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Hurricane Threads (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
Political Leaning
President Bush is certainly deeply troubled by the damage done to New Orleans by Hurricane Katrina, and he is in the driver's seat to do something about it to prepare in the future. All it takes is a letter to him, and I ask that you write one, as I have just done.

The article I am linking to is, unfortunately, calling for Bush's scalp, because before Katrina hit, Bush cut funding for hurricane preparedness in New Orleans, cut funding to the Army Corp of Engineers in New Orleans, and shelved a report which gave advise on how to deal with a cat 5 hurricane if it should hit New Orleans. However, I do not agree with bashing Bush over this, but strongly feel that everyone should write Bush, and ask that this funding be restored, so that the death and destruction, while it would still happen in the future, can be kept to a minimum. Bush may be incompetent in many areas, but he certainly is not rejoicing at the results, and I doubt that he is so cold-hearted that he would be indifferent to what happened. To the contrary, I think he cares about what happened, which is why a letter to him asking him to take action on these issues would help. As for the action being done now, Bush has done all he can do, which is a good thing.

I also take issue with the writers of the article, who are using the tragedy in New Orleans and Mississippi largely for political mileage. This is not the time for politics, but to set things right again in that highly vulnerable area of the nation. Please write a letter, and make it nice.

Article is here.
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Re: What Bush Can Do For New Orleans

I do feel bad for people losing everything, including loved ones. I do not feel bad for those who were sitting on there roofs waiting to be rescued. They were give ample warning time to evacuate. The stupid shall be punished.

Now, what Bush can do to help is to pressure Congress into giving people grants to rebuild. Currently if an area is declared a disaster zone, the people get a low interest LOAN to aid them.

But when the tsunami happened half-way around the world, we gave them grants. They are not required to pay the money back that American tax payers funded. How much did we give the countries that were hit by the tsunami? $350 billion or so? I can't remember.

Why can't American tax dollars go to help Americans? Why should we expect Americans to pay back the money if we don't expect others?
Re: What Bush Can Do For New Orleans

danarhea said:
President Bush is certainly deeply troubled by the damage done to New Orleans by Hurricane Katrina, and he is in the driver's seat to do something about it to prepare in the future. All it takes is a letter to him, and I ask that you write one, as I have just done.

The article I am linking to is, unfortunately, calling for Bush's scalp, because before Katrina hit, Bush cut funding for hurricane preparedness in New Orleans, cut funding to the Army Corp of Engineers in New Orleans, and shelved a report which gave advise on how to deal with a cat 5 hurricane if it should hit New Orleans. However, I do not agree with bashing Bush over this, but strongly feel that everyone should write Bush, and ask that this funding be restored, so that the death and destruction, while it would still happen in the future, can be kept to a minimum. Bush may be incompetent in many areas, but he certainly is not rejoicing at the results, and I doubt that he is so cold-hearted that he would be indifferent to what happened. To the contrary, I think he cares about what happened, which is why a letter to him asking him to take action on these issues would help. As for the action being done now, Bush has done all he can do, which is a good thing.

I also take issue with the writers of the article, who are using the tragedy in New Orleans and Mississippi largely for political mileage. This is not the time for politics, but to set things right again in that highly vulnerable area of the nation. Please write a letter, and make it nice.

Article is here.

Why not use it for political mileage? Ask yourself, if Clinton were in the Whitehouse, what would the Republicans be doing right now?
Re: What Bush Can Do For New Orleans

SouthernDemocrat said:
Why not use it for political mileage? Ask yourself, if Clinton were in the Whitehouse, what would the Republicans be doing right now?

Looking for more blue dresses.
Re: What Bush Can Do For New Orleans

danarhea said:
President Bush is certainly deeply troubled by the damage done to New Orleans by Hurricane Katrina, and he is in the driver's seat to do something about it to prepare in the future. All it takes is a letter to him, and I ask that you write one, as I have just done.

The article I am linking to is, unfortunately, calling for Bush's scalp, because before Katrina hit, Bush cut funding for hurricane preparedness in New Orleans, cut funding to the Army Corp of Engineers in New Orleans, and shelved a report which gave advise on how to deal with a cat 5 hurricane if it should hit New Orleans. However, I do not agree with bashing Bush over this, but strongly feel that everyone should write Bush, and ask that this funding be restored, so that the death and destruction, while it would still happen in the future, can be kept to a minimum. Bush may be incompetent in many areas, but he certainly is not rejoicing at the results, and I doubt that he is so cold-hearted that he would be indifferent to what happened. To the contrary, I think he cares about what happened, which is why a letter to him asking him to take action on these issues would help. As for the action being done now, Bush has done all he can do, which is a good thing.

