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How will history see Putin ? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 10, 2016
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Political Leaning
Will they see him as the strong leader many of our GOpers seem to say he is including Trump? Will they see him along side of leaders like Hitler and Stalin as those who killed anyone who got in his way, especially women and children in the case of Putin Ukraine? How will history see him?
Will they see him as the strong leader many of our GOpers seem to say he is including Trump? Will they see him along side of leaders like Hitler and Stalin as those who killed anyone who got in his way, especially women and children in the case of Putin Ukraine? How will history see him?
As a greedy corrupt ruthless power-hungry thug.
As the guy that was strung up in Red Square.

How will history see Putin ?​

As always, it depends on who writes the history and who reads it.
Responsible for creating a Russia and China partnership which may grow to include other nations like India and/or Iran.
Will they see him as the strong leader many of our GOpers seem to say he is including Trump? Will they see him along side of leaders like Hitler and Stalin as those who killed anyone who got in his way, especially women and children in the case of Putin Ukraine? How will history see him?
he will be seen as a strongman dictator who was a very keen observer of the flaws in the American system which he exploited brilliantly but who's arrogance and narrowly militaristic view of Russian progress ultimately doomed his reputation.
Will they see him as the strong leader many of our GOpers seem to say he is including Trump? Will they see him along side of leaders like Hitler and Stalin as those who killed anyone who got in his way, especially women and children in the case of Putin Ukraine? How will history see him?
It depends on who's writing the history, conservatives or liberals...
Will they see him as the strong leader many of our GOpers seem to say he is including Trump? Will they see him along side of leaders like Hitler and Stalin as those who killed anyone who got in his way, especially women and children in the case of Putin Ukraine? How will history see him?

if its based on reality it will see him as a vile bigoted POS killer 🤷‍♂️
Will they see him as the strong leader many of our GOpers seem to say he is including Trump? Will they see him along side of leaders like Hitler and Stalin as those who killed anyone who got in his way, especially women and children in the case of Putin Ukraine? How will history see him?

This idea that Putin is equivalent to Hitler or Stalin is absurd. He’s a run of the mill dictator, nothing more. History will point out how the aftershocks of the fall of the USSR and the failures of liberal democracy to properly establish itself in the 1990s led to him coming to power.

And you know what’s really depressing? The Saudis and UAE have been carrying out a bombing campaign every bit as brutal.....but nobody much cares. You certainly don’t see a flood of threads equating MBS to Hitler.
This idea that Putin is equivalent to Hitler or Stalin is absurd. He’s a run of the mill dictator, nothing more. History will point out how the aftershocks of the fall of the USSR and the failures of liberal democracy to properly establish itself in the 1990s led to him coming to power.

And you know what’s really depressing? The Saudis and UAE have been carrying out a bombing campaign every bit as brutal.....but nobody much cares. You certainly don’t see a flood of threads equating MBS to Hitler.

"Putin is bad BUT WHADDABOUT WHADDABOUT" :rolleyes:
"Putin is bad BUT WHADDABOUT WHADDABOUT" :rolleyes:

Are the folks being blasted to bits by the latest in American made weapons systems any less dead?

Or are you pouting again because I pointed out how silly the hysterical attempts to claim that Putin is equivalent to Hitler are?
Are the folks being blasted to bits by the latest in American made weapons systems any less dead?

Or are you pouting again because I pointed out how silly the hysterical attempts to claim that Putin is equivalent to Hitler are?

^ More whataboutism. More Putin apologism.

The OP strictly concerns Putin. If you want to talk about the American military, which you were going to serve, feel free to start another thread.
^ More whataboutism. More Putin apologism.

The OP strictly concerns Putin. If you want to talk about the American military, which you were going to serve, feel free to start another thread.

Oh look, more desperate attempts to ignore the glaring hypocrisy. I hate to break it to you but the facts don’t change, no matter how long you curl up in a ball and babble about “Putin apologism”.

Anymore who genuinely thinks Putin is equivalent to Hitler is simply clueless.
Oh look, more desperate attempts to ignore the glaring hypocrisy. I hate to break it to you but the facts don’t change, no matter how long you curl up in a ball and babble about “Putin apologism”.

