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How White victimhood fuels Republican politics (1 Viewer)


Purge evil with Justice
DP Veteran
Jul 24, 2011
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Slightly Liberal

With President Biden having just passed one full year in office, public opinion research shows that white Americans — and especially Republicans — see whites as victims of discrimination more than, say, Hispanic or Black Americans. According to a 2021 survey by the Pew Research Center, for example, only 17 percent of Republican and Republican-leaning Americans said there is “a lot” of discrimination against Black people in today’s society. That number rose to 26 percent when Republicans were asked whether they believed white people faced “a lot” of discrimination. And intense white racial resentment remains present both among Trump’s base and in our politics today. Case in point: Trump, who’s a (very, very early) favorite to win the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, is still hitting that same drum; during a recent political event, the former president went so far as to falsely claim that white people were currently being discriminated against and sent to the “back of the line” when it came to receiving COVID-19 vaccines and treatment.

White wingers have deluded themselves into believing that they, not racial minorities, are the True Victims of racism in America. What they're really scared of is an America that is becoming less White and more Brown, and thus, Whites' losing power. This is the core of all right-wing politics in America right now, more than any other cause. We see this, for example, with militant parents crashing school board meetings demanding that their child not learn about racism or LGBTQ issues, or expressing sympathy for Ukrainian migrants while calling Nicaraguan migrants "invaders."

Brace yourself if these people manage to take the presidency back in 2024. They may find a way to never give it up.
White wingers have deluded themselves into believing that they, not racial minorities, are the True Victims of racism in America. What they're really scared of is an America that is becoming less White and more Brown, and thus, Whites' losing power. This is the core of all right-wing politics in America right now, more than any other cause. We see this, for example, with militant parents crashing school board meetings demanding that their child not learn about racism or LGBTQ issues, or expressing sympathy for Ukrainian migrants while calling Nicaraguan migrants "invaders."

Brace yourself if these people manage to take the presidency back in 2024. They may find a way to never give it up.
And it more than explains their attraction to Putin's decidedly white Russia.
Even treason isn't treason if it's in service to the Caucasian cause.

White wingers have deluded themselves into believing that they, not racial minorities, are the True Victims of racism in America. What they're really scared of is an America that is becoming less White and more Brown, and thus, Whites' losing power. This is the core of all right-wing politics in America right now, more than any other cause. We see this, for example, with militant parents crashing school board meetings demanding that their child not learn about racism or LGBTQ issues, or expressing sympathy for Ukrainian migrants while calling Nicaraguan migrants "invaders."

Brace yourself if these people manage to take the presidency back in 2024. They may find a way to never give it up.

Unfortunately, due to its length, I only did a speed-read of the article.

But I replied specifically due to the article title catching my eye, in particular one phrase:

"victim hood"

My God! They hit the nail on the head! "Victimhood"!

That seems to be the current dominate ethos of many Trump supporters and the current GOP. They perceive themselves as victims, and use that as license to display anger and poor behaviour. That's what got us the Big Lie and 1/6. Trump and the current GOP have done a very good job of not only capturing that, but of promoting it and assisting it to fester.

However I also must bring-out that Affirmative Action programs did indeed add gas to the fire. I won't go into the immense debate that is Affirmative Action, but it did help cause a victimhood response, include among guys I knew.
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White wingers have deluded themselves into believing that they, not racial minorities, are the True Victims of racism in America. What they're really scared of is an America that is becoming less White and more Brown, and thus, Whites' losing power. This is the core of all right-wing politics in America right now, more than any other cause. We see this, for example, with militant parents crashing school board meetings demanding that their child not learn about racism or LGBTQ issues, or expressing sympathy for Ukrainian migrants while calling Nicaraguan migrants "invaders."

Brace yourself if these people manage to take the presidency back in 2024. They may find a way to never give it up.

There is a lot of truth in white male victimization. To dismiss it out of hand will only produce more Trump's.

Let me ask you and the crowd here a question, when does it stop? I have placed women and blacks ahead of white males for 40 years in the workplace. What/when is the end/endgame?

This is a class struggle not a black, white struggle. People need to learn this before they can fix anything.
See my post just above.
??? My response was directed at your post above. If it answered my question, I wouldn't have asked.
What "truth" of white male victimization are you talking about?

White wingers have deluded themselves into believing that they, not racial minorities, are the True Victims of racism in America. What they're really scared of is an America that is becoming less White and more Brown, and thus, Whites' losing power. This is the core of all right-wing politics in America right now, more than any other cause. We see this, for example, with militant parents crashing school board meetings demanding that their child not learn about racism or LGBTQ issues, or expressing sympathy for Ukrainian migrants while calling Nicaraguan migrants "invaders."

Brace yourself if these people manage to take the presidency back in 2024. They may find a way to never give it up.
The best part about your post is you lacking any self-awareness in how you're using "white" as a slur and the irony and hypocrisy and utterly lost on you.
??? My response was directed at your post above. If it answered my question, I wouldn't have asked.
What "truth" of white male victimization are you talking about?

I said.
??? My response was directed at your post above. If it answered my question, I wouldn't have asked.
What "truth" of white male victimization are you talking about?
The truth that's plainly evident? I mean, we have a Supreme Court nominee that was literally picked because she is Black and female. This is actually illegal to do but somehow that's being glossed over to appease an insane ideology.