I also take issue with the writers of the article, who are using the tragedy in New Orleans and Mississippi largely for political mileage. This is not the time for politics, but to set things right again in that highly vulnerable area of the nation. Please write a letter, and make it nice.

Article is here.
Not a bad post, but let's put it this way, New Orleans is unfortunately a disaster waiting to happen in a storm like this, I should know, I live a few hundred miles away. The thing is that the fatality count could have been much worse as well as the destruction, the big problem is that the whole area of the state is very low(most under sea level) and actually this would have been much worse for us in Louisiana if that eye had hit the city or just to the west of it. All effected by this are in my thoughts however, and anyone who tries to use this as a platform is scum and can kiss......well....you know.
Re: What Bush Can Do For New Orleans

SouthernDemocrat said:
Why not use it for political mileage? Ask yourself, if Clinton were in the Whitehouse, what would the Republicans be doing right now?
The Republicans would be setting aside the other things that they could hit Clinton for and work on helping people who were effected. Next question.
Re: What Bush Can Do For New Orleans

LaMidRighter said:
The Republicans would be setting aside the other things that they could hit Clinton for and work on helping people who were effected. Next question.

No, they would be blaming it on him some how, some way. Do you honestly think that thugs like Limbaugh and Tom Delay would set aside politics for anything? I am surprised they didn’t accuse him of killing his own mother when she died. Hell, by September 12th, 2001, they were already blaming September 11th, 2001 on him.

My point is, if you want to get ahead, you got to be just as dirty as the other guys are. If Bush did cut funding for disaster readiness down in Louisiana, then it would be awfully "un-Republican" of us not to point it out.

Of course it would be awfully sleazy too.
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Re: What Bush Can Do For New Orleans

SouthernDemocrat said:
No, they would be blaming it on him some how, some way. Do you honestly think that thugs like Limbaugh and Tom Delay would set aside politics for anything? I am surprised they didn’t accuse him of killing his own mother when she died. Hell, by September 12th, 2001, they were already blaming September 11th, 2001 on him.
The key difference here being that a hurricane is a force of nature in which no-one can stop this from happening, Clinton was very laxadaisical in his approach to stopping terror, thus opening the door to what happened on 9/11/01.

My point is, if you want to get ahead, you got to be just as dirty as the other guys are. If Bush did cut funding for disaster readiness down in Louisiana, then it would be awfully "un-Republican" of us not to point it out.
Why be dirty at all, let the arena of ideals prevail, typically, you see those who lose debates resort to these kinds of tactics, and lately, I have seen more dirty tricks from fringe left groups.
My point is this, New Orleans is a great city, nevermind it seems some smaller cities around it may have been completely eradicated by this storm along with Southwestern Miss. these were good people who need help right now, not sympathy and certainly not politics, I was proud of Sen. Landrieu in this event(even though not a fan of hers) and Kathlene Blanco(likewise) along with Republican and Democrat leaders around the state, everyone dropped the fighting to reduce human and property damage as much as possible, and hopefully not to many more people need lose life or property.
Re: What Bush Can Do For New Orleans

part of that sounded bad, I meant to say, besides the fact that New Orleans should be okay, some smaller cities......, but I hope everyone got the picture.
Re: What Bush Can Do For New Orleans

ANAV said:
Why can't American tax dollars go to help Americans?

Because we need the american tax dollars to wreck countries like Iraq. There is nothing left to help our own people.
Re: What Bush Can Do For New Orleans

It always amazes me how much it takes for Americans to unite and actually help each other out. New Orleans will NEVER be the same, It'll have problems for years to come. Frankly I wouldn't be suprised if some people never return to live in New Orleans, the chances of another Katrina is very good... New Orleans is just very very unlucky. Good Luck to those still trapped in the storm.
Re: What Bush Can Do For New Orleans

Arch Enemy said:
It always amazes me how much it takes for Americans to unite and actually help each other out. New Orleans will NEVER be the same, It'll have problems for years to come. Frankly I wouldn't be suprised if some people never return to live in New Orleans, the chances of another Katrina is very good... New Orleans is just very very unlucky. Good Luck to those still trapped in the storm.

Ultimately, New Orleans is going to be a lost cause, since the tectonic plate it sits on is part of a geological subduction zone. But for now, Americans should come together and do what we can to help those who have lost their homes. Whether that ultimately means rebuilding New Orleans in time for the next disaster, or abandoining it to the sea and letting nature take its oouse, while helping the former inhabitants resettle elsewhere, is eventually going to be a major issue for debate.
Re: What Bush Can Do For New Orleans

danarhea said:
I also take issue with the writers of the article, who are using the tragedy in New Orleans and Mississippi largely for political mileage. This is not the time for politics, but to set things right again in that highly vulnerable area of the nation. Please write a letter, and make it nice.

