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Huge, high-flying 'pseudo-satellite' will stay up for months (1 Viewer)


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Dec 3, 2017
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The Odysseus is one of the biggest unpiloted aircraft ever built.

More than an ordinary aerial drone but not quite a satellite, a huge solar-powered airplane with three tails and wings wider than a jumbo jet’s will soon be taking to the skies.

Odysseus, developed by Boeing subsidiary Aurora Flight Sciences of Manassas, Virginia, is one of the largest unpiloted aircraft ever built — and one of the lightest. It has a 243-foot wingspan but weighs less than a small car, the company says. Its six electrically powered propellers will be driven by energy from hundreds of solar panels that cover the aircraft's exterior or from banks of rechargeable batteries on board, depending on the available sunlight.

With a top speed of 100 miles an hour, Odysseus won't be very fast. But it's designed to soar to altitudes above 60,000 feet and stay aloft for months at a time.
Applications include serving as wide-area cellular telephone sites in remote places or disaster areas.
I’m thinking of a unique sponsor; Viagra!

“......stays up for months........”


The Odysseus is one of the biggest unpiloted aircraft ever built.

More than an ordinary aerial drone but not quite a satellite, a huge solar-powered airplane with three tails and wings wider than a jumbo jet’s will soon be taking to the skies.

Odysseus, developed by Boeing subsidiary Aurora Flight Sciences of Manassas, Virginia, is one of the largest unpiloted aircraft ever built — and one of the lightest. It has a 243-foot wingspan but weighs less than a small car, the company says. Its six electrically powered propellers will be driven by energy from hundreds of solar panels that cover the aircraft's exterior or from banks of rechargeable batteries on board, depending on the available sunlight.

With a top speed of 100 miles an hour, Odysseus won't be very fast. But it's designed to soar to altitudes above 60,000 feet and stay aloft for months at a time.
Applications include serving as wide-area cellular telephone sites in remote places or disaster areas.

Applications include spying, which is largely why the thing got built, as well as using the thing as a prototype for figuring out how to "solarize" commercial aircraft and other flying "gizmos" to save on fuel.

To radar:
  • At 70K feet, it's a plane.
  • At ~20K feet, it's a flock of geese.

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I think we are going to,get to a point where most large city police departments maintain pseudo satellite platforms to maintain 24 hour live eye in the sky surveillance capability. Then when a crime is reported they scroll over to that part of the map and hit “rewind” until they see the perp and then hit “play” and just follow the perp to where he goes.

Extremely useful. And a scary amount of power.
I think we are going to,get to a point where most large city police departments maintain pseudo satellite platforms to maintain 24 hour live eye in the sky surveillance capability. Then when a crime is reported they scroll over to that part of the map and hit “rewind” until they see the perp and then hit “play” and just follow the perp to where he goes.

Extremely useful. And a scary amount of power.

This here is how it goes:

With the Uighurs protesting, Beijing has tightened its grip and turned Xinjiang into a security state that is extreme even by China's standards, being a police state itself. According to Adrian Zenz, a German expert on Xinjiang, the provincial government has recruited over 90,000 police officers in the last two years alone -- twice as many as it recruited in the previous seven years. With around 500 police officers for every 100,000 inhabitants, the police presence will soon be almost as tight as it is in neighboring Tibet.

At the same time, Beijing is equipping the far-western region with state-of-the-art surveillance technology, with cameras illuminating every street all over the region, from the capital Urumqi to the most remote mountain village. Iris scanners and WiFi sniffers are in use in stations, airports and at the ubiquitous checkpoints -- tools and programs that allow data traffic from wireless networks to be monitored.

The data is then collated by an "integrated joint operations platform" that also stores further data on the populace -- from consumer habits to banking activity, health status and indeed the DNA profile of every single inhabitant of Xinjiang.

Anyone with a potentially suspicious data trail can be detained.
China's Xinjiang Province: A Surveillance State Unlike Any the World Has Ever Seen - SPIEGEL ONLINE

The New Chinese Empire is not screwing around.
It's actually the Chinese Communist Party doing that. There are 90 million members, and 50 million who are not members.

If you are not a party member it's hard to get into well paying positions. Wealthy private sector people pay off party members to be "forgotten".

My point is more this....from the piece:

Xinjiang, one of the most remote and backward regions in booming China, has become a real-life dystopia. It provides a glimpse of what an authoritarian regime armed with 21st century technology is capable of.

And with the way the American New Left is willing to abuse people to gain conformity I dont assume that it cant happen here.

And the tech keeps getting better...
My point is more this....from the piece:

And with the way the American New Left is willing to abuse people to gain conformity I dont assume that it cant happen here.

And the tech keeps getting better...

In the wake of the Mercer Family's globe spanning surveillance for the Right, you have ZERO room to speak.
And the Mercers are just the tip of the iceberg.
In the wake of the Mercer Family's globe spanning surveillance for the Right, you have ZERO room to speak.
And the Mercers are just the tip of the iceberg.

For the 328,593th time...I claim to be a Leftist.

I carry no water for the Right.

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