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I don't get it.. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 19, 2005
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What the hell attracts someone to nazism?

I'm serious, I do NOT understand why you would want to be part of this organization.


With people like Auftrag (I think thats how you spell it) around, please, enlighten me about what it means to be a good nazi..

If its just about racial superiority, you'll have a hard time getting science on your side...

In all serious, I really don't get it..
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I think it revolves around a feeling of lack of self worth and a failed life which they must compensate for by blaming everyone but themselves, it must be some huge conspiracy against them because they certainly can't be to blame for their own failings. That and they're probably closet homosexuals with years of built up repression, Freud would have had a field day with these people.
no one likes nazis but save the cliched arm chair psychology crap. everyone that hates is gay. of course.


what attracts anyone to any ideology? they feel it fits their worldview and lifestyle.

Fascism and totaltiarianism werent created in Hitler's Bavarian pubs. They were proudcts of the birth of European nationalism and Imperialism. The ideology and xenophobia, radical nationalism state worship were around before Bismarck.
What the hell attracts someone to nazism?

Proably years of inbreeding or they proably got their asses kicked by a individual of another race and decided to blame that individual's who race for everything that went wrong in their own life.
If this is gonna turn into a "Let's talk bad about other board members," thread, I'm going to close it.
Simon W. Moon said:
If this is gonna turn into a "Let's talk bad about other board members," thread, I'm going to close it.

I was generally curious is all, its just an oddity from society, so I wanted to know....
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
I think it revolves around a feeling of lack of self worth and a failed life which they must compensate for by blaming everyone but themselves, it must be some huge conspiracy against them because they certainly can't be to blame for their own failings. That and they're probably closet homosexuals with years of built up repression, Freud would have had a field day with these people.

Dang, that go's for modern libs and especialy Deaniacs too, sorry to group you with the Nazis (I will take you out of the closet homosexuel category though for civilitys sake). LMFAO
What Attracts People To Nazism is the Feeling of Emotional Hatred, Nazism states The Aryan Race Is supreme Scientifically and All other races are inferior, especially slavs and Jews. This was caused mainly out of The Russian Revolution and Stalin's Reign, Which Allowed To Nazis to take up the Goal of Anti-Communism, Anti-Capitalism and Anti-Jewish. It basically differs from other idealogies as in it states a lot of the other ones are openly bad and basically is pesimism all over, It can corrupt a being whos read a lot about Communisms and Capitalisms crimes, but Also Weak Willed, and Who hasnt read about Nazisms crimes. Yet I am mildy confused by the original question , if it meant in history or now, i just answered for the now, but here is for the history part:

When Hitler joined the NSDAP in the 1920's, it had only 7 members, it was Basically a Communist-Socialist group of drunkards, then he used PSYCHOLOGICAL Methods to show himself to be a charismatic person, which attracted many people to him and his Party. Then after he took power in the 1930's, He began a policy of "Join or Die", in Which He made it law for every Germany Citizen of Aryan Descent to Join The Nazi Party, or be shipped off to a concentration camp or be shot, so if you value your life, it would be pretty clear once those gestapo guys are on your doorstep, are you Going to Join The Nazi party?
But that was the past and a very very unique event, One who is emotionally stressed or starving might look to nazism for someone to blame, but a Thinking and wise person knows its effects are bad and its idealogy leads nowhere and is based on what the buhddists called the "Primal Mind", the mind which simply appeals to the emotions, and which wishes for food, pleasure, and shelter.
Or maybe, dickheads like other dickheads.

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