, isreal,england, and our own intellegence) come forward and say saddam had wmd's if u were the president and your intlligence was saying this and the country wasnt complying and the u.n wasnt complying what would you do? thats right you would go to war
Except the WMDs that "existed" were the ones we gave him during the Iraq/Iran war. GG.
As far as this issue is concerned I think we need more domestic solutions and less foreign problems. We need to concentrate on educating the young people of this country for a new and more civilized world. Once we can improve our own country that's when we can lead by example.
Jack Dawson said:

A strong defense prevents attacks and that must never be a lowered standard in this country. We must continue to pay the price for the best Defense in the world. Reagan was right when he said deal from strength, not from weakness.

Reagan put you on the road to being the most hated nation on earth.
Bush has successfully completed the task.
Urethra Franklin said:
Reagan put you on the road to being the most hated nation on earth.
Bush has successfully completed the task.

Right on Right on :rock
heyjoeo said:
You are a total moron. How is giving money to the NEEDY relating to fighting wars in foriegn countries to spread OUR ideals on those countries? You know, I got this great doctor who does MRIs...

Come on heyjoeo, you're above such cheap name calling aren't you? I know from reading some of you're other posts you're perfectly capable of making a valid point without calling another member a moron.
Urethra Franklin said:
Reagan put you on the road to being the most hated nation on earth.
Bush has successfully completed the task.

You honestly see US as being more hated then a nation like North Korea?
Pacridge said:
You honestly see US as being more hated then a nation like North Korea?

I'm afraid there's more truth to this then I like to admit.
I've read that apprx 3/4's of the world doubt our motives and hold us under suspicion...a direct result of Bush's policies.
Hoot said:
I'm afraid there's more truth to this then I like to admit.
I've read that apprx 3/4's of the world doubt our motives and hold us under suspicion...a direct result of Bush's policies.

And I'm ashamed that my government here in the UK supported the killing of thousands of innocent Iraqis.
Naughty Nurse said:
And I'm ashamed that my government here in the UK supported the killing of thousands of innocent Iraqis.
It makes me mad when people in the UK bash the US without knowing much about it. In a war, people die, innocent and threatening alike. Yes, it wasn't the best choice made by bush. But, my point is, what do you know about it?
Chaos10187 said:
It makes me mad when people in the UK bash the US without knowing much about it. In a war, people die, innocent and threatening alike. Yes, it wasn't the best choice made by bush. But, my point is, what do you know about it?

I know that thoudands of innocent Iraqis died. I know that my government supported that. I know how I feel about that. I don't think I actually bashed the US.
Naughty Nurse said:
I know that thoudands of innocent Iraqis died. I know that my government supported that. I know how I feel about that. I don't think I actually bashed the US.
Source? Im not doubting that it did happen, i just want to see for myself.
Pacridge said:
You honestly see US as being more hated then a nation like North Korea?

Most people don't hate North Korea. They hate the régime that's in place and think it's unjust, but they don't hate the nation as it doesn't actively do anything which affects them, unless they happen to be South Koreans.

The US affects the entire world with it's arrogance in foreign policy and it's attempts at cultural hegemony, and yes, it's the most hated nation on earth.

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