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Hunter Biden "Interim Report" by Sens. Johnson & Grassley, Worse than NPR report of Trump's receiving foreign payments and Trump Org distance Promises (1 Viewer)

Who's actually criminaly harming U.S. policy, rule of law, national Sec. & finances, Trump or Hunter

  • 2

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • Trump is enabled by his supporters to secretly use the presidency to enrich himself at our expense

    Votes: 5 71.4%
  • Hunter Biden is as guilty of criminal offense as Johnson Grassley interim report proves. Trump 2020!

    Votes: 1 14.3%

  • Total voters


Lady of the house wonderin' where it's gonna stop
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Sep 23, 2006
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The farcical, money wasting partisan "interim report" from psycho senator Ron Johnson, chair of Senate "Deutschland" Security Oversight and his Senate Finance Committee "sidekick", Senator Grassley has been released with an overwhelming "feather weight" thud.....

So has this investigative reporting of Trump's acceptance of foreign bribes as sitting POTUS and his broken promises about staying at arms' length from his privately owned property, investment, and personal business interests.

Who actually is harming the U.S. policy, rule of law, national security, financial standing, Trump, or Hunter Biden?


Republican Inquiry Finds No Evidence of Wrongdoing by Biden
The report delivered on Wednesday appeared to be little more than a rehashing of unproven allegations that echoed a Russian disinformation campaign.


Consider Trump's broken promise not to receive briefings from his children regarding his assets or businesses, and an invite to the White House of the democratically elected ally of the U.S., the Ukrainian president.
< 'White House, Inc.' Author: Trump's Businesses Offer 'A Million Potential Conflicts'
September 22, 20201:22 PM ET

ALEXANDER: Right. So, you know, Trump arrives in office. And unlike, say, you know, the George W. Bush presidency or the Barack Obama presidency, there doesn't seem to be coming in a really clear Middle East policy, you know, where he is going to do X, or he's going to do Y. And so he's kind of a blank slate. And when he comes in, the very first trip that he takes is to Saudi Arabia. And the Saudis are U.S. allies, as is Qatar. But those allies are sort of fighting amongst themselves. And the Saudis are accusing the Qataris of funding terrorists.

So Trump goes over to Saudi Arabia. And he comes back convinced of this argument. And he says, you know, right away, well, you know, Qatar - and remember, he's speaking about a U.S. ally. You know, Qatar, unfortunately, has been a funder of terrorists historically. And everyone's kind of like, whoa, that's a pretty wild thing to say about a U.S. ally. And Trump sort of pitches it as, well, this is, you know, me doing business in an unconventional way. You know, somebody had to shake things up.

And so Qatar, after that, you know, goes on this big lobbying spree where they're hiring a bunch of people in Washington. They're really trying to repair their image and make sure that the United States, one of their most important allies, isn't accusing them of funding terrorists. And around that time is when the Qataris move into this - well, quote-unquote, "move in" - to this unoccupied office space in San Francisco, apparently figuring out a way to secretly funnel money into the president's business empire. And then the position that Trump takes on Qatar does a total 180. He invites the emir of Qatar to the United States. And on the second one, he says, you know, I'm so proud of you for all that you've done to fight against terrorism funding. And the emir of Qatar is sitting there in the Oval Office. And he's like, well, I just want to make something clear, Mr. President. (Laughter) You know, we were never supporting terrorist funding. And Trump just sort of nods along.

And then you go about a year after that. The emir of Qatar comes back to the United States. And this time, Trump rolls out the red carpet.
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Rumor has it that Russia is feeding Sen. Johnson misinformation about Hunter Biden in order to advance it's own interests.



September 22, 2020


...I'm Dave Davies.. While Donald Trump is never shy about touting his wealth and business acumen, he's not so willing to disclose hard information about his finances, such as his tax returns. And unlike other presidents, he opted not to put his business interests in a blind trust upon taking office. Our guest today, Forbes magazine investigative journalist Dan Alexander, ...

DAVIES: You say he made three specific pledges to govern his business conduct while he was in office. What were they?

