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Human Shields (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 11, 2005
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Political Leaning
that say the exact same things all over again.

And knowing for sure that most of us can all agree on one thing.

Our troops are there, and we want them to be able to come home.

I have only one question.

Where are the human shields that showed up for Saddam and should be throwing themselves onto the IED’s and the like so our troops can come home early?
Re: Anticipating 100 topics...

Improvised Explosive Devices finn thats what Divine means let them go a head
and he is right,got that.

well done Divine i agree with U

kind regards

Re: Anticipating 100 topics...

DivineComedy said:
that say the exact same things all over again.

And knowing for sure that most of us can all agree on one thing.

Our troops are there, and we want them to be able to come home.

I have only one question.

Where are the human shields that showed up for Saddam and should be throwing themselves onto the IED’s and the like so our troops can come home early?
Yes I remember those crazy idiots.They wanted to protect the schools and hospitals and actually thought those would be targeted by the US military.They were so surprised and upset when Iraqi officials wanted to post them at their military compounds....That's what happens when a little reality trickels in.
Re: Anticipating 100 topics...

I found a couple websites regarding them... but none have been updated since 2003.


The reason being, well it could be this:
'Human shields' in Iraq now face fines back home
Treasury Department says peace activists violated sanctions

Under sanctions in place since 1990, it is illegal to spend foreign currency in Iraq. Violations can carry penalties of up to 12 years in jail and $275,000 in fines.

Then, in Sept 2004, this article was written:
‘Human Shields’ Denied Hearings Over Alleged Iraq Sanctions Violations
I don't know where they are. But there are a few on this board we can throw on an IED.....:2razz:

Being a human shield is a great idea.. Right up until you realize you may very well die. Then it's a little tougher to put the rubber to the road.

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