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Howard Dean does it again, opens mouth inserts foot...... (1 Viewer)

Navy Pride

DP Veteran
Jul 11, 2005
Reaction score
Pacific NW
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
When will it end? Big mouth Howard Dean has dine it again in that he opened his mouth and inserted his foot by saying our military can not win in Iraq......Truly he is the best thing to happen to the Republican Party in a long time.....


Dean: U.S. can't win Iraq war
GOP says Democrat leader embraces 'retreat and defeat'

Tuesday, December 6, 2005; Posted: 1:37 p.m. EST (18:37 GMT)

In an interview with WOAI radio in San Antonio Monday, the head of the Democratic Party drew a parallel between efforts to hand over security responsibilities to Iraqis and similar efforts during the Vietnam War to the South Vietnamese.
Navy Pride said:
When will it end? Big mouth Howard Dean has dine it again in that he opened his mouth and inserted his foot by saying our military can not win in Iraq......Truly he is the best thing to happen to the Republican Party in a long time.....


Dean: U.S. can't win Iraq war
GOP says Democrat leader embraces 'retreat and defeat'

Tuesday, December 6, 2005; Posted: 1:37 p.m. EST (18:37 GMT)

In an interview with WOAI radio in San Antonio Monday, the head of the Democratic Party drew a parallel between efforts to hand over security responsibilities to Iraqis and similar efforts during the Vietnam War to the South Vietnamese.

Kind of par for the course with the left isn't it
Navy Pride said:
When will it end? Big mouth Howard Dean has dine it again in that he opened his mouth and inserted his foot by saying our military can not win in Iraq......Truly he is the best thing to happen to the Republican Party in a long time.....


Dean: U.S. can't win Iraq war
GOP says Democrat leader embraces 'retreat and defeat'

Tuesday, December 6, 2005; Posted: 1:37 p.m. EST (18:37 GMT)

In an interview with WOAI radio in San Antonio Monday, the head of the Democratic Party drew a parallel between efforts to hand over security responsibilities to Iraqis and similar efforts during the Vietnam War to the South Vietnamese.

Not only is Dean good for the Republican party, he is a big morale boost for the al-quida terrorists around the world. His irresponsible remarks get our soldiers killed. See my signature below!
Too bad he didn't say it's going to take Iraqis to win in Iraq.
Ouch, looks as if 75% of those polled think Dean is correct, I do not. I do think we need to start coming home, but only when Iraq can defend herself, then I feel we will have completed our mission. I think we won a long time ago, we have just been trying to complete the job at hand, and it's important we do that. I also think it's irresponsible to make these claims, so close to their elections, but Dean is not one to miss a partisan attack, when one presents it's self.:roll:
I can just see a bunch of al-quida terrorists huddled together on the streets of Iraq watching this latest Dean comment on Al_Jazeera TV :

Ahmad: Hey, you guys, check out what Howard Dean has said.

Okmar: What did he say?

Ahmad: He says the American infidels are losing the war and cannot win.

Okmar: Allah is good. Praise Allah, we are winning. We must keep up the fight. Let's begin planning the mother of all attacks.

Ahmad: Yes, Akmar, we are very close now. Victory is near. Howard Dean just told us so.

To the brave men and women of the US military: We are sorry for this fools irresponsible remarks. Be very careful. Dean just gave the enemy reason to fight on.
Simon W. Moon said:
Too bad he didn't say it's going to take Iraqis to win in Iraq.

That's just the thing that's really frustrating. Howard Dean could be saying a lot of these things in a slightly different way and everything would be fine. Doesn't he have advisors or anything?
Connecticutter said:
That's just the thing that's really frustrating. Howard Dean could be saying a lot of these things in a slightly different way and everything would be fine. Doesn't he have advisors or anything?
From the link provided:
... Dean spokeswoman Karen Finney said that Republicans were "cherry-picking" Dean's words "just like they cherry-picked the pre-war intelligence.""We can only win if the Iraqi people are able to play a greater role in peacekeeping, and we can only win if the president gives an honest assessment of what's really happening on the ground in Iraq," Finney said ...
I don't think it really matters. If it wasn't this, it'd be something else. Politicians can count on folks not bothering to take a look at things for themselves as long as there's a convenient, ready-made, feel-good soundbite to be used against a straw-man.

Irrationality is a good like any other; the lower the private cost, the more agents buy. For most political and religious beliefs, the private cost of irrationality is zero.
The tragedy of his words is its just another attack on our troops in Iraq in him saying we can't win the war in Iraq........All the libs say the support the troops but they have a hell of way of doing it.......

