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I am new (1 Viewer)


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May 29, 2005
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Hey I am Shye :2wave: HA! I love this Icon. I am for the Green Party. I am pretty new at politics, just got really into it this year, and Just really got into forums this year also. I always try and listen to both sides of an issue and give everyone a chance, its not all about the rich. Everyone is created equal so everyone has a chance to take a stand and give a reason on issues. Well see you guys around
I acutually heard that nader speech, someone I really admire.
Shye said:
Hey I am Shye :2wave: HA! I love this Icon. I am for the Green Party. I am pretty new at politics, just got really into it this year, and Just really got into forums this year also. I always try and listen to both sides of an issue and give everyone a chance, its not all about the rich. Everyone is created equal so everyone has a chance to take a stand and give a reason on issues. Well see you guys around

Welcome to Debate Politics!

I like your sig. line from Nader. He really does get some things right. I heard him speak in Portland last year. He made a statement about how if Americans spent nearly as much time paying attention to politics as they do sports this would be a much better country. He said "ask the average guy what the batting average of his favorite ball player is and he'll know that off the top of his head. Ask the same guy who his congressman is and all you'll get is a blank stare." Sad but true.

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