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I don’t get it (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 17, 2020
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Springfield MO
Political Leaning
The Trump organization gets into the crypto business three days before he becomes president, and the next day he announces that he will be issuing crypto-friendly EOs within his first few days as president. Isn’t it obvious that he is corruptly using his power to enrich himself? Isn’t this blatant corruption? What exactly am I missing?
The Trump organization gets into the crypto business three days before he becomes president, and the next day he announces that he will be issuing crypto-friendly EOs within his first few days as president. Isn’t it obvious that he is corruptly using his power to enrich himself? Isn’t this blatant corruption? What exactly am I missing?
You don’t seem to understand.

There was this email where it was said “hold 10% for the big guy” even though the person that it was supposedly about was a private citizen at the time and the deal fell through.

It doesn’t matter because that gives a permission structure to ignore blatant corruption in Trump world.
You don’t seem to understand.

There was this email where it was said “hold 10% for the big guy” even though the person that it was supposedly about was a private citizen at the time and the deal fell through.

It doesn’t matter because that gives a permission structure to ignore blatant corruption in Trump world.

Yep. Their ecosystem of Fox/Tucker/Rogan/YouTube have prepped them all with their "lawfare" bumper sticker defense, so now Trump can transparently violate the Constitution and his base will defend him without even needing to process what is happening.
The Trump organization gets into the crypto business three days before he becomes president, and the next day he announces that he will be issuing crypto-friendly EOs within his first few days as president. Isn’t it obvious that he is corruptly using his power to enrich himself? Isn’t this blatant corruption? What exactly am I missing?
What you are missing is the CBDC issue.
Why do you say you don't get it?
Trump likes crypto? Are you surprised? He's held that position from day one. He's trying to legitimize it so he can better tax it. We need any tax revenue we can get.
Trump likes crypto? Are you surprised? He's held that position from day one. He's trying to legitimize it so he can better tax it. We need any tax revenue we can get.

See? They don't see any problem with it. Trump and their favorite media choices will fill in the gaps for them.

Soon they'll all be saying the same thing.

Hint: the answer is probably "lawfare."
The Trump organization gets into the crypto business three days before he becomes president, and the next day he announces that he will be issuing crypto-friendly EOs within his first few days as president. Isn’t it obvious that he is corruptly using his power to enrich himself? Isn’t this blatant corruption? What exactly am I missing?

What’s it to get. Trump is an unethical, corrupt, man
Why do you say you don't get it?

I say I don’t get it because I don’t understand why and how he can get away with such blatant and open corruption while tens of millions of Americans simply look the other way. How on Earth did this happen? Why are we giving away even the slightest bit of outrage at this? How did we suddenly become a Third World nation where the leader can be openly corrupt and no one seems to care? Is this the end of democracy whereby the leader is simply allowed to use his power to enrich himself? It’s almost like a dream. How did we let it slip away so easily?
The Trump organization gets into the crypto business three days before he becomes president, and the next day he announces that he will be issuing crypto-friendly EOs within his first few days as president. Isn’t it obvious that he is corruptly using his power to enrich himself? Isn’t this blatant corruption? What exactly am I missing?
These days we would be shocked if Trump WASN'T doing something corrupt in his Presidential capacity.
The Trump organization gets into the crypto business three days before he becomes president, and the next day he announces that he will be issuing crypto-friendly EOs within his first few days as president. Isn’t it obvious that he is corruptly using his power to enrich himself? Isn’t this blatant corruption? What exactly am I missing?
you are missing the part where the people are corrupt as well-----and they do the voting
The Trump organization gets into the crypto business three days before he becomes president, and the next day he announces that he will be issuing crypto-friendly EOs within his first few days as president. Isn’t it obvious that he is corruptly using his power to enrich himself? Isn’t this blatant corruption? What exactly am I missing?
Rumor is that he spoke to Nancy on how to make investments that far outgain even the best professional investors.
The Trump organization gets into the crypto business three days before he becomes president, and the next day he announces that he will be issuing crypto-friendly EOs within his first few days as president. Isn’t it obvious that he is corruptly using his power to enrich himself? Isn’t this blatant corruption? What exactly am I missing?

It's blatant corruption, always has been.

But no one is willing to stop it, apparently, or at least no one in a position to do so, if anyone is.
Trump likes crypto? Are you surprised? He's held that position from day one. He's trying to legitimize it so he can better tax it. We need any tax revenue we can get.
You are joshing us, aren't you. You cannot possibly believe that line.
He owns the Supreme Court.
No, he doesn't. They reject his requests all the time.

Stop with the nonsense already, libs...
No, he doesn't. They reject his requests all the time.

Stop with the nonsense already, libs...

Uh huh.
Issuing EOs is within the core duties of the president. Therefore, those EOs can say ANYTHING Trump wants them to and it's all good.

So if Trump wants to make crypto the official currency of the US, who's gonna stop him? Of course, one of the attractive features of crypto is it is virtually untraceable and therefore untaxable.

Once the dollar is no longer backed by the full faith and credit of the US, well, all the dollars in every bank account and investment will be virtually worthless, which means that every nation that backs their currency with dollars are totally ****ed.

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