Somebody in the democratic party should put a muzzle on dean...........
Deegan said:
Ouch, looks as if 75% of those polled think Dean is correct, I do not. I do think we need to start coming home, but only when Iraq can defend herself, then I feel we will have completed our mission. I think we won a long time ago, we have just been trying to complete the job at hand, and it's important we do that. I also think it's irresponsible to make these claims, so close to their elections, but Dean is not one to miss a partisan attack, when one presents it's self.:roll:

Deegan my friend don't be influenced by left wing media polls......
Simon W. Moon said:
From the link provided:
... Dean spokeswoman Karen Finney said that Republicans were "cherry-picking" Dean's words "just like they cherry-picked the pre-war intelligence.""We can only win if the Iraqi people are able to play a greater role in peacekeeping, and we can only win if the president gives an honest assessment of what's really happening on the ground in Iraq," Finney said ...
I don't think it really matters. If it wasn't this, it'd be something else. Politicians can count on folks not bothering to take a look at things for themselves as long as there's a convenient, ready-made, feel-good soundbite to be used against a straw-man.

Irrationality is a good like any other; the lower the private cost, the more agents buy. For most political and religious beliefs, the private cost of irrationality is zero.

Party chairs are hired to raise money....That is what he should do instead of running his mouth all the time and making outrageous statements that hurt the morale of the troops fighting in Iraq........
Navy Pride said:
Party chairs are hired to raise money....That is what he should do instead of running his mouth all the time and making outrageous statements that hurt the morale of the troops fighting in Iraq........
So, you're saying that our troops don't already know that it will take Iraqis to win in Iraq? And that this revelation hurts their feelings?
Simon W. Moon said:
So, you're saying that our troops don't already know that it will take Iraqis to win in Iraq? And that this revelation hurts their feelings?

Did you read the whole statement? Check it out and get back to me OK.......

Navy Pride said:
Did you read the whole statement
I'll give you a hint: I have already quoted an excerpt from the tail end of the article. More than that I will not say. You'll have to puzzle it out for your self if I read the entire article or not.
After you figure it out, get back to me ok? Thanks.
Simon W. Moon said:
I'll give you a hint: I have already quoted an excerpt from the tail end of the article. More than that I will not say. You'll have to puzzle it out for your self if I read the entire article or not.
After you figure it out, get back to me ok? Thanks.

Nah, I posted what he said..........Its not that important to me....I am busy debating with your friends on the left on about 10 threads at the moment........
KCConservative said:
I can just see a bunch of al-quida terrorists huddled together on the streets of Iraq watching this latest Dean comment on Al_Jazeera TV :

Ahmad: Hey, you guys, check out what Howard Dean has said.

Okmar: What did he say?

Ahmad: He says the American infidels are losing the war and cannot win.

Okmar: Allah is good. Praise Allah, we are winning. We must keep up the fight. Let's begin planning the mother of all attacks.

Ahmad: Yes, Akmar, we are very close now. Victory is near. Howard Dean just told us so.

To the brave men and women of the US military: We are sorry for this fools irresponsible remarks. Be very careful. Dean just gave the enemy reason to fight on.

Truth be told, this is what the insurgents are really saying about Howard Dean:

Ahmad: Did you hear what Howard Dean just said?

Okmar: Yes and it makes me very angry!

Ahmad: Yes and now that fool Bush Jr may just be forced to withdraw
American troops and then what happens to us?

Okmar: I know, President Bush is the best thing that our holy war has going
for us. If they withdraw how will we recruit? How will we expand with
no American troops to kill?

Ahmad: Howard must be stopped, the Democrats are the worst thing going
for us, death to the infidels.

Okmar: Peace with the Americans is the last thing we want, we want
them here, in our back yard, we cannot afford to take this holy war
to the streets of America, we need more Americans like that fool George W. Bush.

I think Dean was quoting the President:
Remember this interview with Matt Lauer?

Bush said:
"I don't think you can win it," Mr. Bush replied. "But I think you can create conditions so that those who use terror as a tool are less acceptable in parts of the world."


What a Moonbat that Bush is. :roll:

I think if George Bush had asked his father about the war in Iraq, he would have gotten the same answer that Dean gave. Dean has been right a lot more times than anyone in the administration.

Trying to eliminate Saddam, extending the ground war into an occupation of Iraq, would have violated our guideline about not changing objectives in midstream, engaging in "mission creep," and would have incurred incalculable human and political costs.
George H.W. Bush

Where do you think we'll be in six months? a year? five years? ten years? if we stay in Iraq?

