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Hybrid Display Mode (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Hi all! I am playing with the Display Mode. Threaded Mode seems broken, which I reported. I changed the posts per page to 40 for Linear Mode - cool. Now I am playing with Hybrid Mode. It's cool to see the threading - who replied to whom. However, there is a depth limit and I can't seem to display threaded posts below this depth. Is there anyone who has played with this? Is there a way to change the depth? How do you view posts below depth? Happy Debatin'!
Hi all! I am playing with the Display Mode. Threaded Mode seems broken, which I reported. I changed the posts per page to 40 for Linear Mode - cool. Now I am playing with Hybrid Mode. It's cool to see the threading - who replied to whom. However, there is a depth limit and I can't seem to display threaded posts below this depth. Is there anyone who has played with this? Is there a way to change the depth? How do you view posts below depth? Happy Debatin'!

i haven't been able to use the threaded mode since the upgrade.
liblady, can you be more specific as to what is happening? Maybe attach a screenshot?


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