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Howdy! (1 Viewer)


New member
May 7, 2005
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Just wanted to introduce myself. I've been looking for a while for a forum to discuss politics on after leaving the pravda boards, and the general philosophy behind this one seems to be the best one I've found.

Here's to hoping that it'll be fun.


PS, I'm a libertarian for lack of a better term, but the engineer in me makes me too pragmatic to follow that path tightly.
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Hi bellisaurius! :2wave:


We have a great mix of ideas here. Have Fun and Happy Posting !​
Welcome to Debate Politics! :)
another person to add to the Liberal ranks, what is that now... 100 Conservative to Every 1 Liberal?
Arch Enemy said:
another person to add to the Liberal ranks, what is that now... 100 Conservative to Every 1 Liberal?
lol - It's actually 41/15 with 14 independants.
That is of the folks that are part of the group memberships. Many prefer not to be labled. True numbers would be hard to get.

Much better than it used to be.
You liberals are hard to find - but somehow speak the loudest in the media. :cool:
lol - It's actually 41/15 with 14 independants.
I thought it was 100 liberals to 1 Republcian. :shock: They sure do talk a lot. :mrgreen:

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