• This is a political forum that is non-biased/non-partisan and treats every person's position on topics equally. This debate forum is not aligned to any political party. In today's politics, many ideas are split between and even within all the political parties. Often we find ourselves agreeing on one platform but some topics break our mold. We are here to discuss them in a civil political debate. If this is your first visit to our political forums, be sure to check out the RULES. Registering for debate politics is necessary before posting. Register today to participate - it's free!

I am joining you here. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Mar 4, 2022
Reaction score
Asheville NC
Political Leaning
First post. Hoping there is no childish name-calling here like I've experienced on other boards. In my 70 years I've been called many things due to my periodic memberships in the Republican, Democratic, and Green parties. I have run for office against all of them. I look forward to lively discussions.
You have come to the wrong place then .
This is a chat site for predominantly old Snowflakes who would not know a Debate if you flapped one in their face .
Intelligence and knowledge are a huge disadvantage here but blind prejudice and gullibility are treasured .
By all means, good luck , and take my place as I am completing transfer arrangements .
Going back to join the young professionals after seeing how the other half live .
You have come to the wrong place then .
This is a chat site for predominantly old Snowflakes who would not know a Debate if you flapped one in their face .
Intelligence and knowledge are a huge disadvantage here but blind prejudice and gullibility are treasured .
By all means, good luck , and take my place as I am completing transfer arrangements .
Going back to join the young professionals after seeing how the other half live .
Need some boxes?
First post. Hoping there is no childish name-calling here like I've experienced on other boards. In my 70 years I've been called many things due to my periodic memberships in the Republican, Democratic, and Green parties. I have run for office against all of them. I look forward to lively discussions.


I don't mind being called a name when evidence can be provided to support the definition of the name. Still, it's safer to call what somebody says as idiocy or lying rather call that somebody an idiot or a liar, even if the frequency of idiocy or lies may support that the somebody is, arguably, an idiot or a liar.
You have come to the wrong place then .
This is a chat site for predominantly old Snowflakes who would not know a Debate if you flapped one in their face .
Intelligence and knowledge are a huge disadvantage here but blind prejudice and gullibility are treasured .
By all means, good luck , and take my place as I am completing transfer arrangements .
Going back to join the young professionals after seeing how the other half live .

You'll be missed.
You have come to the wrong place then .
This is a chat site for predominantly old Snowflakes who would not know a Debate if you flapped one in their face .
Intelligence and knowledge are a huge disadvantage here but blind prejudice and gullibility are treasured .
By all means, good luck , and take my place as I am completing transfer arrangements .
Going back to join the young professionals after seeing how the other half live .

Is there some reason you need to continue to post here while "completing transfer arrangements"?
First post. Hoping there is no childish name-calling here like I've experienced on other boards. In my 70 years I've been called many things due to my periodic memberships in the Republican, Democratic, and Green parties. I have run for office against all of them. I look forward to lively discussions.
Don't get your hopes up. Name calling is an art form on this site. Welcome.
You have come to the wrong place then .
This is a chat site for predominantly old Snowflakes who would not know a Debate if you flapped one in their face .
Intelligence and knowledge are a huge disadvantage here but blind prejudice and gullibility are treasured .
By all means, good luck , and take my place as I am completing transfer arrangements .
Going back to join the young professionals after seeing how the other half live .
Don't let the door hit ya' where the good lord split ya'. I'm sure the young professionals will be welcoming you back with open arms.
Is there some reason you need to continue to post here while "completing transfer arrangements"?
I love mixing with people like you .

A source of endless anecdotes , always guaranteed to get dinner and pub conversations rolling with laughter .

The only problem I have had so far is getting people to accept that I am not exaggerating .
Don't let the door hit ya' where the good lord split ya'. I'm sure the young professionals will be welcoming you back with open arms.
I never left actually .

I have been here to cure myself of wasting time on Cryptic Crosswords and playing too much on-line bridge when I should be watching the markets .