Anymore who genuinely thinks Putin is equivalent to Hitler is simply clueless.

Your desperation is showing. You are now all-in with your whataboutism despite the fact that Putin was the primary target of the OP.

Maybe you just don't think he's that bad. You know, a run-of-the-mill dictator. :rolleyes:
As disgusting as it is.......Putin will ever even stand in history with Hitler and Stalin. He is nothing more than a wannabe stongman and
Dictator who will occupy a page and a half in history books. The very definition of a pathetic loser right up there with Saddam and Aasad
Your desperation is showing. You are now all-in with your whataboutism despite the fact that Putin was the primary target of the OP.

Maybe you just don't think he's that bad. You know, a run-of-the-mill dictator. :rolleyes:

Precisely because he IS a run of the mill dictator. Nothing Putin has done has been particularly out of the ordinary as far as dictators go. Hell, we’ve BACKED more than one thug who has Putin lapped multiple times as far as atrocities go.

And pointing out the reality that nobody cares when the people getting bombed to bits by American allies isn’t “whataboutism” in the slightest; it simply shows the hypocrisy inherent in the hysterics people like you spew.
Precisely because he IS a run of the mill dictator. Nothing Putin has done has been particularly out of the ordinary as far as dictators go. Hell, we’ve BACKED more than one thug who has Putin lapped multiple times as far as atrocities go.

I'm surprised you aren't outright defending Putin with your crap. Maybe you're just waiting for the right opportunity?

And pointing out the reality that nobody cares when the people getting bombed to bits by American allies isn’t “whataboutism” in the slightest; it simply shows the hypocrisy inherent in the hysterics people like you spew.

^ Tell me you do whataboutism without admitting you do whataboutism.
Are the folks being blasted to bits by the latest in American made weapons systems any less dead?

Or are you pouting again because I pointed out how silly the hysterical attempts to claim that Putin is equivalent to Hitler are?
Run- of- the- mill dictators are usually content to stay dictators, consolidate power, grab some money to hoard and set up their first born to utterly fail after them. Putin has aspirations of empire-building, territory grabbing and creating a 'Greater or Pan Russia . It does not make him Hitler, but it does make him more of a war monger than the run of the mill thug determined to own his 'hood' and all the important commerce within.
History will see P**** much the same as history will see T****: They were so bad that they inadvertently ushered in a slightly more progressive era.
I'm surprised you aren't outright defending Putin with your crap. Maybe you're just waiting for the right opportunity?

^ Tell me you do whataboutism without admitting you do whataboutism.

I’m not surprised you are melting down when faced with actual facts. Putin’s a run of the mill dictator. No more, no less. Equating him to Hitler or Stalin is downright laughable.

Nothing exists in a vacuum bud, no matter how triggered that fact makes you.
Run- of- the- mill dictators are usually content to stay dictators, consolidate power, grab some money to hoard and set up their first born to utterly fail after them. Putin has aspirations of empire-building, territory grabbing and creating a 'Greater or Pan Russia . It does not make him Hitler, but it does make him more of a war monger than the run of the mill thug determined to own his 'hood' and the commerce within.

His actions are nothing new though. Saddam in Iraq, Galtieri in Argentina, Gaddafi in Libya, Suharto in Indonesia.....all dictators who carried out(or attempted) land grabs of their own.
And pointing out the reality that nobody cares when the people getting bombed to bits by American allies isn’t “whataboutism” in the slightest; it simply shows the hypocrisy inherent in the hysterics people like you spew.

I've noticed a positive change in @Tigerace117's commentary. (y)
His actions are nothing new though. Saddam in Iraq, Galtieri in Argentina, Gaddafi in Libya, Suharto in Indonesia.....all dictators who carried out(or attempted) land grabs of their own.
No of course its not 'new' but we can distinguish between those content to brutalize their own people, in their own borders and those who like to export their cruelty for nationalistic and grandiose purpose. People like Putin give a real nasty and sincere international twist to their 'I have a dream' speeches that less ambitious dictators don't really mean. Maybe the real difference is that run of the mill dictators are lazier and are more risk adverse than guys like Putin.

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