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I can't do anything right! (1 Viewer)


dangerously addictive
DP Veteran
Jul 21, 2005
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Somewhere over the rainbow
Political Leaning
****!! I am always screwing **** up and I did it again. I got a new diamond necklace for valentines day and I lost it today at work and no one will say they found it! It slipped right off my neck and I go to look for it maybe 30 mins later and it's gone! I'm such a klutz that I can't do anything right and now these assholes here act they they don't know **** about anything!

AAAAHHHH!!!!!!!!! What can I do??
I just need to add on that I feel like complete **** and is there any suggestions on what to do for my boyfriend to make it up to him?
americanwoman said:
I just need to add on that I feel like complete **** and is there any suggestions on what to do for my boyfriend to make it up to him?

Yikes! That sounds terrible, americanwoman. Is there any chance he insured the necklace? What about offering a reward? Or did he buy it from a credit card that offers some sort of protection? A lot of credit cards offer that now. Check it out.

If I found a valuable item, I would never be able to keep it. Maybe someone will develop a conscience and it will show up. Regardless, check out to see if there was some sort of insurance on it. Good luck.

Let us know what happened.
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aps said:
Yikes! That sounds terrible, americanwoman. Is there any chance he insured the necklace? What about offering a reward? Or did he buy it from a credit card that offers some sort of protection? A lot of credit cards offer that now. Check it out.

If I found a valuable item, I would never be able to keep it. Maybe someone will develop a conscience and it will shop up. Regardless, check out to see if there was some sort of insurance on it. Good luck.

Let us know what happened.

Thanks for the suggestion:) but unfortunatly he didn't get the insurance and paid cash. He's being great about it but I just feel terrible. I'll think about offering the reward though, thanks! Some people only want to help out if they get something back. Sad isn't it.....
I’m really sorry for your loss. Hope someone has the balls to turn it in.


Sounds like you need to add a safety lock, clasp or chain to your stuff.
My wife has them on all her necklaces.
americanwoman said:
****!! I am always screwing **** up and I did it again. I got a new diamond necklace for valentines day and I lost it today at work and no one will say they found it! It slipped right off my neck and I go to look for it maybe 30 mins later and it's gone! I'm such a klutz that I can't do anything right and now these assholes here act they they don't know **** about anything!

AAAAHHHH!!!!!!!!! What can I do??

Admit it: you sold that necklace at a pawn shop so you could buy your 18 year old boyfriend an xbox360.

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