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How's your Borg? I need a Borg way of saying 'back to school' (1 Viewer)

Aunt Spiker

DP Veteran
Oct 20, 2009
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Every year I put some back-to-school phrase on my truck . . . last year was "Yeah! The kids are back in school! Party party!"

This year I think I'll go Borg.

For us school starts August 19th - so I'm wanting to put something like
"School begins 8.19, Resistance is Futile, You will be Assimilated."

But I think 'school begins' isn't really Borg enough. What would work well? "Prepare to be Instructed" perhaps?

Plug in - share with me your thoughts.
Every year I put some back-to-school phrase on my truck . . . last year was "Yeah! The kids are back in school! Party party!"

This year I think I'll go Borg.

For us school starts August 19th - so I'm wanting to put something like
"School begins 8.19, Resistance is Futile, You will be Assimilated."

But I think 'school begins' isn't really Borg enough. What would work well? "Prepare to be Instructed" perhaps?

Plug in - share with me your thoughts.

Assimilation Date 8-19
Resistance is Futile
I like that - very borg, straight to the point.
Every year I put some back-to-school phrase on my truck . . . last year was "Yeah! The kids are back in school! Party party!"

This year I think I'll go Borg.

For us school starts August 19th - so I'm wanting to put something like
"School begins 8.19, Resistance is Futile, You will be Assimilated."

But I think 'school begins' isn't really Borg enough. What would work well? "Prepare to be Instructed" perhaps?

Plug in - share with me your thoughts.

A not borg theme.

8-19, the day when traffic gets worse.

Seriously, I hate when school starts back.
****ing school buses. :mad:
"We are the school system. You will join the class. Truancy is futile."
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Every year I put some back-to-school phrase on my truck . . . last year was "Yeah! The kids are back in school! Party party!"

This year I think I'll go Borg.

For us school starts August 19th - so I'm wanting to put something like
"School begins 8.19, Resistance is Futile, You will be Assimilated."

But I think 'school begins' isn't really Borg enough. What would work well? "Prepare to be Instructed" perhaps?

Plug in - share with me your thoughts.

I just sent you my input...ya gotta admit...that was funny as hell...right?

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