Here's Dean's direct quote from AP.

In an interview with WOAI-AM in San Antonio, Dean criticized what he called President Bush's "permanent commitment to a failed strategy" while saying, "We need to be out of there and take the targets off our troops back." Dean recalled that the strategy to stay the course in Vietnam cost thousands more lives to be lost.

"I wish the president had paid more attention to the history of Iraq before we had gotten in there," Dean said. "The idea that we're going to win this war is just plain wrong."

KidRocks said:
Truth be told, this is what the insurgents are really saying about Howard Dean:

Ahmad: Did you hear what Howard Dean just said?

Okmar: Yes and it makes me very angry!

Ahmad: Yes and now that fool Bush Jr may just be forced to withdraw
American troops and then what happens to us?

Okmar: I know, President Bush is the best thing that our holy war has going
for us. If they withdraw how will we recruit? How will we expand with
no American troops to kill?

Ahmad: Howard must be stopped, the Democrats are the worst thing going
for us, death to the infidels.

Okmar: Peace with the Americans is the last thing we want, we want
them here, in our back yard, we cannot afford to take this holy war
to the streets of America, we need more Americans like that fool George W. Bush.


It would be more like this........

Ahmad: Did you hear what the leader of the liberal democratic party just said?

Okmar: Yeah he said their army can not defeat us in Iraq.......He is a very smart man............

Ahmad: I believe all the Liberals in that party have lost the stomach for the fight and victory will be ours very soon and we will own Iraq when the Americans cut and run...........

Okmar: We should put up a statue of that little fat man and make him and honorary moslem so he can get 72 virgins when he dies.........

Ahmad..........yeah, long live Dean!!!!!
Navy Pride said:
It would be more like this........

Ahmad: Did you hear what the leader of the liberal democratic party just said?

Okmar: Yeah he said their army can not defeat us in Iraq.......He is a very smart man............

Ahmad: I believe all the Liberals in that party have lost the stomach for the fight and victory will be ours very soon and we will own Iraq when the Americans cut and run...........

Okmar: We should put up a statue of that little fat man and make him and honorary moslem so he can get 72 virgins when he dies.........

Ahmad..........yeah, long live Dean!!!!!

No, terrorists worldwide love George W. Bush.

He is their poster child!

He is their biggest recruiter for their cause... terrorism!

And how ironic that in a way... he is their savior!

BTW... Weren't you aware that terrorists worldwide hate liberalism, hate liberals?

Get a clue boy!
KidRocks said:
No, terrorists worldwide love George W. Bush.

He is their poster child!

He is their biggest recruiter for their cause... terrorism!

And how ironic that in a way... he is their savior!

BTW... Weren't you aware that terrorists worldwide hate liberalism, hate liberals?

Get a clue boy!

He makes them able to meet their 72 virgins...........
KidRocks said:
Truth be told, this is what the insurgents are really saying about Howard Dean:

Ahmad: Did you hear what Howard Dean just said?

Okmar: Yes and it makes me very angry!

Ahmad: Yes and now that fool Bush Jr may just be forced to withdraw
American troops and then what happens to us?

Okmar: I know, President Bush is the best thing that our holy war has going
for us. If they withdraw how will we recruit? How will we expand with
no American troops to kill?

Ahmad: Howard must be stopped, the Democrats are the worst thing going
for us, death to the infidels.

Okmar: Peace with the Americans is the last thing we want, we want
them here, in our back yard, we cannot afford to take this holy war
to the streets of America, we need more Americans like that fool George W. Bush.


Somehow I just don't picture it.
hipsterdufus said:
I think Dean was quoting the President:
Remember this interview with Matt Lauer?

Bush said:


What a Moonbat that Bush is. :roll:

I think if George Bush had asked his father about the war in Iraq, he would have gotten the same answer that Dean gave. Dean has been right a lot more times than anyone in the administration.

George H.W. Bush

Where do you think we'll be in six months? a year? five years? ten years? if we stay in Iraq?

Here's Dean's direct quote from AP.


I'm with you. Is Dean's statement that off the chart?

Begs the question: How do you define "win"?
ShullsM said:
I'm with you. Is Dean's statement that off the chart?

Begs the question: How do you define "win"?

Thanks brother. I'm off to hear Bill Moyers speak tonight!
The dems just had a strategy meeting and almost to a man they came out and disassociated themselves with Deans ravings on Face the nation.......

Somebody better put a muzzle on this guy...He is killing your party........
hipsterdufus said:
Thanks brother. I'm off to hear Bill Moyers speak tonight!

Say hello to the other sheep for me.:2wave:

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