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I apologize (1 Viewer)



America is the child of the rest of the world. As such we a slow to grow up. All of our ancestors came from some where else! Having said this I must say America's president is a arrogant, stupid, butt hole, and I apologize for his behavior! Please accept my apology!
gypsymoon said:
America is the child of the rest of the world. As such we a slow to grow up. All of our ancestors came from some where else! Having said this I must say America's president is a arrogant, stupid, butt hole, and I apologize for his behavior! Please accept my apology!

Bill Clinton? I apologize to the rest of the world for his behavior too. ;)
gypsymoon said:
America is the child of the rest of the world. As such we a slow to grow up. All of our ancestors came from some where else! Having said this I must say America's president is a arrogant, stupid, butt hole, and I apologize for his behavior! Please accept my apology!

Thank you Gypsy for your thought provoking commentary. Where did you graduate?
gypsymoon said:
America is the child of the rest of the world. As such we a slow to grow up. All of our ancestors came from some where else! Having said this I must say America's president is a arrogant, stupid, butt hole, and I apologize for his behavior! Please accept my apology!

How incredibly innane.
gypsymoon said:
America is the child of the rest of the world. As such we a slow to grow up. All of our ancestors came from some where else! Having said this I must say America's president is a arrogant, stupid, butt hole, and I apologize for his behavior! Please accept my apology!

gypsymoon, I think you're hilarious. :lol: I wish I could accept your apology at this time, but I have to live with the idiot for the next 3 years.
Not one person has to apologise for what his govt does.

We all know that most americans are just normal people, interested in their pursuit of happiness as all of us are.

A lot of people have a right to complain about US policies. A lot of people have a right to complain about the UK or French or Russian or whoever policies.

A lot of people understand that the way a country behaves is not the way the individuals composing that country behave.

Democracy (the real stuff) anyone?


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