Never have you said anything more true. Time for everyone, regardless of political stripe, to band together and support the people of the Gulf Coast as much as possible.
Re: What Bush Can Do For New Orleans

I'm sure the looters are quite happy that Bush sent half the national guard to Iraq. This is exactly why so many of the states worried about losing their guard members to Iraq.
Re: What Bush Can Do For New Orleans

scottyz said:
I'm sure the looters are quite happy that Bush sent half the national guard to Iraq. This is exactly why so many of the states worried about losing their guard members to Iraq.

I have heard reports that there are National Guard troops on the ground, though I don't know in what numbers.

Am I the only person who have noticed that all of the looters I have seen on TV have one thing in common?
Re: What Bush Can Do For New Orleans

scottyz said:
I'm sure the looters are quite happy that Bush sent half the national guard to Iraq. This is exactly why so many of the states worried about losing their guard members to Iraq.

Yea, I saw the looter being interviewed by the reporter from Channel 13 in Houston. He was trying to justify stealing from those who have lost all. In my honest opinion, he should have been arrested and executed by a firing squad.
Re: What Bush Can Do For New Orleans

danarhea said:
Yea, I saw the looter being interviewed by the reporter from Channel 13 in Houston. He was trying to justify stealing from those who have lost all. In my honest opinion, he should have been arrested and executed by a firing squad.

I agree. Sad that while storms like this often bring out the best in people, they can also bring out the worst.

As I say that, time to shut the windows here. We are starting to get battered by Typhoon Talim.
Re: What Bush Can Do For New Orleans

danarhea said:
Yea, I saw the looter being interviewed by the reporter from Channel 13 in Houston. He was trying to justify stealing from those who have lost all. In my honest opinion, he should have been arrested and executed by a firing squad.
He must not be that bright if he let them show his face and he admitted to looting.. :doh I wonder what the looters will do with their loot? A new TV or stereo is pretty worthless without power or a dry home. I read that one cop got shot(not killed afaik) trying to stop looters.
Re: What Bush Can Do For New Orleans

scottyz said:
He must not be that bright if he let them show his face and he admitted to looting.. :doh I wonder what the looters will do with their loot? A new TV or stereo is pretty worthless without power or a dry home. I read that one cop got shot(not killed afaik) trying to stop looters.

I heard about the cop shot in the head by a looter. They say that he should recover.

I hope all of these looters caught on TV will all be prosecuted after all of this is taken care of.
Re: What Bush Can Do For New Orleans

scottyz said:
I'm sure the looters are quite happy that Bush sent half the national guard to Iraq. This is exactly why so many of the states worried about losing their guard members to Iraq.

Another statement with no basis in fact. Simply shows the knee-jerk statements people who hate Bush will make.

Mayor Negin just told Aaron Brown that there are enough law enforcement personnel in the city to handle the situation. Something tells me that he is not a Bush supporter.
Re: What Bush Can Do For New Orleans

ludahai said:
Another statement with no basis in fact. Simply shows the knee-jerk statements people who hate Bush will make.

Mayor Negin just told Aaron Brown that there are enough law enforcement personnel in the city to handle the situation. Something tells me that he is not a Bush supporter.
Have you seen the video and photos coming out of there? 80% of New Orleans is underwater! Firefighters from as far as CA are even coming to help. They need all man power they can get.
Re: What Bush Can Do For New Orleans

scottyz said:
Have you seen the video and photos coming out of there? 80% of New Orleans is underwater! Firefighters from as far as CA are even coming to help. They need all man power they can get.

Yes, I have seen some of the video. CNN International has been showing footage, as did local Taiwanese TV (until yesterday, local TV is now more focused on Typhoon Talim which is bearing down on us.)

However, there was still no justification for that slam on Bush. Next thing we will see people blame Bush for the hurricane itself. In fact, Billo has all but blamed Bush for Typhoon Talim in another thread.
Re: What Bush Can Do For New Orleans

Now CNN is reporting that the Army, Navy and Coast guard are being called in. The Navy is mobilizing ships and copters to help.
Re: What Bush Can Do For New Orleans

What can the international community do for New Orleans.......do I here crickets?

Seems pretty quiet on that front or it's not being reported very well.
I remember all the criticism Bush took for not doing enough in the tsunami relief effort.
Looting in Biloxi

I was watching the news yesterday, and in the aftermath of this devestating storm, people are actually looting from department stores, and it showed 2 uniformed cops. I can kinda understand if they were taking food or water, but they were stealing ps2's and dvd players and such. These are morally bankrupt people. Officers of the law should strive to set an example for the rest of us, not take advantage of a terrible situation. If anything, they should lose their jobs.

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