ALEXANDER: Yeah. So one of them was to do - he was going to do no new foreign deals. And he ended up doing foreign deals anyways...he was going to have outside ethics advisers review all new transactions that were coming into his business. That did not happen. Another one was that he wasn't going to talk with his kids about his business. Eric Trump, his son, told me in an interview inside Trump Tower that he was going to update his father on the business. And a fourth one I'll add is that he suggested that he'd donate all foreign profits, profits from foreign governments, to the U.S. Treasury. And that did not happen.

DAVIES: ..that's the Trump International Hotel.., which is built on a government space, actually, the Old Post Office. You did some calculations on his remittances from foreign governments there and found what?

ALEXANDER: Well, if you just do the math on the rent that flows in from the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, which rents space on the 20th floor of Trump Tower, and then you look at what the profit margins are on rent flowing into that building, you can see that just that one lease alone means that more than three times as much money from China is flowing into Trump's coffers than his business has donated in what it says are its profits from foreign governments. So they're doing something. But what they're doing is not what we thought it was.

DAVIES: what has he remitted from foreign governments?

ALEXANDER: So what he handed over in 2000, you know, '17 and '18 was a total of about $350,000. And then in 2019, it was a similar figure. So you know, it's a hundred grand, 200 grand per year, which might sound like a lot of money. But remember, this is a guy whose, you know, businesses take in $191 million of commercial rent a year from lots and lots of different entities. And if you look at the amount that comes in, you know, from this Chinese bank or from the Qataris, who are in 555 California St, or from the Bank of India that's also in 555 California St, you get to a much higher figure than what he's actually donated.

DAVIES: And an issue that came up early in the Trump presidency was the fact that he was opening this - the Trump International Hotel in Washington. It occupies a building that's actually owned by the federal government - right? - by the General Services Administration, the Old Post Office building. And so the Trump Organization has a lease with the General Services Administration. And it actually has a provision that prevents any elected official from benefiting from the lease, right?

ALEXANDER: Yeah. That's right. And the provision seems pretty clear. You know, it says that no one shall be admitted to share any part of this lease or any benefit that may arise therefrom, provided, however - you know? It goes into - it's a bunch of legal language. But basically, it's saying that if you're a public official that you can't be on the lease. So when Trump becomes a public official, it seems pretty clear that he's not able to be on the lease. And then there's the other question of whether - by owning this hotel, it opens him up to violate the Foreign Emoluments Clause of the U.S. Constitution,..

And those two things are immediate issues on Day 1 of his presidency that the government has to consider how to handle. And ultimately, the GSA decides that he can, in fact, be a part of the lease. And part of their rationale there is that it's a shell company that owns the lease, not him personally. Well, of course, it is. I mean, that's how business works. No one would hold, you know, a lease that's worth $200 million, you know, in their own personal name. But that was one thing. And then the other part was the Emoluments Clause. And with the Emoluments Clause, they basically didn't weigh in, you know?

They said, we recognize that this could be an issue. But we have determined that we're not going to make a call on it. Basically, it's kind of above our pay grade. And then, when they went back and did an investigation of this, then, you know, they said, well, (laughter) sure, it's above your pay grade. But it's actually not above your (laughter) pay grade. You know, it might feel that way. But your job is to make sure that you and everyone else is following the Constitution..

..Dan Alexander is a senior editor at Forbes. ..
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I am not even sure what the point of whataboutism is with this. Hunter Biden is not running for anything.
Another failed Trumpist hoax?

The farcical, money wasting partisan "interim report" from psycho senator Ron Johnson, chair of Senate "Deutschland" Security Oversight and his Senate Finance Committee "sidekick", Senator Grassley has been released with an overwhelming "feather weight" thud.....

So has this investigative reporting of Trump's acceptance of foreign bribes as sitting POTUS and his broken promises about staying at arms' length from his privately owned property, investment, and personal business interests.

Who actually is harming the U.S. policy, rule of law, national security, financial standing, Trump, or Hunter Biden?

Consider Trump's broken promise not to receive briefings from his children regarding his assets or businesses, and an invite to the White House of the democratically elected ally of the U.S., the Ukrainian president.
What a fanatical and stupid post.

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