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I dont care about Global Cooling / Warming! (1 Viewer)

The Giant Noodle

DP Veteran
Mar 22, 2010
Reaction score
Northern Illinois
Political Leaning
Im done with the whole bunch of crap. Scientist if they arent skewing answers and statistics, they dont know what the hell is happening. Its almost like they are doing all this crap just so they continue to have something to research so they still have a job. :roll:

Plus even if there IS global warming, we as humans cant do anything about it. The Earth has far more culprits of polluting the air than humans do.

So what DO I care about environmentally-wise? Ground water! City air pollution for health reasons. Deforestation.

I STRONGLY feel far far far too much time and money have been spent on global warming.
Im done with the whole bunch of crap. Scientist if they arent skewing answers and statistics, they dont know what the hell is happening. Its almost like they are doing all this crap just so they continue to have something to research so they still have a job. :roll:

Plus even if there IS global warming, we as humans cant do anything about it. The Earth has far more culprits of polluting the air than humans do.

So what DO I care about environmentally-wise? Ground water! City air pollution for health reasons. Deforestation.

I STRONGLY feel far far far too much time and money have been spent on global warming.

What makes you say we can't possibly affect global temperature? Do you not believe that CO2 is a greenhouse gas? Can you provide evidence that nature spits out more pollutants than we do?
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