White wingers have deluded themselves into believing that they, not racial minorities, are the True Victims of racism in America. What they're really scared of is an America that is becoming less White and more Brown, and thus, Whites' losing power. This is the core of all right-wing politics in America right now, more than any other cause. We see this, for example, with militant parents crashing school board meetings demanding that their child not learn about racism or LGBTQ issues, or expressing sympathy for Ukrainian migrants while calling Nicaraguan migrants "invaders."

Brace yourself if these people manage to take the presidency back in 2024. They may find a way to never give it up.
Projection of the highest order

White wingers have deluded themselves into believing that they, not racial minorities, are the True Victims of racism in America. What they're really scared of is an America that is becoming less White and more Brown, and thus, Whites' losing power. This is the core of all right-wing politics in America right now, more than any other cause. We see this, for example, with militant parents crashing school board meetings demanding that their child not learn about racism or LGBTQ issues, or expressing sympathy for Ukrainian migrants while calling Nicaraguan migrants "invaders."

Brace yourself if these people manage to take the presidency back in 2024. They may find a way to never give it up.
That fact that there are people who actually believe this crap scares me, and I am fearless. You guys are gulping down this effluvia from the LW sewer like it was ambrosia. I hope at least some of you will eventually realize this a a blatant attempt to control you and keep in line with the far left lunacy. They're desperate because they realize they have nothing else to offer you that would actually improve your lives or the country. And you guys help by meekly falling lit line without one second's worth of thought.
The truth that's plainly evident? I mean, we have a Supreme Court nominee that was literally picked because she is Black and female. This is actually illegal to do but somehow that's being glossed over to appease an insane ideology.

You can't even imagine how stupid that sounds. The idea that picking a Black female somehow victimized a White male is ****ing ridiculous. If it were the "truth", then no matter who was picked, it would be "victimizing" every other excluded demographic!
On what planet does that make sense? And how many moons orbit it?
You can't even imagine how stupid that sounds. The idea that picking a Black female somehow victimized a White male is ****ing ridiculous. If it were the "truth", then no matter who was picked, it would be "victimizing" every other excluded demographic!
On what planet does that make sense? And how many moons orbit it?
It makes sense on a planet where people actually know how to critically think and analyze what is being said and pushed. Apparently, you don't live on that planet because the point well over your head. Now, I'll do the thing where I wait to see if you can figure out how you ****ed up on your own, how long it will take you, or if you just utterly fail and I have to write it for you in crayon.
I'm just here for the froth.
You folks are not helping to dispel the suggestion that Republicans in general and Trump fans in particular are focused on the myth that whites in America are the real victims in this country.

As a white attorney that got passed over for consideration for the Supreme Court, I should be the one feeling victimized by Biden's choice. Yet I dont. Why are any of you?
I continue to find all the jealousy of White men to be laughable. Why is it that in nearly every part of the globe which has been historically governed and developed by so called "evil White men"; why are these usually places where the rest of the planet all want to immigrate to? Many risking everything, even their lives to get there?
I continue to find all the jealousy of White men to be laughable. Why is it that in nearly every part of the globe which has been historically governed and developed by so called "evil White men"; why are these usually places where the rest of the planet all want to immigrate to? Many risking everything, even their lives to get there?
Historically “governed” and “developed” are euphemisms for robbed them blind.
The best person for the job is simply the best person for the job.
Regardless of skin color.
It's hard to understand that for some of you. I know.
It makes sense on a planet where people actually know how to critically think and analyze what is being said and pushed. Apparently, you don't live on that planet because the point well over your head. Now, I'll do the thing where I wait to see if you can figure out how you ****ed up on your own, how long it will take you, or if you just utterly fail and I have to write it for you in crayon.
LOL - yeah, way over my head. Your reach has exceeded your grasp. You presented absolutely NO REBUTTAL WHATSOEVER to the point I made about the simple FACT that using your own criteria for victimization would mean that no matter who is chosen, it makes every other demographic a victim. Way too complicated for you to see, eh? Time for you to take a big step back from your victim trees and take a look at the forest. Or not.

Might as well enjoy your victim-hood. With your blinders on, it doesn't seem likely it will end anytime soon.
The best person for the job is simply the best person for the job.
There's no such thing as "the best person for the job". It's a fantasy only propagated by Republicans when a Democrat picks a Supreme Court candidate. I still vividly remember Bush the Elder shoveling that shit when he called Clarence Thomas "the best person for the job". We all laughed and laughed that day, and history has shown why. And anyone who thinks that there were no better candidates available for the bench than Brett Kavanaugh has their head too far up their ass to even take seriously.
It's hard to understand that for some of you. I know.
Exactly my thinking.

White wingers have deluded themselves into believing that they, not racial minorities, are the True Victims of racism in America. What they're really scared of is an America that is becoming less White and more Brown, and thus, Whites' losing power. This is the core of all right-wing politics in America right now, more than any other cause. We see this, for example, with militant parents crashing school board meetings demanding that their child not learn about racism or LGBTQ issues, or expressing sympathy for Ukrainian migrants while calling Nicaraguan migrants "invaders."

Brace yourself if these people manage to take the presidency back in 2024. They may find a way to never give it up.
Their reason is no different from why the are scared of women having as much power as they, of LGBTQ people having as much power, etc., They know themselves too well and believe if any or all of these minority groups get power these minority groups will treat them the same as they have and now do treat the minority groups.

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