I failed .

You should concentrate on newcomer Volunteer . He also might be intelligent and knowledgeable and a much nicer and forgiving replacement versus the lovely Monique .
First post. Hoping there is no childish name-calling here like I've experienced on other boards. In my 70 years I've been called many things due to my periodic memberships in the Republican, Democratic, and Green parties. I have run for office against all of them. I look forward to lively discussions.
You in the wrong spot.
You have come to the wrong place then .
This is a chat site for predominantly old Snowflakes who would not know a Debate if you flapped one in their face .
Intelligence and knowledge are a huge disadvantage here but blind prejudice and gullibility are treasured .
By all means, good luck , and take my place as I am completing transfer arrangements .
Going back to join the young professionals after seeing how the other half live .
Oh please, I doubt you're even real.
read the rules
some subforums have their own, unique requirements
don't learn about them the hard way

lots of brilliant folks around
fortunately, the number of idiots is smaller

we are a tribal group

welcome aboard
First post. Hoping there is no childish name-calling here like I've experienced on other boards. In my 70 years I've been called many things due to my periodic memberships in the Republican, Democratic, and Green parties. I have run for office against all of them. I look forward to lively discussions.
First post. Hoping there is no childish name-calling here like I've experienced on other boards. In my 70 years I've been called many things due to my periodic memberships in the Republican, Democratic, and Green parties. I have run for office against all of them. I look forward to lively discussions.

Welcome, just remember that the barkers have no teeth
First post. Hoping there is no childish name-calling here like I've experienced on other boards. In my 70 years I've been called many things due to my periodic memberships in the Republican, Democratic, and Green parties. I have run for office against all of them. I look forward to lively discussions.
Welcome, like all boards there is a mix of posts and posters. Like mentioned before, read the rules and explore the many sub-sets to the forum.
I love mixing with people like you .

A source of endless anecdotes , always guaranteed to get dinner and pub conversations rolling with laughter .

The only problem I have had so far is getting people to accept that I am not exaggerating .

I don't think you should leave. Your opinions seem to trigger others. That's not your problem.
First post. Hoping there is no childish name-calling here like I've experienced on other boards. In my 70 years I've been called many things due to my periodic memberships in the Republican, Democratic, and Green parties. I have run for office against all of them. I look forward to lively discussions.

Welcome to the forum. Always interested in sparring with newbies. I hope my calling you a newbie doesn't offend you. ;)
First post. Hoping there is no childish name-calling here like I've experienced on other boards. In my 70 years I've been called many things due to my periodic memberships in the Republican, Democratic, and Green parties. I have run for office against all of them. I look forward to lively discussions.

There is bound to be SOME of that, but when it gets to be too much, mods step in and take appropriate action.
Once you familiarize yourself with the rules and get to learn the ropes, you'll get a feel for the atmosphere here.
There are plenty of good folks here, but yes, you do need to adjust to the signal to noise ratio...it's not perfect and you will have to decide who and what to filter out.

But definitely learn about the RULES...there are a lot of important ones.
Cheers, mate.
If you're looking for high quality discussions and maybe even some debate, you should probably log off the Internet.

If you want to splash in the shallow end, jump on in.

Welcome. :)
You have come to the wrong place then .
This is a chat site for predominantly old Snowflakes who would not know a Debate if you flapped one in their face .
Intelligence and knowledge are a huge disadvantage here but blind prejudice and gullibility are treasured .
By all means, good luck , and take my place as I am completing transfer arrangements .
Going back to join the young professionals after seeing how the other half live .
Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out! Bye Bye
First post. Hoping there is no childish name-calling here like I've experienced on other boards. In my 70 years I've been called many things due to my periodic memberships in the Republican, Democratic, and Green parties. I have run for office against all of them. I look forward to lively discussions.
Hello and welcome to DP. Sure you will enjoy posting here.
Take a quick read of the rules and please post away. :cool:

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